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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Too much irony going on here. The member @@Ping, the network term ping, and Ping is actually a Chinese name.
  2. Yes. When it was a small idea, that involved just putting a bunch of people's finished mods together that already exist. We figured it would be finished real soon. But now it's grown a bit and involves some brand new ideas that will take some time.
  3. @@Raz0r very nice. This would be cool. We should get some people to do it. I'm terrible at it though.
  4. Well it's almost November guys. Looks like this isn't going to get done by the end of 2013. But that's alright. Anyone got anything to add to the project? Either a WIP to contribute or something finished for the showcase?
  5. Okay, it's crazy that's it's been almost a month since the last post. Where does time run off to? Got anything @@ChalklYne? If you have that one done, you can send it on to me if you'd like. Anyone else want to contribute some original hilts?
  6. How's it coming @@katanamaru?
  7. I was thinking the same thing, Ping.
  8. We need more submissions for the Featured Picture! It's easy, just PM to the JKHub account.

    1. Onysfx


      Heh, I should add one sometime, but haven't yet xD.

  9. That's only for the Modding Assistance section. I'm going to add it to this one too though, since it consists of mostly questions anyway.
  10. Try reinstalling. If that doesn't work, join here and ask. They're still pretty active there and would probably help you out.
  11. Circa


    Of course you won't get banned. If your Italian is better than your English, you might want to consider using a translator site. It's not that we can't comprehend what you say, it just takes a lot of effort to figure it out.
  12. Exactly! Those buildings are disgusting looking and look nothing like Coruscant buildings. The level is pretty fun to play, but way too easy.
  13. That's crazy. He must have done it a hundred times to get it memorized like that. I bet JA could be done in half that time.
  14. Circa


    Ah so you're Italian. Very nice. Welcome to JKHub. Do you use a translator website or do you know how to speak English? I ask because it can be really hard to understand you due to your broken English. Just curious.
  15. Ah you're right. I bet someone from the Void did it then. I remember a bunch of people were trying to make it work, since the hood/cape variant is perfect for that. Rogue Agent made a really good one that I have. The face looks nothing like Sam Witwer though.
  16. My site is now a part of JKHub. circa.jkhub.org

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ory'Hara


      lol, their partially operational, but when you try to go to the links, the menu goes away, lol

    3. Circa


      Weird. The only issue I see is alignment, which I am working on fixing. For me, it's all fully functional.

    4. Ory'Hara


      i'll try clearin my cache and cookies and see if that fixes it


  17. His eyebrows are sticking a little too far out.
  18. Eh, I guess with some great texture work, it would look a tad better. His head looks a bit too round though.
  19. He means when you show some progress, he will be glad to help you.
  20. What happened to that one? ^ That was the best.
  21. You should get it. It's pretty dang cheap now. It wouldn't involve much of anything different. Maybe some minor things.
  22. To Mac users: Aspyr released an update today for JA if you updated to Mavericks.

  23. Ha! Very nice. Feel free to use a better Sprite machine texture... :wacko:
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