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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. It takes time and effort to create a new player model, and we don't yet know exactly how the characters will look when the film comes out, that's impossible. I'd love to see a bald attempt at the new trooper but...no one here is brave enough to give it a shot. Even a poorly made sith saber would be worth the download..
  2. the ship has also parts painted in red; at first it looked like some.. artistic shit, but it's actually symmetrical = intentional. Pretty Cool for a white boy.
  3. That's maul_vm reskinned, maybe the only attempt at Zabrak male skinning I've ever seen... which is sad, because, a bald head with crown of horns is just epic.
  4. Lt. Claim has ported a lot. That... I have noticed
  5. No. Keep on working with your version. You'll never know if yours is the better one, unless you give it a shot.
  6. Wonder what kind of crap that ass produces.....
  7. You are right about that; Ported models seem to be a big no no for Jkhub staff. Can't blame them though, they're just being cautious.
  8. 2 royal guards and a new kind of shuttle; like a TIE-Bomber but a lot bigger, and it looks more like a transportation ship than a gunship.. I wonder who is worthy enough for such a parade...
  9. You've let this dark lord to twist your mind and now.. you've become the very thing you swore to destroy.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Vulcan


      If you're not with me... You are my enemy!

    3. ChalklYne


      Only a bith deals in lavish flutes


    4. Bek
  10. Nice - if only it actually had a mask to cover the face.
  11. Another 'leaked image' by INDIE REVOLVER - the site has already proven to leak legit spoilers (images - rumours) so.. I'm thinking this is legit.
  12. Amazing - those twin hilts are perfect for Alora but what other opinion could you expect from me?
  13. HS_Dooku has a very cool cape, but I don't know how easy it is to place is on a different model, as perfectly as it fit the Dooku model. The number of models Salvoo has frankensteined for his 'Robed Models' pack, leads me to think HapSlash wouldn't mind if you used that cape on your Revan. Just saying
  14. Ben Matlock

    1. IrocJeff


      He wore the same suit in every episode.

  15. just and idea, maybe some other day then.
  16. That's exactly how I imagined them in my head. I will try to come up with some more designs as soon as possible. I have an idea for the Veteran; A glowing chamber where the blade starts from, making it hollow could allow the saber color to glow trough nicely, here's a quick photo-shop:
  17. Yea, this game can easily be used for showing off 3D designing, but the Lady Luck in Jedi Outcast was just so poorly made. If nothing else, this could be a nice duel map addition. Just a landing platform, or a hangar with a few things to break would be enough.
  18. http://forums.filefront.com/member.php?u=61028 According to his profile page at filefront. he's already 30+ and probably not 'around' anymore. GoodLuck though! that map looks great. Then there's the possibility of opening a JKO map that has Lady Luck, ( a Bespin map I think ) steal & modify it the best you can. Done. SathiroN used textures that look a lot like SJC's handy work, scrolling trough the filerfront forums, it wouldn't be all that impossible. I've sent an e-mail to SathiroN at the e-mail adress he's given at filefront. This map looks impressive and I hope to see it released here.
  19. I sense... more gamers ('devs') that can't deal with criticism. We recently bumped into someone who didn't like his work not being dissed. The kind of people that used to get angry playing by the sandbox just because they couldn't use the green truck because I was playing with it first. I've never held back in my replies at any forum, and I never will. It's nothing personal and slightly off-topic but.. we're not in paradise are we? The mod is dead because it was never started, it seems. Their focus is still on releasing a better MB2, hopefully, without the Jedi and the Sith; I liked Movie Battles before I actually played it, since it was a good try at creating a FPS based mod for this game, but then there just had to be sith and jedi classes to ruin all the hard work, eevery match seemed to end a like; everyone else is dead but the ones holding a saber. If this is what the improved MB2 or eventually MB3, is going to be about, then might aswel join a random ja++ server with weapons + force.
  20. Jedi Academy isn't titled JK3

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Onysfx


      I always call jedi academy JKA, but that's out of habit. Really don't care which it's called, both are the same thing.

    3. eezstreet


      Lucasarts released files which said they were working on a Jedi Knight 3 at some point. I thought this was already established.

    4. katanamaru


      So it's really a best thought of as a side story to JK? In that case I vote we call it:

      Jedi Knight Side Story! The Legend of Jaden!

      Jedai Naito Gaiden! Densatsu no Jeiden!

  21. Wasn't there a thread like this month ago?
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