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Everything posted by Circa

  1. It's the levelshot from the pk3. I'm content with just that one, but if you want to do more, go for it.
  2. Looks good! Safari issue is fixed! One issue I see is the flag doesn't show now, despite it being enabled. I think the only things left I requested should be able to be done via my own CSS file, if that's what you're choosing to lean towards. Things that won't be are the custom message replacing the server ping. You were right, it looks empty there without something. And then the text or neutral colored ParaTracker logo. Also, one map we use often is RaceArena. Can you add this levelshot to the map names RaceArena.bsp and RaceArena_Pro.bsp?
  3. Indeed. Not sure if you watched the panel but they have a tie-in novel coming out about the Inferno Squadron, for more of a backstory on the characters in the campaign. Also, no mention of a season pass yet, which is interesting. For anyone interested in seeing the website, go to http://battlefront2.com. They've got some really great images on there as well. I saved them and put them in a imgur album. Some really great wallpaper material in there! http://imgur.com/a/6IJOW
  4. Added link to full trailer in the first post. Looks great. Looks like there's a lot of focus on the campaign, according to the devs at the panel today.
  5. Season 4 trailer is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b7GAhnVwhA Dave also said in the panel today that season 4 will be the final season of Rebels. However, he said it's not the end of what they're doing at Lucasfilm Animation, implying a new show will be revealed soon.
  6. New bug: it shows the server set to Siege mode when it's actually set to TFFA.
  7. It's Luke saying it. You see his mouth move. But but but it can't be Star Wars without the Jedi.
  8. No, I'm predicting he's saying that the old Jedi Code clearly isn't working, after all these failures. It's basically created Dooku, Darth Vader and now Kylo Ren, in a way. He's probably saying a new form of the Jedi must be created, one that teaches control of the dark side, rather than completely avoiding it. This is seen in the New Jedi Order in Legends. Even in JKA, Kyle says a power isn't inherently evil, its how you use them. So we could see the creation of the New Jedi Order or something similar to it, that teaches these new concepts. You see that he is training Rey. The dialogue in the beginning, as well as you see them on the cliff. So saying the Jedi need to die with me completely wouldn't make sense.
  9. Yeah, I don't think they're yellow. I'm sure they may turn yellow eventually or perhaps they just overlooked that detail for that shot for the teaser.
  10. Oh yeah. Here's a bigger version of the poster. I love it!
  11. So excited. Gonna go watch it like 50 more times on my TV.
  12. Wow, you work fast. Sounds good, doesn't matter to me what it's called. That could work, yeah. Or removing the height line from .playerTable would work, and not mess with any alignment. At least it didn't when I removed it in the dev tools. But yeah, as long as it can show more than 12 without needing to scroll. What if instead of server ping, you allow us to enter a custom message of some sort? If you need to fill space, that is. Could limit it to a certain amount of characters. I'd probably use it to show the server is hosted by @@Caelum's JKA.io to give him a little advertising, like what JAWA does on theirs. #141414 for black and #5e5e5e for grey maybe? I think #ff6605 is best for orange, gives it more orange than red like how you had it. EDIT: Good to talk with you a bit in-game about it. Looking forward to the update.
  13. If you stick to the basic fonts that are web standards (ie work in every browser without Google Fonts, etc), I'll be fine. Like Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Lucida Sans, etc. Awesome, will be glad to see it fixed in Safari. Yes, working with all the browsers is a great pain. I know how you feel. I usually avoid IE as well, since that's now an unsupported browser anyway. Text logo would be nice, though if you at least make the logo white and optimized for HD screens, I'd be just as happy. On my retina screens the logo is pixelated. If you double the resolution of the image file itself and resize to the size you have now, that would fix it. But yes, JediTracker used a text logo but made it extremely ugly with both green font as well as underlined and pasted multiple times around the tracker. If you made yours match the rest of the font and color of the tracker, would be a bit more aesthetically pleasing. You could even make it a link to the ParaTracker website or wherever you'd want. And right, I knew why the game name is there, I just think its unnecessary info in most cases. Only time I'd keep it on is if we had a JK2 server as well, then I'd want to differentiate the two like that, but even then, I'd probably also add a big title above each tracker saying which game it's for or something. Thanks for taking the time to listen to my critiques! It's great to see. EDIT: New critique I just noticed, as we got more than 12 people on. I increased the height of the tracker, but it looks like there's a hardcoded height as well, forcing you to scroll. Can it be set to a higher height? Our server has 32 slots, I definitely will never see that number, but we do often have more than 12, sometimes up to 20-25. I'd rather have a really long tracker than it cut off and scroll. Commenting out the height in .playerTable worked. Not sure if that's something you guys would be willing to do, as I understand wanting it short. But maybe for the custom skin that you may make for me? (again, feel awful for asking for that) btw, this is the page that my tracker is on, if you need the reference: http://shadoworder.com/server
  14. Should be legit. Check this out: https://www.instagram.com/p/BSz7VzSB1ME/
  15. I'm not familiar with JSON. I see that as an option but not sure how to use the code it gives.
  16. I was under the impression that it was a mini web series of sorts. Probably available on an app or something. tbh I don't think this really applies to anyone here. Its meant for small children. unless you have kids I suppose.
  17. Yeah, it would just say it could not connect to the server. I figured I just needed to enable allow_url_fopen in the PHP settings, but that didn't work. Not sure what you mean by very beginning of the HTML code. If you mean in the dev tools after it's loaded, no. Just shows the . And now all of a sudden I can't even get the tracker to show up from my host. Just doesn't load at all. Path is correct and everything. So weird. Was working and then all of a sudden isn't. Anyway, I still couldn't really make adjustments very well via browser dev tools just because of how the tracker is designed and coded I guess. So I made a really obnoxious annotated image instead. Hopefully you won't hate me too much for this. And also, if any of these things are too much trouble or you don't want to do, don't worry about it.
  18. We really need a good male Twi'lek model. But yeah, looks good so far. Agreed with Noodle though about the hands.
  19. I think options such as no auto refresh, no levelshot transitions (one is enough imo), and the ability to select a font would be nice. Like a choice of the select default browser fonts. But, don't put off features just for my sake. I'm now using the tracker on my site with the flat dark theme with 0 transparent background and it's very close to what I was wanting!
  20. Okay, so still can't use it on my hosting. Bummer. I think the Flat themes look good, though I'd change a few things still. I'd come up with a theme myself to show you guys what I'm wanting, but using the iframe from your site forces it to use auto-refresh. That's one thing I really don't want. An option to disable that would be great. I could then use dev tools in my browser to edit things I want and send a screenshot, and maybe someone could make it happen? Again, I'd do it myself but can't without hosting it myself. Also, the levelshots don't seem to be loading in Safari for some reason. On macOS or iOS.
  21. Hello friends. It’s been awhile since writing a legit article around here. I want to do more, but both lack of motivation and topics makes it difficult. I think this may change from now on, because we are starting a new article series, called Mod Features! Mod Features will be exactly what it sounds like: an article dedicated to showing off a mod, what it features, small interviews with the creators, etc. The first mod to get this special treatment is the Epic Challenge Mod III. Now, apparently this mod has been in development for a few years, with a couple previous versions made. If you were like me and had no idea this mod project even existed until recently, you should definitely check it out. A little about the mod Epic Challenge Mod III is a single player mod, complete with it’s own story, maps, enemies, and quirky thematic choices that make you feel like you’re in a Star Wars-themed Nintendo game. The amount of content in this mod is vastly great, arguably more than even the base Jedi Academy single player story. This mod took the creator, RJA, almost 2 years, which definitely shows in the amount of stuff there is in this thing. You will find yourself fighting to survive enemies that are in your way of an objective, or you may just need to find a way to reach a certain area of the map in a certain way. Much of this mod will involve using your brain and survival skills to reach the end. The story features a villain named Darth Lawn, which has created this “Zone of Trouble” to which you play as Kyle and a couple new characters, with help from Luke, to defeat him. Each area you reach contains various challenges ranging from a great number of NPCs, or a few tough NPCs, or certain climbing and jumping obstacles, and much more. Many areas are complex to where you need to get one area unlocked or retrieve something, and make the trek back to where you started to find a new unlocked door or pathway. The effort put into creating all that is admirable. You don’t see that in many JKA mods like this. One of the first things you’ll notice is the charming French accent. RJA voiced most of the characters in the mod. As an English-speaker, hearing Kyle and Luke with a French accent speaking English was very amusing, especially since it was the same person with a different inflection. The Overall, the mod can be very difficult, especially for new players. Saving often is my best advice. I think my biggest challenge was getting used to the single player movement, after playing multiplayer for so long. The movement is very different in each. So climbing up a bunch of platforms to reach the top of a mountain was a great challenge for me, whereas it would have been cake if it was multiplayer. The NPCs can be difficult as well. Sometimes you have to favor sneaking around huge hordes of them instead of attempting to fight them all at once. A short interview I took a bit of time asking the creator of Epic Challenge Mod III, RJA, a few questions about his mod, to get some more info about his process, inspiration, and more. So what gave you the idea to make a mod like this? Was there anything outside of Jedi Academy that inspired your work? I would say the real goal is to propose challenges to everyone, but I'm with those who think that every creator has a personnal purpose. Mine was an obsession to revisit the games I played in my childhood, especially early childhood. It was some kind of porting impressions, sensations in my favourite game (which is Jedi Academy). So what inspired me where these games. This mod is the third one I made for SP. Like the others, some parts of are based from a game I used to played in the early last decade. If ECMI was inspired by Croc: Legend Of The Gobbos and ECMII: Rayman 2: The Great Escape, this one took a lot from Tonic Trouble, an underrated UbiSoft game made the year before Rayman 2 (it was supposed to test 3d Games rayman-lookalike before releasing the true Rayman 2). Tonic Trouble gave me the taste of absurdity, psychedelism. The form of the mod came in a simple way. I always knew It would be my thing to make HUGE MODS (like 35-55 maps), with a lot of ennemies, places, challenges and the best of all... secrets. This one has a lot of secrets. And my passion about secrets came from these platform games I used to play. How long did it take to complete Epic Challenge Mod III? How does that compare to the previous versions of the mod? Asgarath83 edited the code, and a lot of skins and some textures came from others modders. Being said, I made all the mod alone, including Mapping, Music (and not just editing them, I actually made two of them, as a musician), npcs, some gfx, voiceovers (helped by girlfriend and bestfriend), scripting, videos editing, texturing and skinning. So ECMIII took me officially one year and a half but If I count early developement (started during the finishing of ECMII), it took me almost two years.What took the most time was the Zone Of Trouble area (zone with portals), because South Plain is a central map, and I made every versions of this map and needed to compile a lot of them again and again (and this particular map was the one who takes the most time to compile...). I also needed to make every versions of the 7 levels you visit from South Plain (The Cave, Vinegar Sith HQ, North Plain, The Canyon, Glacier Cocktail, The Pyramid, The Factory), taking account of the progression of the mod, and updating Kyle capacities. End of the mod was the fastest thing to do. I took me 1 week to make the last 12 maps I think. Comparing to previous mods, because they are totally different mods with different goals and maps, it took me one more year. ECMI and II were basically "killing and finding secrets" challenges, but in ECMIII there is a little story progression, different scripts, videos and voiceovers, so the mod is a lot more complex (including new capacities, like the transforming-platforms). Did the mod turn out exactly like you had initially planned it to be, or did it end up being much different? Firstly, the mod was written to revisit a lot more places from ECMI from a new point of view. It would have started in the Sand Island from ECMI (third island), have the same main villain and would have ended in this villain castle, again. But during the developpement this idea started to bore me so I only kept the Castle Ending, because Castle in ECMIII is very different from the first one (and I prefer it a lot like this). Funny thing to notice, the mod would have been a lot shorter... Kyle was supposed to quit the Zone Of Trouble to Lawn's Land for 3 maps and enter the Castle. He was supposed to be helped by Lana and an old jedi (I used jeditrainer skin firstly) with a white lightsaber... But a this time, when I ended the Zone Of Trouble area, I got this special nostalgia about Toy Story 2 PC Game, when you was supposed to travel through all the city to find Woody who has been captured. I took this idea, and created Duncan (the character with the white lightsaber) and decided to make 15 maps about Duncan finding a way to the castle because Kyle has been captured. But after the first one, it appears to me that 15 maps would be boring, so I just made 6 maps and decided to make the ending not only playing Kyle but also Duncan (again) and Lana (for 3 maps). And the idea of the final map being the one you see in first when you launch the mod (the one with the cinematic) came at the very end, before making the last map. Are you satisfied with the end result? What would you do to improve it? I'm quite satisfied with the mod, because people seem to be satisfied about it. I would probably have fixed some boring bugs which would have took me hours and hours to fix (bugs in the South Plain), and I would have taken more time to do the videos and the voiceovers. And also textures. It's really not tiling in a lot of places. My girlfriend who study 3D told me it is learner's error. Such a shame, because little bugs can sometimes embarrass you more than huge plot holes. Are there any projects you will be working on now that this mod is finished? Yes. I'm actually working on Epic Challenge Mod IV: Temple Of Time. The mod will be Star Wars related and will be far more realistic in some aspects. We will play a bunch of characters (including Kyle) and see different eras of SW. After ECMIV I will do a last Epic Challenge Mod, the fifth one, which will be a lot more personal. Maybe I will one day do a Hogwarts Map, when I get the mapping skill. One last question. Who would win in a fight, Kyle Katarn or BB-8? Kyle Katarn, without a doubt. Alright, thanks for answering my questions! Looking forward to future projects! In summary This is less of a review article and more of a feature, however, I do recommend playing this mod. It’s a lot of fun if you like to be challenged. There’s a lot of content to go through, a variety of enemies, challenges, and maps. Thanks to RJA for taking the time to answer some questions, and good luck on future projects! You can check out one of the teasers that RJA made below, as well as the file page where you can download the mod. If you'd like your mod to be in an article like this in the future, please PM me or another staff member, and we can work with you on that. div.BBcodeButton button {background: #212121 url(https://jkhub.org/public/style_images/jkhub/topic_button.png) repeat-x top;border: 1px solid #212121;border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px;border-radius: 3px;box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 #5c5c5c, 0px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);color: #fff;text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #191919;font: 300 14px/1.3 Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;line-height: 30px;height: 40px;padding: 0 10px;text-align: center;min-width: 125px;display: inline-block;cursor: pointer;} Download Epic Challenge Mod III Click here to view the article
  22. Hello friends. It’s been awhile since writing a legit article around here. I want to do more, but both lack of motivation and topics makes it difficult. I think this may change from now on, because we are starting a new article series, called Mod Features! Mod Features will be exactly what it sounds like: an article dedicated to showing off a mod, what it features, small interviews with the creators, etc. The first mod to get this special treatment is the Epic Challenge Mod III. Now, apparently this mod has been in development for a few years, with a couple previous versions made. If you were like me and had no idea this mod project even existed until recently, you should definitely check it out. A little about the mod Epic Challenge Mod III is a single player mod, complete with it’s own story, maps, enemies, and quirky thematic choices that make you feel like you’re in a Star Wars-themed Nintendo game. The amount of content in this mod is vastly great, arguably more than even the base Jedi Academy single player story. This mod took the creator, RJA, almost 2 years, which definitely shows in the amount of stuff there is in this thing. You will find yourself fighting to survive enemies that are in your way of an objective, or you may just need to find a way to reach a certain area of the map in a certain way. Much of this mod will involve using your brain and survival skills to reach the end. The story features a villain named Darth Lawn, which has created this “Zone of Trouble” to which you play as Kyle and a couple new characters, with help from Luke, to defeat him. Each area you reach contains various challenges ranging from a great number of NPCs, or a few tough NPCs, or certain climbing and jumping obstacles, and much more. Many areas are complex to where you need to get one area unlocked or retrieve something, and make the trek back to where you started to find a new unlocked door or pathway. The effort put into creating all that is admirable. You don’t see that in many JKA mods like this. One of the first things you’ll notice is the charming French accent. RJA voiced most of the characters in the mod. As an English-speaker, hearing Kyle and Luke with a French accent speaking English was very amusing, especially since it was the same person with a different inflection. The Overall, the mod can be very difficult, especially for new players. Saving often is my best advice. I think my biggest challenge was getting used to the single player movement, after playing multiplayer for so long. The movement is very different in each. So climbing up a bunch of platforms to reach the top of a mountain was a great challenge for me, whereas it would have been cake if it was multiplayer. The NPCs can be difficult as well. Sometimes you have to favor sneaking around huge hordes of them instead of attempting to fight them all at once. A short interview I took a bit of time asking the creator of Epic Challenge Mod III, RJA, a few questions about his mod, to get some more info about his process, inspiration, and more. So what gave you the idea to make a mod like this? Was there anything outside of Jedi Academy that inspired your work? I would say the real goal is to propose challenges to everyone, but I'm with those who think that every creator has a personnal purpose. Mine was an obsession to revisit the games I played in my childhood, especially early childhood. It was some kind of porting impressions, sensations in my favourite game (which is Jedi Academy). So what inspired me where these games. This mod is the third one I made for SP. Like the others, some parts of are based from a game I used to played in the early last decade. If ECMI was inspired by Croc: Legend Of The Gobbos and ECMII: Rayman 2: The Great Escape, this one took a lot from Tonic Trouble, an underrated UbiSoft game made the year before Rayman 2 (it was supposed to test 3d Games rayman-lookalike before releasing the true Rayman 2). Tonic Trouble gave me the taste of absurdity, psychedelism. The form of the mod came in a simple way. I always knew It would be my thing to make HUGE MODS (like 35-55 maps), with a lot of ennemies, places, challenges and the best of all... secrets. This one has a lot of secrets. And my passion about secrets came from these platform games I used to play. How long did it take to complete Epic Challenge Mod III? How does that compare to the previous versions of the mod? Asgarath83 edited the code, and a lot of skins and some textures came from others modders. Being said, I made all the mod alone, including Mapping, Music (and not just editing them, I actually made two of them, as a musician), npcs, some gfx, voiceovers (helped by girlfriend and bestfriend), scripting, videos editing, texturing and skinning. So ECMIII took me officially one year and a half but If I count early developement (started during the finishing of ECMII), it took me almost two years.What took the most time was the Zone Of Trouble area (zone with portals), because South Plain is a central map, and I made every versions of this map and needed to compile a lot of them again and again (and this particular map was the one who takes the most time to compile...). I also needed to make every versions of the 7 levels you visit from South Plain (The Cave, Vinegar Sith HQ, North Plain, The Canyon, Glacier Cocktail, The Pyramid, The Factory), taking account of the progression of the mod, and updating Kyle capacities. End of the mod was the fastest thing to do. I took me 1 week to make the last 12 maps I think. Comparing to previous mods, because they are totally different mods with different goals and maps, it took me one more year. ECMI and II were basically "killing and finding secrets" challenges, but in ECMIII there is a little story progression, different scripts, videos and voiceovers, so the mod is a lot more complex (including new capacities, like the transforming-platforms). Did the mod turn out exactly like you had initially planned it to be, or did it end up being much different? Firstly, the mod was written to revisit a lot more places from ECMI from a new point of view. It would have started in the Sand Island from ECMI (third island), have the same main villain and would have ended in this villain castle, again. But during the developpement this idea started to bore me so I only kept the Castle Ending, because Castle in ECMIII is very different from the first one (and I prefer it a lot like this). Funny thing to notice, the mod would have been a lot shorter... Kyle was supposed to quit the Zone Of Trouble to Lawn's Land for 3 maps and enter the Castle. He was supposed to be helped by Lana and an old jedi (I used jeditrainer skin firstly) with a white lightsaber... But a this time, when I ended the Zone Of Trouble area, I got this special nostalgia about Toy Story 2 PC Game, when you was supposed to travel through all the city to find Woody who has been captured. I took this idea, and created Duncan (the character with the white lightsaber) and decided to make 15 maps about Duncan finding a way to the castle because Kyle has been captured. But after the first one, it appears to me that 15 maps would be boring, so I just made 6 maps and decided to make the ending not only playing Kyle but also Duncan (again) and Lana (for 3 maps). And the idea of the final map being the one you see in first when you launch the mod (the one with the cinematic) came at the very end, before making the last map. Are you satisfied with the end result? What would you do to improve it? I'm quite satisfied with the mod, because people seem to be satisfied about it. I would probably have fixed some boring bugs which would have took me hours and hours to fix (bugs in the South Plain), and I would have taken more time to do the videos and the voiceovers. And also textures. It's really not tiling in a lot of places. My girlfriend who study 3D told me it is learner's error. Such a shame, because little bugs can sometimes embarrass you more than huge plot holes. Are there any projects you will be working on now that this mod is finished? Yes. I'm actually working on Epic Challenge Mod IV: Temple Of Time. The mod will be Star Wars related and will be far more realistic in some aspects. We will play a bunch of characters (including Kyle) and see different eras of SW. After ECMIV I will do a last Epic Challenge Mod, the fifth one, which will be a lot more personal. Maybe I will one day do a Hogwarts Map, when I get the mapping skill. One last question. Who would win in a fight, Kyle Katarn or BB-8? Kyle Katarn, without a doubt. Alright, thanks for answering my questions! Looking forward to future projects! In summary This is less of a review article and more of a feature, however, I do recommend playing this mod. It’s a lot of fun if you like to be challenged. There’s a lot of content to go through, a variety of enemies, challenges, and maps. Thanks to RJA for taking the time to answer some questions, and good luck on future projects! You can check out one of the teasers that RJA made below, as well as the file page where you can download the mod. If you'd like your mod to be in an article like this in the future, please PM me or another staff member, and we can work with you on that. [button=https://jkhub.org/files/file/3240-epic-challenge-mod-iii-zone-of-trouble/]Download Epic Challenge Mod III[/button]
  23. I think they listened to the feedback on the first one and are working towards getting this one to how it should have been. I loved the first one, but obviously it didn't have as much content as it could have. Even EA said they weren't happy with how it turned out, despite it selling a lot of copies. They know the fans were upset with it, and are working to fix that with this one. So all in all, I'm extremely optimistic. Playing as a Clone Trooper again like the good ol' days is going to be amazing.
  24. Gonna attempt to use this again. I like the new themes you guys made. I think I figured out how to use it on my hosting now. We'll see. One thing I had to do before uploading was remove the levelshots of games other than JKA. Too many excess things I didn't need. But also, I recommend putting your images through FileOptimizer or ImageOptim, so they are optimized for web properly and will load quicker in browsers. I ran all the images through ImageOptim and saved a decent chunk of space by doing so. http://nikkhokkho.sourceforge.net/static.php?page=FileOptimizer https://imageoptim.com/mac
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