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Everything posted by Langerd

  1. Hmm converting it to Ase. wouldnt be bad idea i think ?
  2. About that issue... I had this problem once too. The patches works very strange because sometimes You dont see this kind of hole in the Gtkradiant but after compile You see the hole in the game. Sometimes it is 180 degrees situation... There is no chance for this sry :/ Maybe there is an option in the compiler for this . And i think patches have sort of Lod function. When i made the circle window using the cilnder it looks nice in the game. BUT not form far distance. The shape of it is angular. They act very random :/ I am making the arches in these places with holes It can make your corridor more pleasant and nicer and also it will fix this issue
  3. Congratulations!!! 83
  4. Hmm i remember that it is possible to add the tag to the saber model to create efx (In KOTF there was a torch "saber") Three questions: -How to add them? -How to name these tags (i think they are tags) -Is it possible for MD3 too?
  5. The colors are nice but i think they are too intense. Making them with a little less saturation would be better in my opinion. A little... On the othere side these screens look epic
  6. This is the game and yeah... The only way would be porting models from this game. Maybe there are sites with the model packs
  7. Hmm i dont know how to find these kind of files but i think the models from Mount and blade have not hight poly and i think someone would take models from it. But this is the only thing i can think of to help You
  8. Nice concept! But why the textures quality is low? D:
  9. I love Your models... soo great
  10. I must say this.. We know .. well nothing rly about him but in my eyes he is freaking badass
  11. Because on this model beard is the texture Hmm maybe making the model part that is a little off from the face with the beard texture would give better effect . I know that Witcher 3 is new graphics but i dont think that this beard is the revolution in the moddeling. Still awesome head model... Older Luke was a jedi that i always wanted to see :3
  12. The model now is just epic but i think his beard should be bigger D:
  13. Heh ... maybe they will hit someone.
  14. Ravens in star wars? Lol .. i thought there is non ravens in this universe.. that is why the name of this ship always confused me
  15. Musisz na dole w custom properties w okienku g2_prop_name dodać nazwę taką jaka będzie w .skin file. Napisz tam plakietka a potem plakietka w swoim pliku skin. Powinno zadziałać. Nie musisz się bawić w tych opcjach material itd. Te opcję są tylko dla Blendera. Dla akademii jest ważny skin file który nakłada tekstury na nazwane w modelu części. Tu masz co i jak.. mam nadzieje że to pomoże OuO
  16. Hmm Znajdź nazwę tekstury tej części. W GTKradiancie zmień tekturę opcją _remap <ścieżka tekstury tej części>;<ścieżka nowej tekstury> Najlepiej żeby ta tekstura była niewidzialna powinno zadziałać
  17. The face part of model (eyes mouth ) are animated in jk3 keleton too (that is when we see characters in cinematic. They are speaking .Without that their faces would not move) . The only problem is weighting . Kyle mode has a face model part (all Human models in Jk has this model part. The face is also the inside jaw teeth etc) but model like impworker doesnt has it because he is wearing helmet.
  18. To add tags i just import the other model and go to its hierarchy and i just parent tags to the my model parts. It works... so i think it is a good idea :S And Your model doesnt have model face part so i think You should take tags from (e.g. the stormtrooper mode doesnt have these so just import this model in the other layer and start selecting thd tags in the hierarchy and just parent them to the body parts. After that just delete whole stormtrooper and this should work i think..)
  19. How Pilots deal with this shit! (it is kinda amazing ) Anyway nice idea with making Raven's Claw cockpit :3
  20. Ah ok XD Yep .. i know that issue
  21. Hmm i had this issue once but on the map that i will never finish ... i am not using areaportals at all so i dont know how maps would work after using it ( in the wrong way too)
  22. Wow ! This one looks nice
  23. I dont want to be rude but.. what the heck is going on with this Clonefest?? Clones everywhere lately O_o I know they are cool but and these skins are great but why there are so many versions here ??
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