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Status Updates posted by Daedra

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DrXann


      I wonder how its story will play out.

    3. Newmodder


      Hope we get to se some new clone trooper and stormtrooper variants

    4. the_raven


      Not sure what to think of this. But I don't think I'd play it either way, my computer would probably not be able to run it -.-

  1. This new JKHub is cool but it'll take me some time to get used to it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bek


      I'm pretty sure it was ensiform.

    3. JediBantha


      Well... The only question left is, who was the phone cord?

    4. Bek


      I'm looking at you Circa.

  2. Beep. Beep. I'm a sheep. I said beep beep I'm a sheep.

    1. RJA


      I like trains.

    2. Barricade24


      Have you seen my lemons? I want my lemons.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. the_raven


      But if that doesn't cut it for you, then yes, it's a movie mistake, but you have to admit, it looks pretty cool. Then again, there's no sound in space either, but we hear every blaster shot, hit, and explosion :P

    3. Daedra


      It's just shot weird, I guess it's just personal preference. Not everyone can like the same thing.

    4. the_raven
  3. Can't stop watching this, haha! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-SVpUvFN8g W E N S L E Y D A L E

  4. Feelin' Suppish.

  5. Getting into Sound Packs. They bring NPCs to life as much as the detail of the Model.

  6. Getting used to making mods on Windows 8.1.. I still prefer Windows 7.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sentra
    3. Daedra


      Well i'd rather not upgrade to Windows 10. I don't want my searches tracked.

    4. minilogoguy18


      That's easily fixed

  7. Huzzah! British Independence! *Parties hard*

  8. I am not Kylo Ren anymore, but I used to be.

  9. I finally got some more progress done on the Kylo Ren soundpack. I should have that done before next week.

  10. I give Darth Maul a 5/10. Definitely split in the middle.

    1. Barricade24


      Yeah, it really cuts you apart.

    2. swegmaster


      Good thing the deal was half off

    3. AnonMC


      I just hope we got the better half.

  11. I totally forgot that JKHub allowed animated avatars. Had to update that!

    1. TheWhitePhoenix


      Looks better. You had the old avatar since...2015? 2014?

    2. Daedra


      Yeah I had it a while.

  12. If anyone can make custom animations, they would be taking part of an epic release. http://jkhub.org/topic/6777-i-need-someone-who-can-make-animations/

  13. If anyone plays Skyrim on PC I put together a mod if you want to try it out. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20167

  14. Is The Last Jedi really that bad? I enjoyed it, scratching my head at all the hatred.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Langerd


      I dont understand the hate on that movie... by people mean : not many questions were anwsered. I mean you rly want story telling where everything is descirbed? Told in the most boring way possible?


      This movie is one of my favoirite Star Wars ... i have completelty nealry no prpblem with thia movie.Dont understand low ratings

    3. Wasa


      The low ratings are because of a poor storyline and storytelling. It's a good movie because of the direction however.

    4. NumberWan


      I was sooo glad, it wasn't a repetition of any other Episode, that I wouldn't take notice of many of the poor moments in TLJ. The one I couldn't ignore is the music, which wasn't as good as in Episode I for instance.

  15. JKHub is broken for me. Messenger won't load, profiles won't load, pages don't load. Ugh!

    1. TheWhitePhoenix


      It works fine for me....This is weird. :(

    2. Daedra


      I think it's fixed now, but it was definitely having issues a few hours ago.

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