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    United States
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    Theology, modding both Kotor and Jedi Knight, improving flexibility
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    General Modding
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    Windows 8.1

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  1. Yes I have both. Everything else works perfectly. The problem is that Luke will not speak, causing the cutscene to not progress. I definitely saw this for the first Praxeum cutscene, and I think one other.
  2. This mod is great, but I had problems with some of the Yavin Temple Praxeum (lukes announcements) cutscenes in the JKA academy with both this mod and JK enhanced installed. Do you experience this? It's not a big deal since I can skip the cutscene, but it is weird regardless.
  3. I'd like to add on to Gothics and Morrowwind scene by recalling Vurt's excellent Kotor texture mods that convinced me that Kotor graphics modding could be more than just a mishmap of poorly connected textures, which felt like the only mods available at the time for comparison. To this day, his work on Kotor still stands out as exceptional years later. This mod pack looks amazing, DF2 is one of my favorite childhood games. Seeing the near entirety of Dark Forces II be given this treatment is a dream come true. Thanks so much, Vurt!
  4. This is Nemesis of Katarn, correct? Sorry I cannot help, but I just want to point out that I both love this mod and hate how it has other similar problems. Have you seen how in the great chamber (the one like in ESB where Vader cuts off Lukes hand) on the other side of the door in question, the textures do not load properly? It's as if the map is too big. It playys the same effect as if you're falling out of the map via noclip, like you're looking at a void. This and the last level crshes always on OpenJO, are you using OpenJO? Or default? Playing the mod in Jedi Academy with openJK does not have that problem IIRC If you make any progress updating this mod, I'd love if you could address the above problems.
  5. This is awesome, thank you for making this! I remember seeing a bunch of incomplete texture mods for JK2 on MODDB or other websites, never thought I'd see one that was finished
  6. Fuck dude this one is nice I used an older Eradication hud for several years. I'm too attached to it to upgrade just yet, but I'll keep this just in case
  7. Had to take a split second to realize that I wasn't on the HL2 section on Gamebannana You even remembered to port the beta civil protection elite, good job! This looks like something you would see in the underworld of Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa, looking more into it. It could fit for something useful later.
  8. McGroose


    It amazes me how much you are able to condense all into one map. There is a lot of similarity between this map and your Expedition map in terms of how you combined the themes of ancient ruins with 'modern' Star-Wars architecture. There is so much to do, I don't think I've found everything yet and I simply love how it all loops around and connects with itself. Excellent and seamless combination of different architectural styles with natural environments that don't feel flat or overdone. I really appreciate you making this map, it made me feel nostalgic for when I played this game years ago and would stumble upon a large map full of things to explore and my young mind went afloat with endless possibilities of what could be found. The only thing I have to question is the music. I think your music choices for your previous maps like Exploration and Expedition were much more fitting than what you chose here because of how they complemented the sense of awe and wonder you would feel gazing at the unknown large areas in front of you to explore. I think that might have been what you were going for here, but I don't think it worked as well.
  9. McGroose


    I've loved your maps since your "Exploration" map all the way back in 2006. For me, nothing will beat the latest update on your Expedition map, although this does come certainly close. This is another top tier map for JK2.
  10. Finally, now everyone in MP will learn that mom said it's my turn on the Xbox
  11. This model looks like it has more polygons than every single base JK3 playermodel combined, exceptional work. Great translation of 2D artwork into 3D. It looks like you took at least some slight artistic liberties into your own hands with how to make this model actually be playable in the game, as I imagine trying to get his proportions right while also not looking incredibly jank must've been quite a challenge, but you did it well. I've saw a whole bunch of the Vader redesigns by Chenthooran Nambiarooran a while ago, but I was not aware of who made them, nor of how many he made. Thank you for letting me know the author behind them. The redesigns are hit or miss, but you simply cannot deny the eye for detail and the artistic flare all of his concepts have. Here is a list of most or all of his redesigns https://www.artstation.com/artwork/48Zkl If possible, I would love if you could contact Chethooran and have them give their opinions on your model.
  12. I come back here for the first time in roughly 1.5 - 2 years and this is on the front page I missed this place.
  13. McGroose

    Jawa Rancor

    That gif is the funniest thing I've seen all week
  14. Ya I can eventually make a download for those files, Rosh is more or less done. It's just that Tavion has three problems: The JK2 version of her with the new head (long black hair), and maybe the JK3 version, will not have her head dismember or at. I think I know what the problem but I don't think I can fix that. The Tavion model in general requires OpenJK otherwise the shaders will be an absolute mess. I guess this is fine for JK3 but there is only one build of OpenJK I can find for JK2, used in the JK2 enhanced mod, is reaaaaaally broken. I wish someone would just upload a good OpenJK build for JK2 cause I know people have done it before with little to no bugs. They just tackle their own unique stuff into the code so that their variant of JK2 is vastly different from the vanilla game so it wouldn't exactly make sense to release that as just a regular OpenJK build. The lightning effect on Possessed Tavion isn't quite perfect. I have to allign and make the texture and shader file just right. It looks better now than before, but I can definitely tell this lightning shader was not meant to work on this model. I really have to learn how to make a proper Readme file lol
  15. I can turn the red bits yellow later maybe, I just struggled with getting the white texture the way I wanted it. I actually like the combo of red and yellow. Thanks, Psyk0sith! I didn't think anybody would do it lol
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