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Kualan's Kitbash Workshop

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After posting the above I had a brainwave on how to make another clone variant seen in the films. This one has been made in the last hour though so is in a very rough 'first draft' format:






The torso skin is a placeholder via the AT-AT pilot skin from MovieBattles (I think). The top half of the helmet comes from the base rebel pilot model whilst the lower half is sourced from DT's Stormtrooper model!


Damn it Kualan. xD

I did a similar thing with the helmet a while ago, except mine was solely the tie pilot's helmet; a friend worked with me to cut a hole for the head to fit in xD I just never finished the model variants and such.

DarthStiv likes this

It's in the KOTF files, give me about two hours and I'll PM it to you. Supposed to be paying attention to geometry rn, lol.

Yep it is true but that was skin and it looked rly weird XD

yeyo JK likes this

Damn it Kualan. xD

I did a similar thing with the helmet a while ago, except mine was solely the tie pilot's helmet; a friend worked with me to cut a hole for the head to fit in xD I just never finished the model variants and such.


Wow Ruxith, that's a good effort. In fact I'd say, as a model, that's more screen-accurate than mine. If you'd like, I can try my hand at skinning that model?


Great work man. Regarding Embo there needs to be some updating on it I think to make it more like what I've seen in pictures, but I haven't actually seen him in the show so correct me if it's just a different version. The embroidering on his robes, the bandages on his arms and shoes, that sort of thing.




For the Rebels fans:






It isn't wholly screen-accurate (most notably the helmet), but I 'Sithed' him up a little, I'm also having trouble texturing the Imperial insignia onto the shoulder pads due to distortion, but I'll work on it.

Can we please get a beta version of this???


I'm far from happy with the Inquisitor in his current form to release him. He needs a new head, for starters.


I'm far from happy with the Inquisitor in his current form to release him. He needs a new head, for starters.

I am just really interested in the body, it is very nice and would be useful for a model I am working on for a personal project. 


Oh, @@Kualan, I see you've made Neimodians! These are the best up to date, that I have ever seen made by fans.


Trade Federation leaders are among my favorites.

  • 3 weeks later...

The problem at the moment with that version of Plo Koon is that the lower half of the mask deforms really badly when certain animations play.


The problem at the moment with that version of Plo Koon is that the lower half of the mask deforms really badly when certain animations play.

Is it all weighted to the cranium, or is the lower part weighted to the torso bones? There would be some clipping, but it wouldn't move with anything except for the head if you weighted it fully to the cranium, right?

yeyo JK likes this

Yep, weighting to the cranium moves it only when the head tilts/rotates, but I can see a problem even with that, as the bottom of the mask will enter the shoulders. Unfortunately, I think that's just the best we can get with JKA. It's better than having the bottom of the mask stretch as the head turns...


Oh, and by the way... Can these hands be made like the head (texturing or something)? I mean, the head looks awesome and everything, and hands are just base ones, quite poor compared to face.

  • 4 weeks later...

Is the Shaak Ti mod ready yet? if so send the download link via PM. Your models are best I've seen yet. If you're accepting donations I'll send ya some cash, you totally rock man ;)

z3filus likes this

I'll be as blunt as I can folks - no active work is being done on the models in this thread still. Real life continues to be a pain. I do intend to get back to them at some point, they're not being abandoned wholly, but the pace has crawled to a halt.


However because I know some of you are keen I will try and find a few hours to put up the finishing touches on those nearest completion and release them in a batch in the near future.


The ones most likely to be released in said batch are - the new Shaak Ti, the Clone Wars Plo Koon (deformities and all), and possibly a sample of some of the new clone variants. I know the poncho clone is a popular choice!



Did the Inquisitor model ever get finished?



The Inquisitor is one of the furthest from completion. I'm just really not happy with that head and I'm struggling to find a suitable substitute.

Noodle and Cerez like this
  • 1 month later...

The 501st Pack has been updated with shader support to fix the 'transparent kamas' bug. Submission will hopefully be approved shortly - just download and replace the pk3.


I'm also in the process of uploading the first incarnation of my Grand Army of the Republic Clone Pack. This will contain a host of 8 clone commander skins, all with the modified clone trooper body first seen in the 501st Pack (where the helmet has been adjusted to be less chubby). Each commander also comes with a standard trooper skin, to represent the soldiers under their command.


Also included are 3 variations of Republic Navy clones seen earlier in this thread, as well as the much requested poncho-wearing clonetroopers. The latter comes with two standard skins (dirty and clean armour) but is fully compatible to work with any clonetrooper skin for those who know how to make simple .skin file edits.


In total, the GAR Clone Pack will contain 21 different skins.

Ramikad likes this

Found a new tail for the Oppo Rancisis model. Tested it out in-game and it works as well as one can expect of a non-humanoid bodyframe:












As you can see, it is far from perfect. Lots of clipping through floors/walls/etc when certain animations are being used, but I think it's as close as I can get given Master Rancisis' unique body type.

Delmi, z3filus, Langerd and 3 others like this

Found a new tail for the Oppo Rancisis model. Tested it out in-game and it works as well as one can expect of a non-humanoid bodyframe:












As you can see, it is far from perfect. Lots of clipping through floors/walls/etc when certain animations are being used, but I think it's as close as I can get given Master Rancisis' unique body type.

About clipping through walls i think You can change width and height of the NPC. Changing it maybe will fix this. But only for NPC


Anyway nice!


Found a new tail for the Oppo Rancisis model. Tested it out in-game and it works as well as one can expect of a non-humanoid bodyframe:












As you can see, it is far from perfect. Lots of clipping through floors/walls/etc when certain animations are being used, but I think it's as close as I can get given Master Rancisis' unique body type.


Nice work! By the way did you get my message? :ph34r:


I'll be as blunt as I can folks - no active work is being done on the models in this thread still. Real life continues to be a pain. I do intend to get back to them at some point, they're not being abandoned wholly, but the pace has crawled to a halt.


However because I know some of you are keen I will try and find a few hours to put up the finishing touches on those nearest completion and release them in a batch in the near future.


The ones most likely to be released in said batch are - the new Shaak Ti, the Clone Wars Plo Koon (deformities and all), and possibly a sample of some of the new clone variants. I know the poncho clone is a popular choice!




The Inquisitor is one of the furthest from completion. I'm just really not happy with that head and I'm struggling to find a suitable substitute.


you basically need a bald human head, right?


try this   http://jkhub.org/files/file/2296-darth-malgus/

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