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Everything posted by Circa

  1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fbhncw64h7mn4lt/YodaSaberThrow.mov https://www.dropbox.com/s/74udrc50b5gtskb/VaderSaberThrow.mov
  2. Yeah, Nar Shadda in JK2 felt so empty. They should have included a ton of civilians in the bar and on the streets and throughout the level. That was bizarre to me that they only had enemies, aside from the bartender. I guess that goes for the Coruscant level in JA as well.
  3. You can upload it to the tutorial section yourself.
  4. I hope they involve Boba and the other bounty hunters as much as they did (or more) in CW. That was pretty cool.
  5. No, then all these posts would be lost and this thread would be obsolete. Our policy now is to not delete any accounts.
  6. I have 12 email addresses so far. And I use them all. Don't judge me.

    1. Onysfx


      Since the jedi are taking ovah, it's understandable.

    2. eezstreet


      circa confirmed drug dealer

  7. This thread was almost a year old without a post. Oh well, that's a good question and I honestly can't think of how he did that...
  8. Bummer. I might merge your two accounts then. I could also suspend your account if you'd like, so you don't have to keep making new accounts to post. You can just ask me to unsuspend you. Back on topic: It seems GameFront downloads are working again. Just tested it.
  9. We can reset it for you, though you should already be able to.
  10. He hasn't been on in months. Not sure what happened to him.
  11. Awesome! Thanks @@Pande. Feel free to contribute anything else! I'm editing this a bit and moving it to showcase.
  12. That looks great. The utilities room has great lighting and shadows. Nice work.
  13. Sorry for the downtime today. The website software is updated and there should be no more issues.

  14. Sorry for any issues you may have with the site. We are working on figuring it out.

  15. It's still in JA+. Or do you want it as a separate mod?
  16. We're working on figuring it out. We aren't entirely sure what's going on.
  17. If someone wants to go through the effort of figuring out what mods we don't host on here that are still on there, go for it. I would if I had a lot of time to kill.
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