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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. @@Droidy365

    It's been a while since I've edited it, and I don't know if I have the file anymore. But in the topic ThatOneGuy2486 linked above, the following line can be seen:




    So, it seems that the file needs to be a .tga file. Maybe you should try that.

  2. You mean that one?




    I've already made a topic about that some years ago, but with little respond (the picture above was made by me and used in that topic). So I tried to get it done myself, with a simple texture and by editing the skin-file. However, the visor didn't show up in the game.

    Making it visible would be cool, because the Saboteur reminds me of Rosh too much.

    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
  3. Yeah, it might sound ridiculous in a Jedi Knight dedicated website to talk about something related to a Star Trek game, especially from a Star Wars fan like me.

    But because Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy and Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force share the same engine (albeit with slight modifications), I thought it might be a legitimate question to ask:

    Is it possible to convert the models from Elite Force to Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy? I'm asking this because the Elite Force community has spawned some impressive content,

    which might not be on par with the Jedi Knight community, but still. The FileFront page had lots of interesting content, even Star Wars related, but is no longer available.


    I once requested a Dalek model a while ago. Because it was already made for Elite Force, I thought it would be easier to convert it rather than do it from scratch.



    Also, somebody made an R2-D2 model that looks superior to the one seen in the Jedi Knight games. Even if it was made in 2004, it's still impressive.



    And some screenshots:




    Smoo likes this
  4. @@KyleKatarn1995

    Like I said, the Despecialized Editions of the Original Trilogy have full Japanese audio tracks.


    Just follow the official download guide. If you already own at least one video release of the Original Trilogy (no matter if VHS, DVD or Blu-ray), you can download it

    without any concerns:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yLsvexWBVM8IYSGopKuSfsGk5YIgCwQWd23bqb5ryD4/pub#h.i7moft3wu22k

    Smoo likes this
  5. Are any of the Android ports actually in good legal standing?

    Actually not, because the developer made money with them. But on the other hand, he only provided an "emulator" for each game. The asset files needed to be added seperately, so it was required to own a copy of the game.


    There were more ports, like Quake 1-3 and Wolfenstein. Unfortunately, those ports have vanished from Google Play, probably due to legal reasons. At least they don't appear in my country anymore. But still, the idea is great to have games like Jedi Academy running on an Android device.

  6. Making him talking Hard sound Japanese WOULD BE AMAZING!

    Do you know the 'Star Wars: Despecialized Edition' by Harmy? It's a fan-project that recreates the theatrical cuts of the classic trilogy. Google it.


    At least 'A New Hope' and 'The Empire Strikes Back' have about 16 different audio tracks, including Japanese. It shouldn't be a problem to

    extract the dialogs from the Japanese audio track.

    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
  7. @@Wystan

    What style is your project? Is it a serious project with some humor (like Doctor Who) or is it pure comedy?

    Either way, humor must be handled well. Timing is important, as well as the use of it. If you use too much jokes, it will become too silly,

    especially if you have a rather serious tone in your story.


    Can you send me a PM with a sample text of your script, where you want a joke to be placed? I can't promise good results, or quality stuff, but I could try to make something out of it.

  8. @@DT85 @


    Fun Fact: Because of the violence, Soldier of Fortune 2 was banned in Germany, but a heavily censored version was released instead.


    The best part: Every single character was turned into a robot, simply by applying metallic or grey textures and robot-like animations on the models.

    And to give some sort of explaination to this mess, the entire plot was "moved" into another dimension. This was done by merely adding an opening text, exclusively for the censored version, which explains that in

    another dimension, humans were wiped out by robots. After a while, the robots based their daily lifes on the humans, which explains why the robots all behave like people. The plot of the censored version remains identical to the uncensored version.






    When it comes to censorship, Germany takes the cake. There are lots of censored and banned games to choose from. Even Star Wars: Dark Forces is banned to this day, because of it's resemblance to games like Doom. Ironically, Doom was unbanned some years ago. But Dark Forces is available on Steam, though. In the recent years, the federal agencies mellowed down by a great amount, which means that even risky games can be released without any problems.

    Smoo and Circa like this
  9. @@Fire Phoenix @


    Some weeks ago, I was working on a new artwork, which is not finished yet. It was supposed to be a splash screen, but it turned into some sort of poster.

    I don't know what you think, but if I finish it, you can use it as a promotional poster. Otherwise, if you don't have a need for that, I could upload it in the Artwork section on JKHub,

    to make it available for everyone.

  10. Everyone here should keep in mind that this mod has a certain NPC limit. I think 1000 NPCs is, at the moment, the border.

    Adding every single character from every movie, TV episode, comic or game would be way to complicated. After all, this mod is not about having

    the entirety of Star Wars characters bundled in one mod, it's about creating your own adventures while choosing the characters available.


    I know, these are just suggestions, and you have any right to suggest something. Who knows? Maybe some characters will be included.

    But if the development team wouldn't choose wisely, this mod would end up like this:



    I just wanted to say that, just in case somebody wants to suggest more than a hundred of characters.  :D


    Anyway, seeing that many people here are giving the Knights of the Force brand a new chance, in any way, is something that makes me happy.

    J19 and TicNoel501 like this
  11. @@Circa @@Langerd


    Okay, I used my Gimp skills to illustrate what I had in mind. Take a look the character window. I will explain the ideas below, from top to bottom.





    First, I think the character shouldn't turn around at all. That feature should be removed entirely to replace it with my features.


    ANIMATION: ON/OFF: Clicking on this field turns the walking animation either off or on.

    Slider (on the right): This can be used to zoom either in or out.

    Left and right arrows: For turning the character to the left or to the right.

    RESET: Sets everything to default.


    I believe that with the right tools, something similar can be achieved.

    GPChannel and Langerd like this
  12. @@Langerd

    There are plenty of ideas. But envisioning them, writing them down and realizing them are three different things.

    If there would be a way to illustrate all the ideas in a way, that would be cool. People would get more of an idea what you would like

    to see, which is hard to achieve with plain text.


    But you are right. We could collect ideas. Feel free to post yours here. Maybe we can get more members to post their ideas here, which

    could increase the chance to get this feature done.

    Langerd likes this
  13. For me at least, probably the most annoying feature in Jedi Academy's customisation menu is the fact the characters are walking

    a straight line while the camera pans around them in a 360 degree angle. It gets more annoying when you try to customise your character.


    Let's say you want to customise Spanki's Jedi model. Instead of having a straightforward look to see if the model is the way you want it, you

    have to wait until the character turns around. It's like waiting for a minute hand on a clock.


    So, my idea is to have a feature instead where you can turn around the characters manually left or right. This is something that is common in many games, like Mass Effect and Star Wars: Force Arena.


    the_raven and Langerd like this
  14. That game is just painful to play. I forced myself to play through about half of it because no matter what I love Star Wars -- but it's just horrible.


    Did you ever play Star Wars: Rebel Assault? That is probably the most painful Star Wars game to play.

    It's not because of the graphics, not because of the sound. Both were decent for the time the game was released. It's about the gameplay, most particular the control.

    You have better luck controlling the weather than controlling the T-16 Skyhopper in the very first chapter.


    I don't want to say that the game is bad. Maybe it has some parts that makes it redeem itself. But because of the control, I couldn't make it far. I gave up after about an hour, after numerous attempts.

  15. I've never played Star Wars: Obi-Wan. It was on my list of Star Wars games I really would've played. But because I didn't own the first Xbox, I couldn't get

    my hands on that.


    Luckily, there are still a huge variety of Star Wars games to choose from. I was really obsessed with the The Phantom Menace game, which is probably the second most played

    game on my PS1 (which is only surpassed by Metal Gear Solid). I also played Jedi Power Battles and Star Wars: Demolition, which I also had for PS1.

    And Super Star Wars for Super Nintendo is something I could play over and over again. The game might be frustrating at some levels, but it's fun to play nonetheless.


    I have lots of classic Star Wars games, and I can't tell which are my definitive favourites. But one thing is for sure, I had a good time playing all of them.

    LucyTheAlien and Circa like this
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