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Posts posted by Lancelot

  1. "Menu descriptions" ?


    When I mouse over new game, a description comes up saying what that means. It no longer does that in JK2:E.

    In other words, the descriptions of certain functions in the menu(s).


    Example: When you move the cursor over "OPTIONS", you will see a description that says "Configure game options." at the bottom on the screen.

  2. @

    I encountered a bug that couldn't display the fonts properly. It's just like @@LucyTheAlien says.

    Imagine the fonts being cut into pieces and scrambled over the lines where you would usually see text.


    The bug occurs only when I start the game with "jk2sp.exe" (without OpenJK, which is needed for the mod). However, when I load the mod with the "Launch_JKIIEnhanced.bat" and "openjo_sp.x86.exe", it works fine.

  3. I have a Predator pack for JK3 and came across a really cool skin I can use to replace an existing one. Problem is that the file for the skin is a REZ file and I'm curious to know if someone can help me out how to open this or if someone on JKHUB would like to help me out and I can send the file to you and maybe you can get the skin images out so I can replace the existing skin images in the Predator pack for JK3.

    This might answer your question: https://fileinfo.com/extension/rez

  4. My own attempt for Grand Moff Tarkin. I am using HapSlash imperial officer body for JKOutcast and the model works for both JKO & JKA.

    The head is created with the free demo version of Reallusion Crazy Talk 8 (the better software of iClone). Head is having some small neck weight issues, works good in Single Player.


    Hair is from the "Force Arena" Tarkin (mobile game) and yes, I also made for myself the Force Arena version, because lately as I get older and bolder i start to like this character.

     I am not going to release the Force Arena version since @@Kualan already made it and will be in his amazing imperial pack. The CrazyTalk-8 head that I have created is based on Rogue One photos over the internet, however due to the 'DEMO' version of this software when using any kind of profile image of both Peter Cushing and Guy Henry it becomes awkward looking head, so I just "rip-off" the front photos.


    In the end... yes I love the model created from Force Arena, but just wanted to finish mine.


    Download: Dark_Apprentice's Tarkin















    Force Arena (Left on your screen) // DA's Tarkin (Right on your screen)




    inside JKA:










    Now THIS looks like Tarkin! Good job.

    dark_apprentice likes this
  5. Yes, even bland boring old Lieutenant Lyste ;)




    Considering trying to make an Imperial-era Yularen and an Admiral Konstantine as well. Depends if I can find suitable models to reskin/remodel.

    This is what I call a great Imperial pack. And finally, after many attempts, we have a Tarkin model that actually resembles Tarkin.

    Cerez likes this
  6. There's a problem with this, all lightsaber blades are broken on this outfit.






    & All the robed versions of this outfit, would really love a fix as unfortunately this is my favourite character mod in JK lol. 

    Have you tried using OpenJK?

  7. Another threat may be a new start for this mod. I will let you guys decide what is best. I want this to be as open as possible and a community effort if possible.

    This is a good idea. I suggest you to collect everything you've made so far, then you make a list of what your mod has. Convince us. It's way better than whipping up a topic that contains little information.

    The more everybody knows what your mod has to offer, the higher are the chances that you can recruit people to work with you.

  8. @@GPChannel

    Why the double-post? You started this topic just one hour ago.  :lol:


    Anyway, back to topic. Do you mean those flares that are used in maps like Taspir or Hoth? I'm not really into mapping, but I think you

    can add them just like any other brush in Radiant. By that I mean you can use a flat brush and add the flare texture. Maybe you should take a look

    at the sample maps that come with the editor. If I recall correctly, the FFA5 sample map has some flares. If so, use them as a reference.

  9. To be honest the Skyline upload contains the original readme and the actual authors, although the license in the original file on JKHub mentions that it can't be shared or modified without permission.

    As you can see, those uploaders are doing it anyway. They collect files from this and similar sites and upload them like a conveyor belt.

  10. I think this topic should be renamed simply as "Stolen Content on ModDB", because that's a big problem. Maybe we could use this topic to post more

    "illegal" uploads. For example, somebody uploaded @@Sentra's SkyLine menu: http://www.moddb.com/games/star-wars-jedi-academy/addons/swg-skyline-ui


    But that's not enough, there is far more out there. Some random people, who are clearly NOT the original authors, are uploading stuff from this site to ModDB.

    I could understand if they were trying to preserve lost content from JK3Files or PCGamemods, but this is awful. They download our files, they claim they made it,

    and get the credit for it.


    I'm not really into ModDB, but if I remember correctly, the members are getting points for uploaded content, right? Well, if you think about that there are members who didn't

    even made the things they uploaded, that's a cruel joke.


    I think we should all take a look at these sections:














    If someone finds fishy content, it should be posted here.

  11. @@therfiles @@RJA

    Why don't you colaborate with @@Fire Phoenix, you know, the member who rebooted KotF (https://jkhub.org/files/file/3121-knights-of-the-force/)? A huge list of NPCs and a new NPC menu would be just what KotF 2.1 is needing.

    The alpha version of the mod was released last November, but only the Multiplayer mode is working right now. But I tell you, the list of characters you can choose from is huge.

    He was trying to update the mod with full Singleplayer compatibility, but he encountered many issues he couldn't solve. Maybe you can help him out?




    What I'm trying to say is that KotF 2.1 has a huge list of characters, all with permissions by their creators. And it would be more than appropiate for a mod that contains many

    characters from the movies to create 1) NPCs for those characters and 2) a fully working menu that can spawn them.

  12. I have seen JA physics before. But not like this.

    Yes, that't right. It has been attempted with a LUA based Multiplayer mod called Stalax.

    But apart from some development videos that showed how the physics worked, nothing has been officially released.


    Stalax was discontinued after one or two years. Since then, I wonder sometimes if LUA would be appropiate for both Singleplayer and Multiplayer, because Stalax offered many scripting possibilities.

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