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Everything posted by Circa

  1. The people to ask are @@Szico VII @@DT85 @@MoonDog and perhaps @@ChalklYne
  2. He's working with Jedi Outcast I believe, if that makes a difference.
  3. Definitely the best story arc in the series. Or one of the couple good ones. It lasted about 4 or 5 episodes I think.
  4. Downloading Ubuntu to add to my small collection of OS's.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      Some key info left out: I need to be familiar with it for my job. I work in the IT department for my college.

    3. eezstreet


      What sort of stuff do you anticipate doing in the IT department? Currently I do a lot of web development stuff, which usually involves SSHing into the server and using Git (or if Windows is being too slow, I've done SCP to retrieve and send files..), which is about the extent of Unix stuff that I use. As a major project I once had to rewrite the C standard library on a bare-metal machine and then compile a tool chain for building into bare-metal from Linux...all I can say is that the MIPS...

    4. Circa


      Haha. Right now I'm just support/helpdesk. So I help people with their computer and network issues. I've been in a few situations now where people have Linux and I literally have no idea how to do anything on it really. It's a bit embarrassing, and my bosses recommend that we all get familiar with it.


      The most I've done like that stuff is some server specific stuff and network drives. Simple stuff. I'm only a student worker and there's only so much we are a...

  5. I'm definitely going to be waiting awhile. The current games for them look only slightly better right now. The smart thing to do is wait for the price to go down and for the developers to fully take advantage of them. Remember when the current gen consoles came out? It was the same way. Looking back, the graphics on those early games were awful compared to a few years into it.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c_-30Qhi6M
  7. Better yet, the thread on this very website. http://jkhub.org/topic/2220-frequently-asked-questions/
  8. Yep. You could use two staff sabers with the dual saber animations for now. Perhaps someone will make a new style for dual staffs. *cough* @@katanamaru *cough*
  9. There's a limit, but I think it has to do with how many lines are used total. Which is why I said to delete lines that you set at default values. I don't know too much about it, I think @@eezstreet was the one who explained how it works to me before. But the limit isn't unreasonable. Most people don't run into it.
  10. Just typed one out for you. [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:146]
  11. Can't you just make a new NPC instead? Would be much easier.
  12. Nevermind. Don't mind me. I shouldn't be the deciding factor. Let the people who want it to decide.
  13. That would look even more goofy in my opinion.
  14. Yeah? That one just uses the textures from Hapslash's Obi-Wan. I worked with the original textures. Anyways, they're Jedi robes, there's only so many styles.
  15. Very nice work. Is this going to be part of your Bounty Hunter 2 mod or are you still working on that?
  16. That would look a bit odd since the left hand in those animations is just used to hold the staff.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      Steam codes work for either version and once you redeem it, you can install both versions. I just installed it on my Windows 7 partition as well.

    3. afi


      Portal 2 for 5 EURO!

    4. Circa
  17. We haven't seen anything related to this in a couple months. Where'd you go @@Botdra?
  18. Oh you're right. I only played a little bit of that. I still have it, I should probably go through it at some point.
  19. I like this idea. It would be a good way to keep us "non-coders" in the loop.
  20. That, or break up the points by using the "return" key so it's much easier to read, @@Asgarath83. Same goes for all your extremely long posts.
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