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    Musician, Composer, Sound Engineer

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  1. Are you kidding me?! Too much CGI, too much ripping off ESB and lack of imagination that's even worse than TFA!! Will see the final movie, but no big dreams now.

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    2. RJA


      Okay, let's compare TESB and AOTC:

      - Jango Fett/Boba Fett

      - Asteroid Ship Battle/Asteroid Ship Battle

      - Slave I leaving a round platform with cloudy skies/Slave I leaving a round platform with cloudy skies

      - Skywalker losing his arm/Skywalker losing his hand

      - Skywalker who slowly become a Jedi/Skywalker who slowly become a Jedi

      - Yoda having visions of Skywalker Trouble/Skywalker having visions of friends trouble

      - Anakin running to Geonosis to save his...

    3. RJA


      ...master/Luke running to Bespin to save his friends

      - Cloudy Planet with round architecture/Cloudy planet whith round architecture

      - First Romance & Kiss/First romance & Kiss

      - C3PO in pieces/C3PO in pieces.

    4. GPChannel


      Cmon guys its s joke. How can u compare esb and tlj? You just saw a teaser lol.

      Give the movie s try to be good. :)

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