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Everything posted by Langerd

  1. Count of the verts scare me a little
  2. He he somebody should make the skeleton model
  3. This works with this . The problem is that i want to make it NOT disapear
  4. D8 NO!!! We didnt mean that Your models are Fantastic!!! I Love Your works and this model is the one that i rly waiting for D:
  5. You mean that big river?
  6. http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?176010-Getting-the-Gang-Back-Together-%28Star-Wars%29 Jaw drop OoO
  7. This very common in modding .. have problems with this most of times ;-;
  8. Life line. What should i put there to make these models stay forever?
  9. But i want it with the script on the npc Or just make the corpse of the enemy npc invisible when dead and it will create some chunks BUT only after being killed by certain weapon (For example consussion)
  10. For example i have droid. Is there any way to make him using the script that works like this? - If You will deal a big amount of damage for example 2-3 equals his health he will create explosion efx.
  11. Hm this technic is nice for making terrain for the maps
  12. And You can also make it this way - In the target_scriptruner You just add parm1 or parm2. This is helpful because You can do this with many enities - not only one that is named
  13. Strange O.o It is always XYZ well .. usually
  14. Many thanks 83 i will check it today
  15. But how to write the script like that? Yeah i use misc_model only
  16. I made the lever column The column and the lever is the doffrent MD3 . Maybe You will ask : Why not making simple MD3 animation. My answer - the animation in MD3 look laggy... My idea is to parent the lever model to the little clip brush that You see on the picture. After pressing the trigger that i want to make there the brush will rotate 45 degress (in the angle towards us). The model will be parent to this brush and i think (i hope it should) it will rotate with the brush that it is parented. The origin of the model is on the end of the lever not in the middle so it should rotate with the same origin as the brush. But my question how to do that? It requires script am i right? Help is appreciated
  17. Hmm i am thinking : Blaster pistol - lantern that You hold and shot the blue white kind of fire or the purple bolts. Concussion - kind of chaos power that is rare in my world The problem is that i want give him the powers that he knows to use. (Speaking of Morin) he also use special technique mixing his blood ( this give him more possibilities because the blood of his race provide the power throgh the body very well) Maybe the concussion rifle will be his power or kind of power that only enemy use. (You also said the brayr pistol. Blaster pistol and bryar use the same effects so they could have diffrent look but the same effects)
  18. Many thanks! Still dont know what to do with the blaster pistol and Concussion :S And i am thinking about replacing : These sentries to the torches that shoout fire or crystals or something. But this is just an idea
  19. TO BEGIN WITH! This is only for SP. I checked all these stuff in MP. It looks like shit .. even worse.
  20. New stuff Funny umbrella pics - Bonus XD Thermal - alchemy explosive Trip Mine - Blue Crystals with explosion force Detpack - Red Crystals with more powerful explosion force Well i added many MD3 for my weapons and i thouht that it will lag the game so much it will be trouble to deal with it. BUT NO!!! Look at my FPS on the right top of the screen. It is rly high
  21. It may be the kind of question You dont like but .. How much time did You spent on creating this awesomeness ?
  22. O kurwa... O.O this epic!
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