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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Circa


    Looking good! I'm assuming it's a WIP, Zack. Could be wrong.
  2. Gotta love that default ground rock texture. Compared to the other textures, it looks worse. Not your fault, it's a default texture, no?
  3. Did you just think reading the topic was too strenuous or it would just take too long? He already denied the request.
  4. @@IrocJeff I will close it, but do you mind posting the tutorial you found?
  5. Yes. In t2_rancor when you go to clear the path to the tunnel, the human merc standing there with the key, next to the door that it unlocks, is like that. Just realized how ridiculously mindless that is to have the guy with the key standing in front of it. Yet another flaw in the development process where they decided to make the campaign the easiest game ever made.
  6. Yeah, the end result is just disturbing unless it's panned.
  7. Yeah, he can still fire, it just wouldn't be out of the built in blaster, but the center of his body. Like the R2-D2 model does when given a blaster.
  8. JKHub is a fan of Halloween, in case you didn't know. (clear your cache if you can't see the new theme)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tempust85


      Finally! JKA is usefull for something. :P

    3. CaptainChar


      Tempting to map something, but too much on the go, lol

    4. Bacon


      jawaween anyone


  9. Split the posts so this topic should be back on track with @'s request only.
  10. @ Split the posts into this new topic. Sorry Revian. Hopefully this will work better.
  11. For Firefox. For Chrome. Or other extension, like the one posted above.
  12. Makes sense. Maybe there's still a way to make the firing animation work? Maybe you could just modify the R2 skeleton somehow. Add a firing animation that makes the blaster come out and shoot, then go back in when not being used.
  13. Looks good! We could. If you do, don't bother modeling the blaster on his head. Just keep it flat.
  14. Trust me, it's not possible in this case. The only way is what I said before, or if they were drastically different frequency ranges, which is not the case. Qualification: audio engineering major
  15. Not possible unless the channels are panned hard left and hard right in the mix, assuming that it's even stereo.
  16. Circa


    Those look great!
  17. That would be hilarious. Would this help with the eyes, nose and chin a bit?
  18. His nose also looks a tad too long vertically.
  19. Now it looks off again...but how? :wacko: The ears maybe? It looks like this is a totally different one than you posted before.
  20. Nice. Though I'm not a fan of remaking a better looking game in a worse looking game. Don't see the point. But this is looking pretty good. The animations look like a N64 game for some reason. Maybe because everything seemed like it was happening too fast.
  21. If she did, it would be on her website, unless she never finished it.
  22. What font is that, do you know?
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