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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Circa

    Featured Pictures

    Nah, you can upload them elsewhere and post a link, it just makes it easier for some people to upload it right there. The goal was to eliminate those inevitable n00b questions: "What site can I upload pictures to? What's the best?" "Bla bla bla?" But yeah, @@mrwonko, if you still have issues, just send a link of one.
  2. Circa

    Featured Pictures

    Are you going to Compose Message in the messages window? We've had someone submit already so I know it's working.
  3. Haha! That's great. I figured you would. If you hadn't at least thought about it, I would be extremely surprised. This is some quality work and you'd be a fool not to take the opportunity to at least ask. And you are no fool.
  4. *@@CrimsonStrife goes on to recruit @@AshuraDX to Helical*
  5. Yeah, for some reason, the hands are freakishly large on that model. Someone should fix that.
  6. Just stumbled upon this piece of greatness today. I love watching behind the scenes stuff and there really isn't a lot for the original trilogy, so this was a surprise to find. The one on YouTube is muted for copyright infringement, but I found this one on DailyMotion. Downloaded it for safe keeping as well. The Making of Empire Strikes Back: The Lost Documentary
  7. Circa

    Featured Pictures

    Mostly a joke. We will put our own caption if we deem the provided one is inappropriate or goes against our rules.
  8. Yeah, I hate that. I wish it were like other games where the bullet doesn't fire until the gun is pointed where it needs to be. It looks better when they're like that, but obviously there's that issue. I think what I did was just keep the default firing animation and the post-fire animation the same, and changed the actual stance to the resting one. I'll double check on that. But you could just have those two the same or similar position so it's not so drastic that it looks horrible.
  9. Yeah, like I said before Chalk, simpler is better. I think this one is fine now, doesn't look too bad, but any future ones should be made with the mindset of Jedi build their own sabers, usually out of scrap metal probably. Just look at the ones from the movies:
  10. Looks great Chalk! How many sabers were you wanting to contribute?
  11. The whole Rosh, Jaden, and Caelum thing is getting old.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Onysfx


      Your predictable? UNLIMITED POWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    3. Onysfx



    4. Futuza



  12. The idle animations aren't random, there's one for each stance. The breathing animations overwrite the default 1 frame stances into multiple frame animations.
  13. Yep, that was already posted. It's the same one that's here on JKHub.
  14. @@OlgO looks pretty good, but some of those skin tones don't look very natural. The left ones are too grey, the middle are too red, and the right are too white/light. Yes, I can set up a mod forum for you. PM me with the details.
  15. That still doesn't explain why it doesn't work half the time.
  16. Can anybody make their voice sound like Dooku?

    1. Onysfx


      Onysfx: *Makes a bad attempt*



    2. Tempust85


      Your voices please, we don't want to make a mess of things.

    3. CaptainChar


      I lack the bass to pull that off

  17. Circa


    @@CaptainCrazy that's not a very comforting. I will not bother with that.
  18. Circa

    Featured Pictures

    Sorta, but not on a daily basis. We'll change it when we feel like it.
  19. Hey man! Got anything in the works?
  20. Have a look around. We have some great stuff in the files section.
  21. Sometimes hex editing works and sometimes it doesn't. I tried doing it before with a few different models before. Is there a certain way you have to do it?
  22. Circa

    Featured Pictures

    Oops. Should be visible now. Sorry about that!
  23. Interesting. I honestly just used the eye that came with it and made it slightly more blue. I didn't really notice it causing more issues. I'll fix that soon. Thanks for that! Psyk0Sith and his eagle eye. (pun intended...sorta)
  24. I will be adding my old mod, Ingame Character & Saber Menus to the project. This mod allows you to change your appearance and saber at any time ingame. https://jkhub.org/files/file/562-ingame-character-and-saber-menu/
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