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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Those stormtroopers looks ridiculous! This is why I hate the animation designs. But the Clones in Clone Wars looked amazing compared to this. COME ON.
  2. If this is for a machinima or mod, it should be in the JK related section.
  3. That's ridiculous. I'd rather they just stick with Starkiller. Why have TWO people do Vader's legwork? I thought it was really stupid to have Starkiller do what Vader was known for anyway. Ugh.
  4. What's the difference between a Kell dragon and a Krayt dragon?
  5. I think he wants movie related stuff, like KOTF.
  6. Ah you're right. Hadn't looked over the arms very much before posting. Thanks guys! The head is the one that came with the model. Not sure if I like it all that much. I might go with the younger one and make it look older in my own way.
  7. We should have both. Those would be so awesome. Your zombie idea would be even better though. I'm excited for that!
  8. What if we made a mission out of it? That would be epic. :blink:
  9. Circa

    We need money

    Well we would sure never worry anymore. Maybe get new features added to the site? IP.Gallery for real featured pictures and videos. Some new little mods to the forum software that cost money. We have a few already, but could add more. We'd have to discuss it. But really, it would be a bit overkill right now.
  10. OpenJK uses a different .exe so it shouldn't need a separate install. But to answer your question, it should be possible. Just change the install path in the install wizard.
  11. Well then good thing we have the master of scripting, @@therfiles, on our team.
  12. Naw. The Academy won't be the main focus if they do that. It will only be included. They'll come up with a better name than that.
  13. Circa

    We need money

    Thanks for the help guys! You are awesome. :thumbsup:
  14. I'll just leave these here...
  15. Piece of advice. Post your work on here before releasing it. We can give you our opinions and advice and help you get it the best it can be, then you can release it. Releasing one version, then changing tiny things with each version number can be a bit mundane and counter-productive. Just trying to help. Looks pretty good so far.
  16. Check out the latest news article if you love JKHub.

  17. I still want to know why my Mac App Store version has unflawed widescreen support and the PC version doesn't.
  18. Sounds pretty good. The dialogue will need some work definitely, since the grammar is way off. But I like it. I don't think he should be detected until the very end of the mission, when he has to escape.
  19. Well using a JK2 model in JA would be best if rigged to the JA skeleton. But that takes a lot of effort and time.
  20. Yes! I would appreciate that a lot! Anyone else like my idea of going under cover as a Stormtrooper to infiltrate a base?
  21. Hmm. Can't remember how Dragon works exactly. You'd probably have to change the _humanoid.gla that it uses to the JK2 one, since it has more bones than the JA one. They aren't compatible with each other. @@katanamaru will know more.
  22. That would be great! Not all levels have to have combat and fighting. It would be unique. @@DT85 If you do add combat, make it with creatures. Fast running ones or flying ones or something. That would also be pretty cool and unique.
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