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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. I would like this as an npc and multiplayer support jkja and han for the record in original Star Wars anh Han Solo shot first Greedo hesitated like a *bleep* idiot!


    I'll take Han Solo for NPC support and multiplayer and bot support. Han, for the record, in the original Star Wars (ANH), Han Solo shot first.

    Greedo hesitated like a *bleep* idiot!


    I want this in Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy!

    We already have a Han Solo model. Works for both Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. https://jkhub.org/files/file/827-han-solo/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3225-han-solo-stormtrooper/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/2588-old-han-ep7/

    These are the only Han Solo models we have. Take them or leave them. Better quality ones like the one made by @@dark_apprentice are not available yet.


    And yes, for the 1138th time: Han Solo shot first. Always has, always will be.

    dark_apprentice likes this
  2. @@k4far

    This is a nice idea. And with a detailed concept artwork like that one, this model can be done easily.

    The tools are available. I suggest that if you need any help with modeling, you should consult @@AshuraDX, as he has

    a great knowledge of modeling and material creation.


    Actually, this droid could be a nice replacement for those clumsy saber droids.

    k4far likes this
  3. @@Nerdman3000

    Okay, that looks pretty decent. When I looked at your early version, I was horrified at first, because it almost fulfilled what I mentioned in my first post (too much stuff and so on).

    Anyway, this is a great improvement, and I hope that the menu graphics will look great either. You should leave the amount of characters as it is now, because that would be too much if you add some more.

  4. I have an error :( What is it?

    If I understand correctly, he suggested that you should send an application to Ubisoft or Bethesda, so you can work there as an employee. My suggestion: Don't!

    Ubisoft and Bethesda might be big game companies, but I don't want to know how many talents or ideas are wasted, or worse, unnoticed by them. Especially Ubisoft seems to rely on recycling,

    with little creative process (like in Far Cry Primal, where they used the same map from Far Cry 4, just redecorated).



    You're better off if you keep making your own thing. Who knows? With the abilities you have, maybe you can make your own games one day.


    Anyway. Looking at the screenshots above, I see something that some quality time has been spent to create quality work. In fact, I've never seen anything like that in Jedi Academy.

    You created something that looks like Rayman or some indie game. I like that. Makes me wonder why not many have tried to do that with Jedi Academy in the past.

    Langerd likes this
  5. I really hope I didn't offend you, I was just stating the nature of this hub.

    Don't worry, you didn't offend me at all. It takes a lot to do so. But I understand your point, and I hope you understand mine.


    You know, I'm into this community from about the time Jedi Academy came out. Since then, I've seen a lot of people creating content in any shapes and sizes.

    Porting something might be great at a certain degree, but it will never replace all the handcrafted work by our community.

  6. It's not about what is port friendly or what is not, it's about the principle. Many modelers invest their time and energy to enrichen the community with their own take on things like characters, weapons and maps.

    Porting something only gives credit to the game it is from, not to the one who ported it. But if people create something from scratch, it might take some time, but it will be worth it.

    For example, if you look at HapSlash's Anakin, you don't think "Hey, this is from another Star Wars game", you think think "HapSlash made it". In my opinion, this is what this community should be about.


    Think about it. If that porting procedure would have been a thing since the Jedi Outcast times, we would have absolutely nobody in this community to be remembered for.

    There would be no HapSlash, no Scerendo, no Psyk0sith, no AshuraDX, no DT85 and no Langerd. Instead, there would be just a bunch of people who just port something from other games.

    This is not Garry's Mod, this is the Jedi Knight series.

    ooeJack likes this
  7. Seeing this Vader concept come into Force Arena is pretty damn cool and unexpected. I think we all know this is a no brainer to get this ported into JKA. We all want this one.

    A no brainer to make this model for Jedi Academy? Yes. A no brainer to have it ported? Oh, hell no! Where's the fun in that?

    swegmaster likes this
  8. @@Langerd

    Exactly. While it's great that there are still many content contributors in this community, it seems that many are not taking challenges anymore. Seeing the development progress of a new character model

    is something I really enjoy watching, since the glorious HapSlash times. It's really inspiring.


    But sadly, some members want it the easy way and insist to have a model ported, not rarely bumping their topics to remind us how desperate they are. They see something in another game, they want to see it in Jedi Academy

    and don't even know that it will look terrible.



    Finally someone who requests a model, and even provides a 3D model (which can be used as a reference), without brutally insisting to have it ported. That's great.  :winkthumb:

  9. When I played Force Arena last week and got this version of Darth Vader, I was overwhelmed with joy. A truly fantastic rendition of the concept.

    On the other hand, I got sad and slightly angry at the same time, because I knew that one day, someone would request it to be ported.


    And at this point, a request to any modeler with even the faintest spark of motivation and creativity:

    Please, do this model from scratch, even if you use the structure of that model as a reference. Porting it might be easy, but it would be just wrong. Just because it's possible to port something doesn't mean that it has to be made all the time.


    Sometimes, we need more people like @@Scerendo or @@Psyk0Sith here.

    LucyTheAlien, Langerd, Omega and 1 other like this
  10. So it would be better to make the entire head model from scratch?

    Exactly. The entire face needs to be made from scratch, or at least remodeled, to fit the facial structure of those you requested. Peter Capaldi's face is rather thin, the faces of Spanki's Jedi are not.

    Let's say you would get a texture based on Capaldi's face and apply it on Spanki's model, it wouldn't look exactly like him.


    I have a little example from another Jedi Academy forum (I think it was HapSlash's Void), which describes that "issue" perfectly. Some members were playing around with HapSlash's Obi-Wan and Anakin models.

    One member even replaced the face texture of Anakin with the face texture of Obi-Wan, which resulted in what someone called a "drunk irishman".

  11. Another thing that really needs a makeover is the splash screen. Let's take a look at the original:




    While the idea is not bad, because it divides the Light Side and the Dark Side. Even though it shows some iconic characters,

    it still feels as if something is missing.


    For a mod like this one, it would be appropiate to see some of the ingame models instead of cutouts from movie scenes or still images. Maybe something in this direction:



    The only one I could imagine for that kind of image is @@ShenLong Kazama. With the combination of @@Nerdman3000's updated KotF logo,

    it would be a step further to a fresher look. And that's what KotF needs, a fresher look.

    Jeff, TicNoel501 and Smoo like this
  12. For this topic, I will quote a post of mine from another KotF 2.1 related topic, because it essentially summarizes what I want to say.



    Since it's reboot, I always thought that the artwork of Knights of the Force needs an total revamp. Your logo reminds me of one of those classic Star Wars games, like Dark Forces 1 and 2.

    @ and @@Fire Phoenix, you should definitely let him join your team if you haven't an artwork designer yet.


    My suggestions for the menus are:

    - Make it look and feel like Star Wars (something that is lost in mods like Moviebattles). There are plenty of references you can choose from, like movie posters and even the games.

    - Darth Sidious' face in the menu should be replaced with someone or something different. Put the Death Star in or something, or a lightsaber duel from the movies.

    - The menu needs a simple and unified style. I've seen mods that had pretty much anything Star Wars related scrambled together in one screen. It's not only over the top, but also distracting as hell.

    Knights of the Force doesn't deserve something like that.


    I invite everyone here to post their own suggestions.

    TicNoel501, Maksman and JAWSFreelao like this
  13. I'm sure it's unlikely that the model will ever get made from scratch. You do know that it takes a lot of work to do that?

    The model, the textures and rigging, all that takes time.


    Somebody already made a Superman model, but it's not based on the new movies. It's not perfect, but it's enough to fit the standards of Jedi Academy.



    The only way to get a model of the new Superman is to port him from another game. But that takes a lot of time and work either. And, in many cases, the results are awful

    if not done well.

    Smoo likes this
  14. From what I see, the goal of this project is merely to show that it is possible to transfer the assets of Jedi Outcast to Unreal Engine 4.

    And because most of the assets are taken 1:1 from the original game, we can't expect that the whole thing will automatically transform into a better looking map.

    The whole revising can be done later, when the main goal is done.


    Personally, I think this is a great project. There is so much potential. It would be interesting to see every map reimagined into a modern engine.

    And by the way, is it possible to put all the maps from a mission seamlessly together? I mean, for example, Kejim has two chapters, Kejim Base and Kejim Post.

    Putting both together would make a complete map.

    AngelModder and Stoiss like this
  15. Hey pals :)

    Maybe stupid question,but i want to start a voting in my tfa mod wip?

    How is it possible? :)

    This is only possible when you have your own Mod Project Forum on this site. And if you are set as the administrator for that, you can edit the topics to your liking.

    To get your personal Mod Project Forum, you need to ask the admins if they can create one for you.

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