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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Can ANYONE explain to me why Kyle absolutely must have black armpits on his clothes? <_<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bek


      It looks cool.

    3. AngelModder


      Well the guy goes on adventures that last atleast a few weeks, your armpits would be black to...

    4. the_raven


      @Numfast, funny how even knowing how people noticed it, the devs still didn't bother fixing it, and all the modders just left it as it is (and even recreated it in their own mods)

      @Ramikad, "nearly", you said it yourself :P

      @Bek, no, it looks silly!

      @Linken and @AngelModder, oh come now, you really think his ship has no shower or a deodorant at least?

  2. wait, are we sure he's not talking about ladder type maps?
  3. the_raven

    Atlas's Skin

    not bad, though not a fan of writings on skins
  4. I think I've seen similar ones before, but it's pretty solid for such a simple reskin
  5. Ya know, the forgotten platform of Yavin 4 and the Death Star bridge from TFU would make great duel maps Also, do you still rig people's characters from TOR?
  6. such high poli, oh dear! cool sabers though, the first one does look like a blowtorch
  7. Too much filter, especially when there's motion (jumps, sprints, etc.), and the Ahsoka model is kinda ugly (no offense to the model's author), but it's pretty nice comic. Also:
  8. Now that you've mentioned it, it's kinda strange that a robot in a galaxy far far away has a Chinese name... Anyway, I'm not a big fan of robots that act more human than the humans (not humane), have personal names, and so forth. The model looks like it's long overdue for scrap (the robot's design is fairly old, I think), but it doesn't mean the robot has to act like an old geezer - it's a machine, people!! But yeah, I can dig the model.
  9. I'd say these are pretty solid, or at least the first two
  10. "More content, not less!" - that guy cracks me up to this very day! :D

    1. Noodle


      Reminds me to an old saying in my country: "Let's farm the land!", Said the fly in the bull's horn.

  11. Didn't they make all lightsabers work by that technology?
  12. That's actually pretty cool, though I'm a bit tired of all these lego cartoons and videogames
  13. the_raven


    to be fair though, based on the screens, the retexture is pretty nice quality
  14. wow! now that I've never heard of! cool!
  15. (I didn't read the OP attentively, never mind.)
  16. That's a missing texture? I honestly didn't even notice it! (and no, I'm not just being a smartass, I really didn't notice it)
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