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Everything posted by Bek

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDGwLN4EGgs
  2. It's not a map; just a background with Bosk added in.
  3. Seems interesting, come back here once you finish it. I'd like hear someone's opinion of it before I purchase it.
  4. I hate running into my ex in public.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Bek


      Will do.

    3. Smoo
    4. Bek


      Not onoez, I've learned so much since then, but there's still some regret.


  5. Thanks I'll check it out after I'm done reading Catch-22.
  6. You're getting there dude. This is what my models used to look like when I first started using blender. Try putting in more detail next time.
  7. That's not racist, it's just an observation dude.
  8. "Put three fucking proxies on your screen and you'll have this entire fucking map." Gold.
  9. I really appreciate it man. Me and that playlist have been through a lot. If I ever make another one, I'll be sure to post it here.
  10. Thanks, I've been adding to that playlist for a long time. I have more music on my computer, but I wish that I could just upload it to a playlist (not SoundCloud, or YouTube) and just share it.
  11. 3 Years in the making: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBaOBbtYn58TzNKWzG8jf6PYPmZCyR_c1
  12. Just books in general, doesn't matter if it's non-fiction or fiction. I'll look into The Making of Prince of Persia. Thanks.
  13. Thank you, I really appreciate the feedback. I should digitize these sometime.
  14. Thanks for the recommendations. Cyberpunk is life, dude. Thank you. Reading is one of my favorite pass times, so I'm always on the search for new material.
  15. This topic is for book recommendations and general discussion about books. I've personally boosted my cyberpunk cred by finishing reading Neuromancer. This book reads like a movie. It's a very intriguing story, but I will admit, it sorta gets more dull as you make your way towards the end. Also, I'm about to read Catch-22. A book in which I know nothing about. I can't wait.
  16. "Love can't save you Caelum, only my new powers can."

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. JediBantha


      "I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and Taco Bell to my new empire!"

    3. Bek
    4. JediBantha


      "Don't make me season you..."

  17. I was bored today, so I decided to replace these stop signs with kawaii faces. Enjoy. I need to get a life.
  18. I get how memorable the EU is with fans, but I don't understand the outright hatred to anything new. Disney simply pushed aside the EU to make new interesting content. Moving the Eu to legends is ≠ destroying the EU. The content is still there, you're just not gonna get movies based on it in the future. Mickey Mouse isn't the new emperor, and Kyle Katarn isn't his new b!tch.
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