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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Circa


    Very nice! Looks great! My question still stands from the Duro model: will you be releasing these models separately?
  2. The area between the eyes looks like it's too far out, making his eyes seem sunken in. Crappy picture, but hopefully you get my point.
  3. Whipped up a slightly better vid for you @@ChalklYne. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/a4xeg3u5o6p9xsj/T3.mp4
  4. He meant playing the game. His head should be a lot wider.
  5. That's the point? Many countries don't have access to JK3files. That was one of the main goals JKHub was started for. You'll see many files on here that are uploaded by us because the authors gave us permission and didn't want to bother making their own account.
  6. Good point, unless we add some more options and skins to them.
  7. If it can play JA, it should be able to play KOTOR. Make sure to get the patch and stuff. I played on a really old computer for years, and had to lower some of the graphics settings, but it played well.
  8. So, should we include the Jedi Customization and the Female Customization? https://jkhub.org/files/file/1707-spanki39s-jedi-customization/ The female one isn't uploaded on JKHub I don't think (working on that), but it's amazing as well.
  9. Agreed on everything. I thought we would see a Hutt as well, which would have been awesome. Maybe we could rework that somehow? Hmm. And yeah, Tatooine is my favorite setting in the Star Wars universe, so I was really glad they included that in JA, twice. Though it would have been better if they weren't right after one another.
  10. I stand corrected then, though my original intent was to answer his question about any TFU mods.
  11. Oh...I thought they were talking about us. That's extremely strange.
  12. Circa


    Awesome! Can't wait to see others! Are you going to release these models separately as well?
  13. Very good! Yeah, those doors look a bit awkward.
  14. Definitely the best. Great work. There's some parts that still look weird, but I think that's just because it's not textured. If you texture it I think it will look great!
  15. @@minilogoguy18 has been dealing with real life issues lately, as well as being extremely busy. I'm sure it will be finished at some point.
  16. I saw the title and thought that he would be quite simple to model most likely. Though that picture you posted made me eat my words.
  17. @@ChalklYne is in the process if a large TFU mod. Check out his project forum here. I'm sure he has plans for making the Rogue Shadow if he hasn't already.
  18. This would be cool to have. Wouldn't be too hard for people who know how to make custom skeletons.
  19. I'm starting to think we should approve all new accounts for awhile...

    1. Onysfx


      I'm starting to think we should take this to forum mafia xD.

  20. You guys have a project forum up now by the way, @@NumberWan.
  21. Those were stolen though and already made. The issue is how long it take to make maps. For singleplayer no less. That means 30 separate missions with scripts and whatnot. Takes a lot of time.
  22. Circa

    Featured Pictures

    Totall forgot about the coder group. Should work now. If not, then either clear your cache or use a link instead. Sorry about that.
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