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Everything posted by Acrobat

  1. I remember seeing how he put parts of his map into the sky using a camera script to generate the skyboxes and I thought that was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. It made it seem like far\unrelated parts of the map were visible at all times.
  2. Nope, same settings as jka and the speed is the same: the default 250 ups same as jk3. The pads work exactly the same in both as well. Vrael is just that good and makes it look easy. He probably ran that course hundreds of times to get a clean run though. I had demos of him getting PR's in the other boris maps as well but my computer had to be reformatted before I had time to finish uploading them to youtube. Vrael is best climber I know. Rachel is fastest vq3 strafer in particular best at half beat, and bla is best CPM strafer that I know in the jk2\jka world at least. Defrag world has its own crazy skill level though. Here's my racing pack btw of about 20 maps I made and packaged together http://jkhub.org/files/file/1525-acrobatracingpackage/ Problem is ud need a modded server capable of using timers which idk of any on jk3. We have one in jk2 dark server
  3. Could also combine many of the textures into one giant texture and then section it off with surface inspector. So instead of having 4 posters with 4 textures, you make one texture and cut it into 4 pieces in game. Works fine so long as the texture doesn't have to repeat.
  4. Here's my friend Vrael climbing in jk2 Dark server
  5. The sound track for my Expedition map is the Gypsy Kings of course I'd love to make another map but that one took like 3 years and windows 8 doesn't seem to compile for me. Also the original Ente (Andreas Endres) I knew was a mapper around 2002-3 who was one of the better mappers I've seen. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/ENTEs_PadPack;3051 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/ENTEs_PadStation;2716 I give Kairos credit for suggesting Gypsy Kings who I used to race with a lot
  6. Youtube videos of my map Expedition. The map has lots of diff areas so these are videos of ppl doing various parts.
  7. ah I see. Ya that could speed things up perhaps. btw i dont like how u cant see the red line if there is a leak in this GUI thing. ..and that's why my computer was probably still using 2 gigs with it only. I will have to reformat my computer before I try this thought. gtk is all messed up right now.
  8. idk what u could do with my map anyway. It won't compile without lomem so u know. I am pretty good at the -vis phase stuff so Idk how much more optimizing can me done. The map is about 10 times the size of any other map. Have u played it? I'd like to make another add version at some point. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1422-expedition/ Here's from the readme in which I listed the basic compile settings and world spawn settings. Let me know what u would change if anything. And yes I need lightmapscal of 8 for it to compile. It goes crazy if I much below that.
  9. I recall trying that thing, and I opened by task manager to see how much ram it was using, and it was using 2gb. I asked Obsidian and he said it was probably working just fine as it only occasionally would go over 2 gb anyways, but idk I wasn't that impressed but I didn't really do timed comparisons between the two. And ya I meant 64 gigs of ram. My processor is an overclocked itel core 7 3930 at 4.1 ghz. It's eight X 8 GB of DD3 1866 mhz ripjaws. My hard drive is entirely solid state so my computer boots up in like 3 seconds. And it can run crysis 3 on 2560X1600 resolution maxed out settings and it stays locked at the default fps without deviating. It's kind of a beast This is a similar looking PC with same frame that the company makes. It's called a talon model.
  10. It really aggravates me off that my computer should be able to compile a large map in 60 seconds, but this old software turns it into something more like 60 minutes. My computer is 64 bit and I have about 64 megs of ram. Should compile this stuff in no time flat so makes me not want to map.
  11. Damn I didn't know Raven had anything to do with Quake 4. I really need to try that game sometime.
  12. ...how much does a master server cost to maintain really? I guarantee Steam sales alone monthly should be able to pay for that many times over.
  13. link? would be nice to have a tutorial on how to install it
  14. http://forums.warchest.com/showthread.php/37058-gtkradiant-1-4-or-1-5-doesn-t-run-well-in-windows-8-mouse-locks-onto-ceiling Well last time I dl'd it, it didn't even have a jk2 or jka option. I compile jk2 maps while it's set on jka settings all the time (u just have to know which triggers not to use) but if it lacks either one, then I don't see how I could use it.
  15. bump for 1.6 http://forums.warchest.com/showthread.php/36287-Q3Map2-Test-Build-
  16. bump. need to update that old one that doesn't work well
  17. Sr. Canseco You got it (it being 1.6) working for jka though on a different version?
  18. Just reminding you, you will get dramatically diff results from those force pushes based on what fps ur using. com_maxfps 125 etc
  19. The jediknight\darkforces series was always excellent because they had the best FPS engines of their day. I would have loved to have seen jk3 on a crytek 3 engine. That's the first engine I've seen that really shocked me as of late at least on it's higher settings. Jedi Engine=dark forces engine developed by lucasarts Sith Engine=jk1 engine made by lucasarts jk2\jka= quake 3 engine by ID
  20. Ya I had times where it would work when I first reformatted, but both times after about 24 hours, it went ballistic. Then I made those changes and it fixed it.
  21. "disable display scaling on high DPI settings" Bingo. I tried the same thing on gtkradiant, and my crazy mouse issues resolved at least for the time being (I also reinstalled it before that but I'm pretty sure I reinstalled in past without problem resolution) It's this high DPI settings that is really messing the old games up. I made this post in case others were having the same problem, they would have a solution available after searching the internet far and wide to figure out how to make things work. My computer is ridiculously high performance though so maybe it's just my computer rather than windows 8.
  22. I downloaded both 1.4 and 1.5. They worked maybe once or twice, and ever since mouse has locked onto the ceiling like a laser in both. I can't get 1.6 to work at all although I wish it would because I want something that compiles faster. It's not the mouse drivers though because I reformatted once, and when I added the mouse drivers back on they didn't affect things. I'm not a sure what does it or if it's just windows 8.
  23. Go to jk2sp.exe and jk2mp and right click--> properties and find compatibility section. The check mark the box "disable display scaling on high DPI settings" and then it will run correctly. I think the games weren't meant to be run on a 1080p system or whatever. I'm wondering if something similar is what is messing up gtk for windows 8 as well edit\update: and btw- you must run it as an administrator every time you compile otherwise it doesn't have permission to make the file. ha
  24. These four maps would all be good for role playing. Some of the best maps ever made at least technically especially his last two. http://www.moddb.com/members/boddo/addons
  25. http://store.steampowered.com/app/225600/ Discounted this week for 1\2 price. Costs like 8 bucks now
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