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Everything posted by Circa

  1. He wants specific models to have those animations.
  2. Check out the latest new article! Submit your best screenshots!

    1. Onysfx


      Not sure what I'll be submitting, but nice! xD

  3. Circa

    Featured Pictures

    We are pleased to announce that we are implementing a new feature to JKHub called "Featured Picture"! Most of you will recall a similar feature at jk3files called "Picture of the Day", and it's quite similar to that. The difference is that we get to change it whenever we like. It should add some more participation with the community and should be a lot of fun! Each picture is featured on the home page and forum page under recent tutorials and in this thread. Rules The rules are self explanatory for the most part. No pictures that go against our rules. Read up on those if you're unsure. If you need to ask, don't submit it. Use common sense. All pictures submitted must be related to the Jedi Knight series, Star Wars, or JKHub. Don't bother submitting ones related to anything else, we won't post it. Instructions Here's how the system works. If you have a picture you want featured on JKHub, whether it be a funny ingame screenshot or a scripted scene, you'll need to PM it to the @JKHub account as an attachment. Also, add your own caption if you want! But remember, we have the right to use our own if we have a reason (or if we have a better one). Visual aid: If you have issues with attaching the picture, send a link instead. Please follow this template for all submissions. Get to submitting! Click here to view the article
  4. Circa

    Featured Pictures

    We are pleased to announce that we are implementing a new feature to JKHub called "Featured Picture"! Most of you will recall a similar feature at jk3files called "Picture of the Day", and it's quite similar to that. The difference is that we get to change it whenever we like. It should add some more participation with the community and should be a lot of fun! Rules The rules are self explanatory for the most part. No pictures that go against our rules. Read up on those if you're unsure. If you need to ask, don't submit it. Use common sense. All pictures submitted must be related to the Jedi Knight series, Star Wars, or JKHub. Don't bother submitting ones related to anything else, we won't post it. Instructions Here's how the system works. If you have a picture you want featured on JKHub, whether it be a funny ingame screenshot or a scripted scene, you'll need to PM it to the @@JKHub account as an attachment. Also, add your own caption if you want! But remember, we have the right to use our own if we have a reason (or if we have a better one). Visual aid: Please follow this template for all submissions. Get to submitting!
  5. As in converting a video to .roq, or making an animated video?
  6. Not sure if there's a way without editing the model. But then again, I'm not a modeler. @@ChalklYne, @@AshuraDX, and @@DT85 would know.
  7. Are you just wanting them to be the default animations? Or do you really want them to be assigned to specific models?
  8. So popular that you don't even read your fan mail.
  9. You have to merge the two .gla's with GLAMerge. It's probably the most confusing part of the whole process.
  10. I honestly like Georgia font. I never really did before, but JKHub makes it look good. But like I said, we'll look into it. Maybe we can make a new theme with a different font for people that don't like Georgia.
  11. Weird. I have no idea. I was hoping other people would have more info. @@redsaurus?
  12. The new one I'm assuming, compared to the other ones listed.
  13. The main problem with Dragon is it's so primitive to work with. As long as you take your time to make the animations look realistic, it should be fine. Though I thought you were going to learn Mod Tool @@katanamaru?
  14. It's possible. We might consider it. For now, I recommend changing the font manually for things like that until we decide on such things. It doesn't happen very often when you mix numbers and letters together like that anyway.
  15. Circa


    Welcome to the Hub! Sounds interesting. Looking forward to see your progress!
  16. That actually sounds pretty cool.
  17. Jawas... Never around when you need them...
  18. It will only help you find the animations you want. You need a base folder with the models/players/_humanoid/ folders there with the animations.cfg and _humanoid.gla in the _humanoid folder. Then you need a model to load, so pick Kyle or someone and put that folder in the players folder. Then open ModView and load the model.glm in the kyle folder. Then in the sidebar on the left, you'll see a collapsed tree that says "Sequences". Uncollapse it and double click each animation to see it. If it has multiple frames, press the play button on the top of the window. That's how we figure out what animations are what. It's tedious, but it's how it works.
  19. This link? http://www.file-upload.net/download-6976775/PUGMod.zip.html Why can't I find any info on this mod? Nothing comes up in Google. Like at all.
  20. You should get ModView. It will help you with finding the animations you want.
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