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Everything posted by Circa

  1. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1548-prequel-conversion-mod/ This is not a small modification though. It's a rather large one.
  2. You must mean extracting, not downloading. The PK3 needs to go in the base folder.
  3. Single player mods? If so, are you wanting new levels and stories, or mods for the existing game?
  4. Yes, Mac please. Why not submit this here on JKHub?
  5. Started working with Maya. Anyone who wants to be my modeling guru, add me on steam/xfire/skype.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. h643


      same for me, just started with Blender :)

    3. CrimsonStrife


      I got my degree with Maya <_<

    4. Circa


      Good. Then I will be annoying you in the future with questions.

  6. Yeah, just use WAV. It's better quality anyway, since it has no compression.
  7. We could add that for now, and if you get a new site like this up and running, we can definitely add it to the Resources section. We could also provide our free web hosting service as well.
  8. Anyone else getting buried in over a foot of snow?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Onysfx


      Minor flurries. Wish we got more snow. By the way "global warming" is worse than ever before :P.

    3. Circa


      Rain and snow are my favorite types of weather.

    4. Tempust85
  9. It's not like it's expensive. You could find a physical copy on Amazon or eBay for around $5. You missed the Steam Holiday sale, they had JKA for $5 the whole time.
  10. What if we just added a category to our Downloads section for "Original Assets"?
  11. Welcome to JKHub!
  12. Circa

    New Background

  13. Circa

    New Background

    Well, a rotating background would still hinder the load times of the site greatly. And slowing it just a tad gets a certain someone a bit on edge. Unless he means rotating with every refresh. Which would make more sense. Could also be cool. Not sure if we'd do such a thing though.
  14. Great point. Perhaps there could be a bypass line for the .sab files to not be used by the holster.
  15. Circa

    New Background

    I clicked on that link and waited for it to load. I got to 35% before I gave up on waiting. That's probably how it would be if we had a rotating background: slow load times. It would be cool though.
  16. There's is one in the JK2 Han Solo model, though it only replaces the Bryar, not the DL-44 in JA. I'm sure it's been done, but I can't find such a thing either. Odd. One mod that's worth checking out is UltimateWeapons. I'm in the process of getting it added here on JKHub. It has what you want, but includes a lot of other stuff as well. Though that other stuff is definitely worth keeping. It basically makes the effects in the game more like in the movies. Particularly A New Hope. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/UltimateWeapons;91175
  17. I've always had issues with that, even back when JA came out. I use Audacity, and usually after the second try, it works. And it usually stems from the files actually being stereo, even though they were set to mono. Or vice versa.
  18. There was no need to post that question 3 times. He would have seen the first one. And yes, I believe he plans on making all the missions.
  19. Not gonna lie, I skipped that wall of text and appreciated those last lone 2 sentences.
  20. Oh, it's updated now, by the way. Same link above.
  21. You just paste the link, rather than using the link button. It does it automatically. Fixed yours.
  22. Yeah, I'd say we have most of the models that were on JKFiles. There may be a few left though. http://jkhub.org/files/category/5-player-models/
  23. That's quite large. If the skins aren't made by you, be sure you have permission to host such things.
  24. This is what I've been wanting in SP since I bought the game.
  25. This was just requested a few days ago. http://jkhub.org/topic/3209-darth-malgus-sithari-request/
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