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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. noice! two suggestions, if I may? 1) the arms look a bit too manly, 2) the pants could use a different texture but it's a great model otherwise
  2. ja, apparently that's why we have over9000 Obi-Wan's, Anakin's, Vader's, Windu's, Emperor's, and their sabers
  3. like this! one question for the knowledgeable - how do I make my own comic? I have a few ideas, and I understand that I mainly need to make screens, edit and arrange them, but how do I animate the characters properly for the screens?
  4. If only there were better\ easier mapping tools for JK
  5. Oye, oye! Rebels S04 confirmed! As to my impressions on the last two episodes of S03, here goes: (spoilers(!!!), obviously)
  6. Eh, that's a vague title. I've been browsing though the mods section and noticed that there aren't many mods that deal with Rebels, Rogue One, or TFA. The ones available are mostly sabers, player models, reskins, and only a few maps. Now these are indeed all good and welcome, and I know there aren't many mappers left among us, and that the three aforementioned um...products(?) are not very popular with most people, but then, why is there so little content on TCW, which everyone likes a lot better? I'm probably gonna get bashed for saying this, but let's stop making skins, player models, and sabers, and actually get to making more maps, especially ones from TCW, Rebels, TFA, and Rogue One, because there many places there that'd make great Duel or FFA maps. What do you all think?
  7. I suppose, but then, if you figured it out, there shouldn't be a problem, no? Also, Kyle isn't the best example to use in this regard because he's the player character, and his force power gain is indeed coded. It's the same for the player.npc in JKA, though that one has even less info on the character. Eh, doesn't matter, I guess.
  8. aye, the helmet is Ubese, at least according to the Sith Stalker Armor description on Wookieepedia
  9. Me, I don't hate the new canon, I just feel like it's really bland and hardly original by comparison, not to mention that some of the things were done better in the old canon. But how is it not =/= to destroying the EU? They just take bits from it to add to the new lore - Malachor is a planet covered in glass that has a giant Sith city underneath? Wot? All the Jedi there used cross-guard lightsabers (according to issue #2 of the new Maul comic) - again, wot? The Kotor stories were just so much more interesting in this little regard. Or the Mandalorian Jedi Tarre Vizsla? They just gave all the fanboys and girls what they've been wanting all this time. But a Mandalorian can't be a Jedi, there' just too big a difference between the two groups' ideologies, not to mention that the Mandos are now a human sub-race rather than a multi-race culture. Sure, the old EU content is still there, but what's the point if it's not really a part of the universe anymore? Just 'legalized' fan-fiction, is what it is. But at least you're right about two things: MM isn't the new Emperor - thank the Force for that! And KK isn't a b!@tch - he's not even there anymore.
  10. You're absolutely right, my good sir! But you didn't answer the question Actually, I didn't know about the Matrix remake. Wonder what SJW crap they can stick into it - I really can't think of anything...but I guess they'll find a way I wish they'd remake the Matrix with the original script, the one that doesn't have the cheap happy ending
  11. looks cool, but the helm's hardly Mandalorian, eh?
  12. But have you actually tried it? From what I could figure, it's a standalone mod for DN3D that has DF assets, but it's own story and stuff. I could be wrong of course.
  13. I see. Well, like I said, it's all about animations and coding (and maybe a custom skeleton for your model), at least, if I'm right. You should ask @@eezstreet. Check the tutorials' section on the site, or ask some of the bigger RP clans that have npcs in MP. I think this clan here had them on their server(s).
  14. Now I don't know if you've seen this nifty little project, but if you haven't, prepare to kick ass and drink blue milk! (or what was it that Kyle drank?) Duke Forces A Dark Forces mod for Duke Nukem 3D. The guys say they're gonna release a sequel soon. I asked them if it's gonna be Dark Forces 2 brought to DN3D, or if it's gonna be a standalone Duke Forces sequel, but they haven't yet answered. We'll see how it goes. And no, I'm not advertising on their behalf, I just figured you guys would like this.
  15. Well, first of, as far as I remember, rancors do have a bite attack, but they kinda charge at you (or was it when you hurt them bad enough? can't remember for certain). Second, in order to do this, you'll need two things, I think - coding and animation. These can be difficult to do (and tedious, I'd imagine), but if you know what you're doing, you should be fine. Likewise, if you, or anyone downloading your mod, have no other mods that effect these particular npcs' (rancor, howler, whathaveyou) scripts and/ or animations, there shouldn't be any conflicts. Since there aren't many mods that deal with these particular npcs, I think you should be pretty safe. Installing them should also be easy, I think, since animations and scripts use the same .pk3 archive as most mods. About MP npcs - are you talking about bots, or actual npcs? Bots are computer-controlled and the game treats them like players. Npcs are also computer controlled, but depending on how you program them, they can do a variety of things such as talk to you (opens a conversation menu once you 'activate' them - this I've seen on some RP mods for MP), walk around the map, loop an animation (I.E. working at a computer), etc. (by comparison bots will only run around, fight, and collect weapons), and the game treats them as environmental objects, so if an npc somehow kills you in MP, your death will count as environment-induced (fell into a pit, burned by lava, etc., but with some appropriate commentary). Making bots is easy (that is, it should be easy, but lately I've been having some trouble - glitches - but I'll try doing it manually); making npcs for MP you'll need coding. Npcs in SP are easy to make. At least, that's all I can tell you from the top of my head.
  16. That is, when the old canon was declared null legends, and everything you loved about it didn't matter anymore. I was where I still am - in university (not at university, mind you). At first, I didn't even understand the whole bit, was browsing through Wookieepedia and noticed the 'Legends' and 'Canon' labels. I didn't pay much attention, but once I noticed two Leia articles, and asked why there were two of them, I was laid out the news. So, wkat's your story?
  17. Um, I think so, but I don't remember...I actually did do it once or twice, but I really don't remember how...either I cheated my way to Taspir, killed Rosh, and proceeded with Korriban, or there's some command, but alas. You can try devmap-ing to Korriban and setting playerteam to free, and then entering Ragnos' tomb, but I'm not sure if it'll work.
  18. um, yeah, and the saber was featured in Rebels, not TCW, but good work anyway! (thumbsup)
  19. Let me guess - Maul's death, was it? Somehow I feel as though I should know you...did you release some maps or models on FileFront or Lucasfiles? Still - welcome! Always nice to see oldtimers returning
  20. I'm cat this! You should ask @@Jeff for the Kotor models, if you haven't already. Then again, I thought there already was a KOTOR mod for JKA, but it focused on duels.
  21. I know most of you's don't like bots, to play with bots, or anything else having to do with bots (other than removing them), but still, if you know how to help me, it'll be appreciated. So, I got Botmaker, and made some bots with it in the past. Everything worked well. Recently, one of my uploaded characters (npc and bot) went missing from the server (some glitch or something), so I had to recreate it, because I removed the original from my computer the last time I deleted JA. So I created the bot with Botmaker, added the textures, sounds, and all that good stuff. But once I got to test it, I ran into a bunch of issues, namely: 1) I gave the bot a 'kyle' saber, with an orange blade, but for some reason, he wields the saber without a blade (or with an 'invisible' blade, if you will). Same happens with other colors, though I haven't checked it this happens with blue. The saber could be hardwired to be blue, but I doubt it, since the previous rendition of this bot worked with an orange blade, and I think there were at least two more bots that also used a 'kyle' saber (I could be wrong though). 2) I gave him a lightside alignment, and an aggressive behavior, but when I test the guy out, he uses Lightning and Rage, and always runs away when I approach him. Not to mention he's weaker than most other bots (even the vanilla ones). Last time I tested him, he would only use the blaster pistol and force push. 3) I gave him several lines of dialogue, and set his chatability to 3, but he doesn't talk at all - AT ALL(!!!). Anyone have any ideas?
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