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Everything posted by Bek

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHCkTlvjbds
  2. You should be set, if it doesn't work then you might wanna bind the command to a key so you can at least have easy access to the command.
  3. Don't have Jk:E installed atm, but I'm pretty sure you could put that command in your auto.exe. The command should be issued every time you launch up the game.
  4. Thanks dude. Can't really install Linux atm, though I probably will next time I build a new pc. Then I'll totally check it out.
  5. Yeah I did. Above I said "it displays none of the artwork", which is like half true. It repetitively displays the same artwork for every artist, despite having the proper artwork loaded up on every mp3. However there IS a option to get the player to display the correct artwork, but it's a toggleable option for a individual track. I really don't wanna sit down and enable the correct artwork for each track.
  6. Wmp - Windows Media Player. I've also used Groove music that comes with windows 10. I'll check that out.
  7. Hai. Recently I took up the arduous task of sorting all my music files (adding album art, proper titles, etc), took me days to do this. Once I launched up my media player it displays none of artwork accompanied by the mp3. So I'm taking this as a sign to install a new media player. Do you guys have any recommendations? I've already used Vlc, Musicbee, and Wmp, I'm looking for something new.
  8. 1,083 .mp3 music files, organized. It's taken me soo long.

    1. Psyk0Sith


      Yeah piracy is hard work!

    2. Bek





  9. @@DarthStevenus you might like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrhpqOx371M
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ2QHbtR9lw
  11. It'd be better if you'd add a static plane mesh underneath his feet, and rotate the model. It'll at least add a frame of reference. Right now it just looks like he's perpetually walking on the forum.
  12. You're right Arch, most weapons are too big, just look at the thermal det. It's basically a explosive beach ball.
  13. There's nothing sadder than a broken candy cane... :(

    1. Clan FJA

      Clan FJA

      a broken kitten ?

    2. Bek


      "Broken by the demands of modern society."

    3. Ramikad


      A broken condom bastard named Jake.

  14. You need to adjust that tagging @@Psyk0Sith.
  15. Bek

    Mace Windu

    What did you just say about me?...
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