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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. If you convert the meshes correctly, it should be possible. Basically, Jedi Academy's models are like any other 3D model. And there are many ways to modify and export meshes to print-friendly formats. Maybe you should give it a try and share your results here. You could make a test print to see if it's feasible.

  2. I seem to have an issue: I am unable to use my Jedi Academy weapons by pressing left mouse button, which somehow acts like mouse wheel down now. in other words, my sabres will not swing and my guns will not fire regular shots. Even after I added and removed three NPC and SP skin files and one menu customizations pack and reinstalled my copy twenty-three times, nothing changes. Is there somehow an error the game enacted? Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Have you tried to use the options menu? In there, you can reassign your buttons in the 'Controls' tab. That's the easiest solution.

  3. Lmao really hard. I forgot about poopinmymouth. Modeling is very easy once you stop making excuses. The only reason why the learning curve may feel steep at the beginning is because most modeling software are very unfriendly. Even for the most experienced user, some times is hard to understand why the f*ck do they place some tools where they are. There is no single "best" modeling software. It will always be about which one suits you better.




    But Softimage was THE best... ehem...

    Some time after The Force Awakens came out, I requested Rey's Quarterstaff. But because I became a little bit impatient, I just used the only modeling software I can work with, Sketchup and did some refining in Blender. https://jkhub.org/topic/6789-reys-staff-work-in-progress/


    I didn't care about what people say about Sketchup, or any similar basic modeling software that doesn't require a PhD in modeling, or even a high-end PC. As long as people can use it, why not? For me, Sketchup was the first software that got me into modeling, even if it the results looked like a mess. But I used everything I've learned over the years, in the hope to get my project done. And I encourage everyone who wants to begin modeling to start with the simpliest software they can find, even if it's from 2005. The tools are pretty much the same.

  4. So, I was on Mod DB and someone asked for some characters, there's the comment : "Can we please get Saes Rrogon as a character? or some kind of kaleesh jedi/sith? no one has made any kind of models yet its sad :("

    And maybe, I can answer to him after that I'll get some infos if you're gonna to make them or no at all. There's the link, by the way : http://www.moddb.com/mods/knights-of-the-force-21

    Don't worry, just let guys like him ask. You don't have to reply to them. But if you still feel the need to reply, just say that the KotF 2.1 team has already inluded a massive amount of characters, and that adding more would only slow down the progress, as individual NPCs, character descriptions and optimizations have to be made, which takes time.

  5. @@Domino5555

    I'm a fan of Spaceballs, but that's just a silly request. It's like including The Naked Gun's Frank Drebin as the main character of a Die Hard mod.

    The Spaceball characters might be great as individual models you can download on this site, but not as a part of a mod that is supposed to be about Star Wars only.

    Also, it would totally break the purpose of this mod: Create your own adventures, with all the Star Wars based characters and locations.



    Here's also a skin of Captain Lone Star, which was made for Jedi Outcast.

  6. We definitely need Snoke. A model from scratch would be great, because anything else wouldn't do him justice. You could make a kitbash, but it would be just another reskin of a ported head, glued on the body of either HapSlash's Anakin or HapSlash's Obi-Wan, which would be wrong in many ways.

    dark_apprentice likes this
  7. Where can I find a mod that replaces the disruptor with the DLT-20a?

    @@Langerd mentioned that he made one. I think it's included in his Cloud City mod.


    Although I voted for the DLT-20A, I support both of them. The DLT-19 rifle would be a good replacement for the heavy repeater.


    I also suggest alternate fire modes for each of them. The Disruptor effect on the DLT-20A would seem out of place, so a more powerful charge blast (which should require a big chunk of ammo) would be more appropiate. And if the DLT-19 replaces the heavy repeater, the alternate fire mod (which are explosive charges) could be replaced with something that fits the weapon more. I know, EA's Battlefront isn't celebrated by every single one here, but you can't deny that the fire modes of the weapons can serve as great inspirations.

    Bek likes this
  8. Or whatever it was called, where it replaced everything jaden, including his voice during cutscenes, with Kyle Katarn and removed Kyle's actual character and made him some random jedi. I was looking around for more mods like this but have failed to find any and was wondering if anyone here knew where any were, if they exist of course. Also, while I'm here: Does anyone know any good spots where I can find some more mods aside from this site (which is wonderful btw)? *Jedi Academy*

    I don't know about a Kyle mod, or anything that replaces Jaden with Kyle. Do you remember the site you got it from, or at least where you've seen it? If it's from PCGamemods, there is little chance to find it.


    For the mods, I think you can fully rely on this site, even if it doesn't have as much content as other sites. But there are frequent updates with exclusive content. Anything else has been shutdown, most notably jk3files.com (the files are still hosted on GameFront, though) and PCGamemods, which were the ultimate champions of Jedi Knight mods. You can take a look at ModDB as well, but be warned: Many small mods, if not most of them, have been uploaded by some random users who think it's a great idea to take credit for something they didn't even made (it's all about the points you get on ModDB!).

  9. So,, I've got a personal model request, a Model of Doctor Scratch (And his gun, Maybe?)




    another image of the Doctor



    I think The Image quality got mucked, but, You know, His head is Simple, just a white circle, and the Textures don't have to be detailed just White, and some lines here and there, I think it's cool (I'd do it myself, but My rig can't handle them 3d Modeling programs, nor do I have the Skills to do anything)


    And Yes, the Font color is a thing now.

    White font color on a white surface is a thing now? Really? (Yes, I also had to highlight it)


    Anyway, this seems to be an interesting request. It's just a guy in a suit with a ball on his head.

    We already have some models that have suits. So, all you need is someone to modify the texture and put a ball

    on his head.


    And besides, can it be that this is the first model request in ages that doesn't ask for ported material? That's pretty awesome!

    Kuhe likes this
  10. Since a few years, because I'm almost exclusively using the lightsaber, I'm turning the crosshair off. Sure, it is useful when you are using guns, but it

    looks out of place when you use the lightsaber. I mean, except for the lightsaber throw, you don't really have to rely on a crosshair for attacking.

    Also, because the lightsaber is a close combat weapon and you are slashing through the enemies anyway while walking, I think a crosshair doesn't really make sense.


    So, my suggestion is a crosshair that deactivates itself once you are switching to the lightsaber. If something like that is already there, or if it's possible

    to modify some of the configuration files to get it, that would be cool.

  11. I just thought it would be interesting to see the original Dark Forces 2 models ported into JK3, it would be like Dark Forces 2 with an upgraded combat system. I think it would be interesting honestly if it did work.

    You know what? Your idea might have some potential. Imagine having low-poly versions of characters from Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy, to make them look like

    Dark Forces 2 models. It doesn't have to be all the characters, but it would be interesting to see at least some of them redone as if they were made in 1998.

    Smoo, Teancum and Omega like this
  12. I would have only one suggestion, as of right now at least.

    Bendak Starkiller

    That's all I want and need xD

    Yes, I know there is a mando neo-crusader model already, but it would be cool to have him as a stand-alone character.

    The thing is that you can't tell him apart from the other Neo-Crusaders. If he would have something unique, a distinct feature

    that makes him stand out from the rest, than it could be worth.


    The only way you could get close to the character is using the golden Neo-Crusader, name yourself Bendak Starkiller in the multiplayer mode and just pretend that it is him.

  13. Of all my years on JKA, there's ONE thing I was never able to figure out. Radiant. What I wanna use it for is to make personal use versions of certain maps WITHOUT the vehicles in parts of it (Say there's a shuttle/x-wing in a hangar, but I don't want it there.) If I wanted to do that, how exactly can I do that and what are the basics of getting used to using Radiant? I've tackled other basic variations of modding so far, and it never hurts to learn more.

    Except for some failed attempts to get it work on my more modern PC, it's been years since I used Radiant, so I can't guarantee a 100% perfect answer.


    So, if you want to remove vehicles, you have to remove the blocks that represent the vehicles (the blocks are like visual stand-ins for the models you see in the game; they are usually red and for both NPCs and vehicles). Try to locate the vehicle, select it and remove it. I think you have to use either STRG + Left Mouse Button or Toggle + Left Mouse Button (or was it the right button?) to select something. Once you've selected the vehicle you want to remove, press backspace.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
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