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Everything posted by Acrobat

  1. heh didnt realize SJC made this. An early work
  2. unkown author? I recall Immenor making this map although memory is kind of fuzzy from 10 years ago!
  3. Ive tried borrowing roq files from jka maps for a jk2 map to see if they would work. The .roq is usually in a textures folder so I move it to the folder I want and try it in my map but never works.
  4. I remember there was a command to convert it to all clip solid overlay?
  5. really nice esp the sky portal. On question is how did you manage to make the scaling of the textures so small within the skyportal? When I have made skyportals the textures/shaders always scale up once things become large which is a problem. However yours is tiny. Did you make it large, turn it into a model and then downsize it?
  6. this map is very vertical. I like the layout a lot
  7. I like the look down area in the central part
  8. i like the look. It reminds me of a map boddo made in past that was yavin like w rain. wish i could rem name
  9. Acrobat


    Version 1.0


    This map is a small duel map in the desert. This map started out as a test map for a projected decal entity. I ended up building a small duel map since I liked the effect. I also put in a sky portal again like my quest map.
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