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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. But ain't that like, against the Jedi Code? There are Padawan trials for this, you know! Well, considering that the Jedi\ Sith by the time of KOTOR were "as children playing with toys" compared to the ancient ones (namely the Jedi Exiles that established the Sith 'religion'), it makes sense that Luke ain't as powerful as Yoda or Windu, and I'm not talking about Force mastery, I'm talking about actual knowledge. But I suppose the "Ancient Jedi temple" of which you speak could have taught him things, though it's strange the Empire didn't sack it like it did the rest.
  2. what, just this outfit? not the scout and soldier ones? still, the outfit is pretty cool btw, what's the gold-armored sith trooper on the banner and the green-sabered jedi? also, will the mod have female options too, or will it be like JO with just one uneditable protagonist?
  3. Note: I'm not sure it's the proper sub-forum, but oh well. So apparently someone remade\ is remaking the Serenity Jedi Engine from 2015. The (re)maker claims to have received permission from Serenity and to have fixed 99.99% of all bugs and crashes. Anyway, here's the page on moddb. Maybe someone already posted this, maybe the guy is even a member here (I don't know ), or maybe it's a fake, but I didn't see any posts, so I figured I'd share because it's obviously down this site's alley. Discuss.
  4. Well, like I said in the other thread, I sadly cannot do this kind of stuff. But I do like the model, though not the texturing
  5. I'm not sure if modding JA++ is the same as the regular JA, you should speak to @@Raz0r or @@Circa, they seem to know a lot about both topics.
  6. Nice work! "Spoiled" if for me too, since I didn't see any trailers other than the original, but since I'm not afraid of spoilers, it's no big deal (besides, some random trooper armor is not that much of a spoiler) EDIT: Wait, there's a second trailer? You mean that behind the scenes video that starts with "Another Star Wars...Wow!"?
  7. Not like it matters really since they were a group of pirate modders Did you know they stole a lot of mods for Lady Jedi and sold it (Lady Jedi) as a standalone game despite it being a total conversion mod for Jedi Outcast? It even had many of the JO assets! Still, since I can appreciate the work the put into their first two 'games' (they did make the story, coding, voiceover, and possibly levels), I welcome this
  8. aye, you need to be more specific
  9. as in, it's that tri-colored corner-shaped thingy or is the hilt outright invisible? also, what's that tri-colored corner-shaped thingy called by the community anyway? it's supposed to be a missing model or missing texture or something, right?
  10. When I first read this I immediately thought of the x-saber-staff (you know, like a staff, but has 2 emitters on each end and looks like an X?) The design shown in the "Lucas Special Edition of TFA", and in the image, actually reminded me of some of those double-bladed swords from KOTOR, ah, good times
  11. speaking of that mod, can anyone actually remove the terrible jumping animation? it doesn't work properly in long (lvl3) jumps
  12. oh, so this is what you wanted in the other topic
  13. Wait, you want him to have Boba Fett's helmet under the hood? Shouldn't the fabric hood be stretched by the helmet? In real life, I mean. Or do you want him to wear a Boba Fett helmet 'mask', like Revan? I'm no kitbasher, but I think making something like that should be fairly easy. It's times like these I regret I never bothered learning to kitbash
  14. but the area where Han was killed - the balcony\ platforms should have more levels, and the door should face the bridge other than that, it looks pretty good! can't wait to try it out by the way, where's this chick from?
  15. Looks cool! But what's with the Senate Guards' statues?
  16. the_raven


    The screen reminded me of Hogwarts from the first Harry Potter games
  17. the_raven

    New Hazardtroopers

    impressive! remind of some warhammer or whatnot, but pretty scary-looking
  18. the_raven

    Jyn Erso

    make that two - the head is too big
  19. the_raven


    that's racist! joking! good reskin!
  20. cool! I still didn't understand where he got the lightsaber from :|
  21. Aha! See? I told you this game was gay! this one I should remember, it's funny
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