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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. it's always bugged me (pun! ) but I never paid much attention as long as the models and textures worked
  2. never heard of it either, then again, I'm not much for multiplayer because I always get a lot of lag
  3. I think it's quite possible. You'll need the JO .npc files for the characters you want, copy the behavior information (reflex, speed, force powers, saber styles) into the same .npc files in JA, and you should be good to go. At least, if I understood your question correctly. If not, then I guess coding and animations are involved. Those, I don't know how to edit.
  4. Beats me! I don't understand why people use any CGI these days ._.
  5. Just watched it (finally!). What can I say? It was...ok. The lead characters and the dialogues turned out better than I expected. Didn't like Vader's costume, didn't like the CGI'd Tarkin, but Leia was better, perhaps it's because she didn't move. The movie had some pretty cool scenes, like when the Death Star's laser-dish is set into place - just shows how bit it is compared to the already giant Star Destroyers, or the Death Star's "weak" shots - literally nuclear explosions. The scenery was also nice. The blind guy I didn't really like, in some scenes he felt too much like a ham. Also - CGI'd Mon Calamari ( ); and they weren't entirely consistent with the OT because, it seems, all the Death Troopers, KX-droids, Delta-class and Zeta-class shuttles, Tie-Reapers and /sk x1's, UT-60D's, TX-225 GAVw's (as well as their commanders) were whipped out when Scarif got attacked. Oh yeah, and I really could do without the damned R2 and 3-PO.
  6. hah, not bad! but the first two trailers should have been further edited, because some moments make absolutely no sense
  7. oh, well the floating sabers' detail is interesting. by the way, was it ever revealed what he meant by saying he finally understood what Malak was trying to tell him, at the end of the first Revan operation in TOR (you know, before disappearing)?
  8. the whole balance concept is still shady to me
  9. holy phunk! you got it! thanks! the other one is - Jedi Council by Erstok Ontawl and yes, it does have at least one asian-style area - the dojo!
  10. um, I seem to have a problem downloading files, each time I click on a link, it says "Error 404, file not found"
  11. Hey, so the first one is an academy\ temple-type map, I think it's a clan map at that. On the inside it's Asian-styled (at least partly, if I remember correctly), there's a duel\ training room where you can spawn several Reborns, each next one stronger than the previous (Desann being the strongest), and there's also an 'exit', which looks like the entrance to the Coruscant temple, it leads to a small terrace with an invisible wall (a skybox, obviously), mountain walls on the sides, some snow falling. The second one is a Yavin-type map, it's also an academy-style map, but not quite. You start in a garden of a sort, there are holograms of Jadens (character created ones) with nameplates - it's a clan map. On the side there's a door that leads to another section, there's a fence, some running water, some more doors that lead to a cantina and whatnot. Another door in the main garden (if I'm not mistaking) leads 'outside' of the 'compound' to a plain-type area, there's a dolmen on the far side, with an elevator underneath that takes you to a series of underground corridors. These are styled like an imperial base, with a medlab and a storage area (also an engine room of a sort, if I'm not mistaking). There' also vents in the ceiling that you can crawl through. Thanks in advance!
  12. Yeah! We already have Naga Sadow, so we need this guy now!
  13. Eh, well, there was the Maul Race pack that added a new race to character creation, consisting of Maul, and several reskins - was actually a pretty good pack, don't know why it got removed. Another pack I can think of is the Zabrak Male Species Pack, but it was really another pack of Maul reskins, and not very good ones at that, but at least they didn't look evil. Anything else, you'd have to ask @@Jeff, I suppose.
  14. my good lads, I have a question! earlier some of you's posted Imperial Knights with different heads and Vensling with different heads. how do I get them to work on npc's?
  15. Eh, I'd say you'd need to change the core game files to add red to random list, or create a new one that would work alongside the vanilla random list but also add red. It's done with coding, I think, and sadly, I cannot help with it because I have no idea about coding
  16. the_raven

    Noghri Jedi

    i should say, it's a nice set of reskins
  17. also, you might consider removing some of the details like the cape, the helmet antenna, etc. (this can be done by editing the .skin file)
  18. R.I.P. Maul :'(

    1. JediBantha


      Better that he's laid to rest, than having someone ruin his character further.

    2. the_raven


      Agreed. At least he got a good death.

  19. it's a start, but do work on it some more (way more)
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