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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Remember the Wiki? Feel free to add to it! Poor thing feels abandoned.

    1. Onysfx


      Your right! It must be added to! Would someone add some info about the MBII game mechanics?

    2. CaptainChar


      I actually forgot it existed >.>

    3. Onysfx


      Same here! Unfortunate.

  2. The Jedi Academy Gold Pack is a collection of mods that aim to enhance the Jedi Academy playing experience. Our main focus is to improve the single player side of the game, since many feel it was a big letdown compared to the JK2 campaign. This involves new missions, maps, models, NPC's, saber hilts, more customization, new menus and more. The Gold Pack is a community project, which means that anyone can contribute. The point of this project is to celebrate a decade of amazing mods that the community has made over the years to make the JA experience more enjoyable. (This is not a KOTF-esque mod). We hope to get this finished by the end of 2013, but as the end draws near, that might not happen. We will keep everyone updated on it as much as possible. If you would like to contribute, post here or contact myself or @@therfiles.
  3. I kind of want to rename this project Jedi Academy Expansion Pack instead.
  4. Circa

    To-Do List

    Now that we kind of have an idea of what this project will consist of, we need a to-do list that lays out what we need done and who is contributing. Menus: @@therfiles Maps as menus or new 2D menusCustomization skins: @@MagSul new options using the default modelseventually perhaps using other models as wellSaber Hilts: @@ChalklYne and @@AshuraDX additional hilts that match the style of both movie hilts and JA hiltsremake stinger hiltAnimations: @@katanamaru new running animationsnew stancesnew gun animationsMaps: @@Rage and @ undercover missiona new mission involving Rosh to improve his personalityScripts: @@therfiles and @@Agent Jones make NPC's smarterscripting for new missionsMission using Moonbase Labs mapMod contributions: myself, @@redsaurus, @@Szico VII Jedi Academy: ImprovedIngame Character and Saber MenusSP Customization (code mod)Moonbase Labs I know I probably forgot people. I'll add them as we go. If you would like to contribute, PM me or post here!
  5. @@Caelum has been tweaking things behind the scenes. This also happened to me, so I'm assuming it will for everyone. I'll talk to him and figure it out hopefully.
  6. Interesting. I'm not sure what would cause that. The the upload option works for me, and others. Someone submitted a map earlier today as well. Have you tried a different browser? Cleared your cache? I know Caelum changed some backend things to the site today so it may have borked a few things. I'll see if I can replicate the issue, but clearing the cache may fix it. As far as external links, we reupload to our Dropbox anyway, even with attached files, but thanks for letting us know.
  7. I'll make a list then. The problem is, some people haven't said they are officially contributing.
  8. Dirty them up then. If you don't know how, there are lots of tutorials everywhere. Or you could ask for help with that.
  9. That's our goal though. To make SP worth playing and replaying. Rosh can't be removed but perhaps we can make his story and character a little more bearable.
  10. Circa

    Boba Fett ROTJ

    I did. The only difference was the way you packaged it right? There's no reason to make it a separate file and version number if so.
  11. Circa

    Boba Fett ROTJ

    Weird. It worked for me. I wouldn't have uploaded it if I knew it was messed up. Try it now.
  12. Wow. That's a lot... So you want all the ones that show up in those searches too? :blink:
  13. No that's width and height. Scale is the actual size.
  14. Circa

    Boba Fett ROTJ

    Excellent work man. Glad to see it finally released!
  15. Would you be interested in adding it the the Gold Pack project? Sounds awesome.
  16. Now I gotta figure out a way to restore collapsing sections for those who don't prefer it.
  17. CAUTION: THIS THREAD CONTAINS SPOILERS I know there was a thread made when the announcement was made but I figured I should make a new one. Any news or new rumors can be discussed here. I just saw this article tonight. I'm happy to see this. It would be amazing to have the original cast and have them look as much as they would as their characters at their age.
  18. What do you think of the new location of the mod project forums?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. therfiles


      Maybe we can email Cael or talk to Fighter...they may know.

    3. Onysfx


      But Caelum is conspiring against us! Fighter might be able to help, he wasn't here when the witch hunt happened.

    4. Circa


      He was, he just ignored it. :P

  19. Explain what you need and we can try to help you.
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