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    Musician, Composer, Sound Engineer

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  1. Need help with Blender or somebody to make a Tutorial about this Blender Error while exporting a .glm model: "Could not load surface head_0 (LOD 0) from Blender: Vertex with...

    1. Kualan


      Turn on Face Select, then select the entire affected surface in Edit Mode.

      Then hide the surface (CTRL+H I think), it will look like the surface has disappeared.

      Then change to Vertex Select mode and select all. This should highlight a few loose vertices that you can then safely delete.

      Return to Object Mode and your hidden surface will reappear and you can export.


    2. dark_apprentice


      Doesn't seem to work, or at least it does not highlight any loosed vertices and nothing seems to be around to delete. Is it just the "H" button in order to hide the surface?

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