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    Gaming, Modding, Star Wars, Halo, Mass Effect, other stuff like that and reading comic strips.
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
    General Modding
  • Gaming Specialty
    Capture the Flag
    Moviebattles 2
    Full Force
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. Okay, now I'm super pissed off at EA. I have defended and have been optimistic about the new Battlefront ever since it was announced, and probably much more than it deserves. But now they have stated they'll never add more skirmish content. Now the line is drawn. I am more disappointed at this than I have been with any other game for a long time. I feel cheated and insulted. I feel like they don't care about the players, and the only reason they added ANY singleplayer content at a...

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    2. Ramikad


      Or perhaps they'll abuse of those mistakes to milk even more money from players :P

    3. Rayce


      I agree, Circa. I still enjoy the game and will probably enjoy its sequels. I just wish there was more for the solo player. Let's just hope the next one isn't as half-assed. It has a campaign, apparently (or so i've heard). So there's that, at least. #SoloPlayersMatter

    4. minilogoguy18


      The solo players are vastly out numbered. People realize that you get much more fun and challenge from a live person that isn't predictable. If you want a good solo game then you pretty much have to stick with just that, RPGs and such. This game is centralized around online play.

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