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Everything posted by Circa

  1. The files are still there, it just seems as though the FileFront.com redirect no longer exists. Now you have to go search GameFront for the file you want. Unless this is a temporary downtime. Though I doubt it.
  2. True. You can try the hex method, if you can get it to work. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.
  3. Probably. But if you overwrite the tusken animation, then they won't have a proper animation in that mission.
  4. Meh. Why not just make them like everyone knows them? Silly people. I didn't like that narrator either. He sounds ridiculous.
  5. Isn't that what the CLASS_HAZARD_TROOPER does?
  6. Haha I'm sure you're right about it needing adjusted a bit.
  7. Unless they change those stormtroopers to look more realistic, I will assume the animation style is going to be worse. And it was pretty bad in CW. Just look at Dooku and Anakin.
  8. I knew you would ask that. I probably will then. It's Toshi's head. I only slightly greyed his hair.
  9. Alright, I decided to go with the normal head. I greyed his hair slightly. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1724-luke-skywalker-jedi-master/
  10. 3,025 downloads

    This is my depiction of Luke in Jedi Master robes. There have been a lot of requests floating around over the years asking for this, and it was done with the default JA model, but using the Toshi model would be a much better and accurate choice. This one isn't perfect, but I think it turned out pretty good. To use in SP: npc spawn master_luke npc spawn master_luke_robe npc spawn master_luke_hood Credits: Toshi for the model and original textures. Khaliban for the hilt.
  11. @@ChalklYne, I moved to the request forum. This isn't off topic at all. Interesting. I'll look around. Doesn't look bad for a reskin.
  12. I believe contractions is the correct term. Anyway...back on topic.
  13. Well when you react like that, nobody will ever want to help you. The crazy thing is, these guys are trying to help you.
  14. I'm at a loss for words that you don't know what conjunctions are. Just kidding. Your grammar isn't as bad as it was when you first joined here. It's actually pretty good now.
  15. Eh. It could be better. I know for a fact if anyone could make it better, you could. Nah, I agree, Toshi's isn't perfect. Could be better, definitely. But you said no Luke models you've seen look like him at all, but Toshi's really does.
  16. @@ChalklYne This one is to make him look older, like 20 years or so ahead of ROTJ. I didn't make the head/face texture. As far as Luke look-alikes, everyone agrees that the default one looks nothing like him. See here. I think Toshi's Luke looks extremely close to him. It's not perfect, but it's extremely close. @@DT85 made him look a lot closer by changing the shape of the hair a bit.
  17. Not really a reason to close a topic, but since he edited his original post beyond comprehension, I suppose I can.
  18. I think the grans should be remodeled to have smaller hands that don't clip as bad. The default ones look stupid.
  19. You can do this with any folder. PK3's just make it more organized and easy to install.
  20. Welcome aboard! Perhaps you and @@Rage can compare notes and help each other out? Just a thought.
  21. I've seen a few requests for a "Jedi Master Luke" skin here and there so I just took a stab at it.
  22. How's this? Fixed the darkened parts on the arms and changed the color of the robe.
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