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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. the hat texture needs a bit of improvement, but its cool
  2. didn't someone already port HK-47 from Kotor?
  3. that's an assumption, and as far as the dudes at wookieepedia were concerned, it doesn't count
  4. the helmets look kinda impractical though, but of course, it's sci-fi, so that's only the look
  5. what do you mean by 'flippers'? you mean like the Gungans' ears?
  6. or we could just retexture Jeff's Hk-55...
  7. yeah, and while someone's at it, why not make a whole standalone skin/ species pack?
  8. Well, i like it! Could use some improvement, but it's nice
  9. generally, I dislike TCW models, but that's not the case with Aurra
  10. yus! scuba-clones! finally! btw, what's that background?
  11. someone should really make new animations to avoid amor clipping, don't ya think?
  12. I actually already delete most of my website accounts. I now only have one here, on moddb, on facebook (because I need it for university ), and that's about it. I still have an e-mail and skype though. Randomly generated passwords sounds like a good idea. I can't stop paying for internet service though, since I currently live with my parents, and they need the internet for work, etc. Also, I don't use devices that use wifi (other than my computer) - I have an old Nokia cellphone But yeah, deleting my internet accounts won't protect me from the NSA, though they can bite me - they have not right to track me anyway, since I'm not an American citizen (since they might have the right to spy on Americans out of supposed security concerns). But why? It actually makes me wonder why some forums only delete ones account but not their messages, and others don't. I might consider your offer though I thought about that, but I'm not at all tech-savvy
  13. Yes. I'm trying to leave all internet, it's not healthy for me
  14. actually, the huge brow-bulges the 3d model has just look strange
  15. Yeah, their proportions seem more or less 'real'. By the way, is that Vossk?
  16. Heh, the guys at NDG added nightsisters in one mission in Wild Force, but it was just one, and it was Tavion
  17. Oh. Well, I can do a text translation too Might just do it for ComForce
  18. Nazar Design Group only ever made three of these - Communication Force, Lady Jedi, and Wild Force (the latter of which will be uploaded soon, I think). I would translate 'em, but I haven't got a mic + it'll be really raw because I'm no good at audio work anyway. The post-soviet fanbase aren't much aware of the site. There are reasons for this. Among these are: 1) the many Russian sites that also offer(ed) mods (a big part of which are/ were taken from here, or from JKfiles anyway); 2) JKfiles was more popular; 3) this site doesn't have Russian (most Russians don't want to learn English); 4) the game's popularity has dwindled over the years, and many fans have moved on to newer games; 5) fans 'grew up'. In fact, back when JKfiles was on, I didn't really use this site myself.
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