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    Musician, Composer, Sound Engineer

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  1. The feeling, when you finally finish your debut album after 7 years and before you send it for some extra polish on the mixing and mastering you still want to add more instruments and parts on the final songs.

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    2. RJA


      Right. Time to fix a final version. If not, you will be forever unsatisfied, modying over and over again. Music is the perfect balance between perfection and imperfection.

    3. Circa


      That's about how long it took me to finish mine. I eventually had to just stop being too much of a perfectionist and get it done and release.

    4. dark_apprentice


      Would take 2 years in normal situations, but since it was with 2 former bands that the singer and main sound engineer broke them up for childish stories and had to change few times the album all over, so it doesn't includes his work and just mine and the rest of the members inside... and mostly to create my own sound away from what he created on first place.

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