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    Game development, Unity, music, improvisation.

    Asset creation (textures and sound especially), mapping, modeling.

    Sword fighting (HEMA), medieval ages, realism in games, manual fighting and control in games. Game mechanics.
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    Texture Artist
    Jack of all Trades

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  1. The faster I go, the smaller I become, yet all the more branches I grow. What am I?

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    2. Ping


      The value of a music note becomes exponentially smaller with the amount of stems/branches it has. So a note with one branch = 1/4, two branches = 1/8, three branches = 1/16. The duration of a 1/8 note is shorter than that of a 1/4 note, which can be taken figuratively as the note being 'faster'. The shorter the duration of the tone (i.e. the 'faster' the note), the smaller its value in musical notation (1/4, 1/8..) and the more stems/branches it has.

    3. Ping


      The confusing part is that the three properties here, duration, size and shape, all fit different aspects of the 'note', namely the sound (how fast/quick/short it is), the numerical value that the note-sign stands for (1/4, 1/8) and the shape of the sign itself. So the properties refer to three completely different things that are related to the sign: the expression (sound), the symbolic representation (value) and the sign itself (shape).

    4. Ping


      Although it works as a riddle, it is based on an equivocation of the various things that the word 'note' stands for, since a pitch doesn't have size or shape, a note on the paper does not have velocity and doesn't change its size depending on its value, and the numerical value of a note has neither velocity nor shape either.

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