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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Just like a gothic... Giiirl... Lost in the darken... World... My little gothic giiirl... © Nice one though, the head kinda reminds me of the Necros from UT99 (was it 99?) and the legs remind me of the female peds from GTASA
  2. pretty cool reskin! but for the love of cheese, why does nobody ever do something about the armpits? D:
  3. good to see more non-SW-related models what's that saber though?
  4. to me, the purple pants just don't go very well with the blue hoodie + the flap shoud be of the hoodie's color
  5. is it just me, or are the cultists black? (though their voice doesn's sound very black, or even hindi)
  6. What are you asking for exactly? The green cultist's skin? If yes, then you can find it in assets1.pk3 - models - cultist, though you'll probably have to convert it to .png since it's in .jpg format. I don't understand why you might need something that's already in-game, or are you making a movie in a different game?
  7. I don't know...the scepter and Desann's saber are just kinda over the top somehow...also, where's Stinger?
  8. the_raven


    are you f@cking serious? damn, that's awesome!
  9. The way I see it, their goal was to just lure the jedi close enough to kill them, not to permanently have them believe they were survivors. Also, we're not sure who those clones were, I mean, whether or not they were of the 501st, or of Coruscant. If they were of the later, they didn't have as much experience with the Jedi as their brothers who fought on the frontlines. great!
  10. but if you watched the deleted scene, you know why they did it (though you don't really need to, to understand it)
  11. one question - does it have clipping when using it in single-blade mode?
  12. no, I think the one from FileFront had only one 'blade', and a different texture (or model)
  13. personally, I'm more a fan of neo-crusader armor, but it's a nice pack I'd add some variety to the heads/ faces, since it's not a jango fett\ clonetrooper pack
  14. I actually have it from there Jeff updated that pack? can I have a link??
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