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Everything posted by Circa

  1. I hope this is a bit more condescending than you meant it to sound.
  2. It's more of a coding issue. When gripping, after the NPC dies from Grip, it plays the normal death animations, despite still being gripping in the air. It should recognize that the model is still being gripped, and the body should just go limp. So really, one could just change the code so when the gripped enemy is dead, to not play any animation and let the body turn into a rag doll body.
  3. I'm half tempted to lock this thread because it's going nowhere.
  4. Approved. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1790-lobot/
  5. Circa

    Old Ben

    It is in the Skins category, and he explains in the description as well. I think it's very well done for a reskin. Nice work.
  6. You'll need a map and know how to make scripts as well. That's the hard part. As far as the other things go: NPC Tutorial: [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:146] Skinning: [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:79] Saber modeling: [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:43] [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:39]
  7. Getting a new mouse is wonderful. After man-handling something for so long, it gets gross, and a brand new one is great. And they aren't all that expensive. Don't you dare take my post the wrong way. I have the powah to destroy any post that does so.
  8. One of my favorite saber mods. Really unique and a sick idea.
  9. Very nice!! I can help out wherever you need. @@Jeff was looking for this I believe.
  10. He means between those two games. Like porting from JK2 to JKA and vice versa.
  11. It's illegal. As in, against the law. jk2files.com and Lucasfiles.com both rejected all ported content. In fact, you couldn't even talk about porting on FileFront, or they'd lock the thread. Deviance, you may re-upload your Maul, since there hasn't been evidence to show that it is a port. But you admitted that the Savage model was ported. We will try to get in contact with @@khameir about his Maul, if in fact it is not ported.
  12. 1. Not true. You can upload others' files. This was recently added to the rules 2. That may be true, but it's because of the pages. If you want your files hosted in a folder style like that, we use Dropbox, and the JKHub file page can link to such a thing if you'd like. PM me to look into this further.
  13. We do have sections for general Jedi Knight talk and events and advertisement talk, and then the nonsense and off topic sections are fair game for anyone. What else could we have? A legit question. We are open to more ideas. The API will help a lot, partnered with a JKHub server.
  14. We are in the process of amending our rules regarding ported content. You should be fine though.
  15. So what do you want us to do about it? It's a modding community for modders that have been modding the games since it's release. That was jk2files and FileFront's purpose as well. You're saying we live in our own little world, but there are many people on here that still play and mod at the same time. I still play occasionally, and I only play base when I can help it. And clearly the "players" stay in their own community as well, as you just pointed out. My point is that I want to cater to the players as well, but am not really sure how to yet. Suggestions would be great.
  16. Nobody is saying modding is illegal. Porting is. If modding was illegal, why would Raven give us tools to do it? So a poll then? I'll try to get some options thought out for people to vote on. Keep in mind, this is just a way to gauge people's opinions, without reading their ranting and raging posts that go in circles. It doesn't mean that it will decide the final decision.
  17. Isn't that what the requests forum is for? I can make a site request thread for players to post how they want to be more included in JKHub. This is a modding community after all, but I definitely want to include the non-modding players as much as I can in this site, as I know that hasn't been JKHub's strongest point in the past.
  18. The last poll was geared towards players. And one of our goals in 2014 is to bring more players here. A JKHub server has been discussed, so be on the lookout for news about that. I will add another option for non-modders.
  19. It's probably just one that has it messed up, it just shows up every time. You'll have to take out all your mods from your base folder and add them in one by one until you find the one that is messed up.
  20. @, the move to delete your files was abrupt and Ashura has apologized. Please re-upload your files and we will review them after coming to a proper conclusion, as well as the other files that were removed. We still have them on our Dropbox, just not the pages on JKHub. The point of this thread and discussion is to come to a conclusion about what JKHub's policies really should be, regarding ported content. We understand that many of you are angry, and we are trying our best to get this all figured out. There is no need for raging and absurd exaggerations. The fact is, we can't please everyone. Every member has his/her own opinion on the matter, and chances are, we will be stepping on some toes here. It's inevitable. We want to come to a conclusion in which benefits the community, and keeps us out of legal trouble. We are using this thread to pool together your ideas. It's difficult when the thread is full of raging statements that get nowhere. Would a poll be a better idea? We want to hear you guys out. Let's keep a cool head in here.
  21. Sad that the staff activity has been low, but this is a smart move from you guys. Hopefully we'll see some benefit from this, and maybe the original staff will return to their previous duties soon.
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