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    Musician, Composer, Sound Engineer

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  1. Actually mine and Punisher's versions were first, before Tompa made his version for his mod. And no, long time not into sharing/releasing anything, barely have the time to work on anything new/old.
  2. Anakin Skywalker (Original Trilogy - Sebastian Shaw) version 3. If Anakin survived after his redemption to the light. Credits to: Jeff (hand textures to match face), The Punisher (Troubleshooting of weight issues), Sirius (polishing of face texture). Body mesh: Free Radicals Battlefront 3 "Old Ben Kenobi", hair mesh: Force Arena "Full Krenic / Animated version". Photoshopped head morph of Anakin/Hayden, since no good reference photos available of Sebastian Shaw.
  3. Inqusitor Starkiller (Galen Marek):
  4. You may try to hide his right hand from the skin file? Otherwise it's great model. Also could eventually help with Dagobah Luke, but will have to check with a friend.
  5. There might be one, there might not. The future always in motion is...
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