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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. With all things said and done people should just move on, lest we derail this thread with pointless drama and bickering.
  2. Perhaps the problem is that you're trying to start with something that's not as easy as it would seem. All the knowledge I've gotten with blender so far has been through watching very basic youtube tutorials, like how to make a barrel or how to make a low-poly model. Noone should try to port or model without knowing the very basics.
  3. Thanks! I'm still learning the basics of texturing/re-skinning. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to do much better stuff!
  4. Do the NPCs have a proper NPC_targetname value? I'd advice you to create a trigger_once brush that targets a target_scriptrunner entity that uses your custom script. I've seen your method fail in the past for some reason.
  5. Don't worry! I'm catching up after just coming back from a long trip, I'll answer your PM soon!
  6. Thanks for caring Wasanohime, though it doesn't bother me to get pinged. It's my fault for having stated in the past that I was going to eventually update the animations menu and failing to do so yet. The thing with the animations menu is that I've added custom animations to the game that I'd love to implement on the menu, but it'd require you to replace your _humanoid.gla file with my own, which means it'd be incompatible with any other animations mod you have. That's stopped me from doing more stuff with it. The good thing about it, would be that you'd have access to a ton of new animations. The other reason I haven't updated this thread in a while is because I've dabbled on things I won't release her since they use ported meshes. I'll share with you guys some pics and little descriptions. This is an example of something done with ported pieces. I basically took the head of a model ported by @@Jeff and mixed it with the female human body. I re-rigged it to my liking, added proper shadows and re-colored since I'm trying to learn how to re-texture models. The animations seen above are some of the ones that could be added to the updated animation menu if I decide just to replace the base _humanoid.gla file. As you can see here, I rigged the model's mouth to actually move when it speaks. This is part of a gift to a friend, though it's not finished and it uses parts of a model created by another author, so I won't release it publicly since it could probably upset him/them. These are the outer walls of an imperial fortress. It's unfinished and it's my attempt to help the guys at the Warzone mod. This is the exterior of an imperial warehouse. Same as above. This is the interior of a warehouse that's going to be used on my main mod. People suggested I should add crates, which I'll do. This is the interior of a Pirate's hideout. Also part of my main mod. In other words, even though I haven't posted as much as before, I'm far from inactive here. It's just that there're some things I won't be able to release here since I don't want to make anyone upset.
  7. Did you try to set it as an 'affect' command? I'm actually surprised it worked on a player but not an NPC. Could you share the scripts here?
  8. I'm incredibly hyped to see the animated hutt model.
  9. In most cases players behave in the same way as NPCs. You'd either need to add a 'affect player' command on icarus or just make the player entity have a deathscript in GTKradiant.
  10. Just a tip, work on your spacing. If you'd rather separate your ideas with spaces between your paragraphs it'd be much easier to read what you've shared. As it is, it's an eyesore and I'm 100% sure most people won't read it for that reason. Don't waste a whole paragraph on what can be said on a single sentence. Be brief and straight to the point and you'll see a better reception to your ideas.
  11. Very smart of you guys to make it not-star wars but be able to support star wars mods, best of luck!
  12. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1804-admiral-pellaeon/
  13. Ziro the hutt is great as a model concept, just as any of the other members of the hutt cartel
  14. Thanks for sharing those videos! They're great for those who're trying to understand the basics of modelling!
  15. Don't know if it will help you, but here's a video reference of a hippo walking
  16. Wouldn't it be more logical to make it have the same class as the tauntauns?
  17. Man, you truly are quick! What software did you use to create the beast's textures? If you ever record yourself creating stuff, I'd love to see your workflow!
  18. Wow, you're quick! It should probably have an interesting idle animation. Not just breathing, but maybe some random movement like the one in the video. I'd think those beasts are like hippopotamus, so maybe they should behave as such?
  19. What about a Kowakian monkey-lizard or a Gundark? Both of them would be great for very different reasons!
  20. You've heavily improved since your last attempt! Very good job!
  21. It feels good to map again. Hopefully I'll release something soon!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ramikad


      For trees and brushes, I found that using Arbaro is useful to get textures from high poly trees and make low poly ones with them. It's just a pity that it has no presets for pines, redwood and conifers in general. I love conifers.

    3. AshuraDX


      @IrocJeff would you like to join the beta test group? I could really use some more active testers.

    4. IrocJeff


      Sure, just send me a pm with all the details.

  22. Whenever someone connects to your game it will stop pausing when you press ESC. If noone can connect, you can create a dedicated server (the typical openjkdedx86.exe or something like that) and join to your own server (it should be available on LAN)
  23. Watched it all. You're incredibly talented, I hope that you're successful in whatever you want to focus in life.
  24. It's a very ambitious and interesting idea, but I have no idea how you could code it to make it work. You could always work on what has been done and imitate part of what the 4 armed grievous model did. It achieved the 4 lightsaber effects by making custom saber hilts that gave the illusion of being 4 instead of 2. Then again, making good animations like that would be quite impossible.
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