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Everything posted by Acrobat

  1. idk how or why more jk2\jka people don't play this game.
  2. In base you can use single saber and open duels as toure hitting them for a glitch to do more dmg. Dont know exactly how it works but thats what most ppl did back in the day.
  3. Sell the Team! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6bETR7qv1o&feature=youtu.be&t=91 and here's me w a nanoblade last night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LK75_VuhP0
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPBoEkByAiI&feature=youtu.be&t=377 Let's go!
  5. Playing genji in OW kinda reminds me of jk games... kinda.
  6. #1 Hanzo montage Best Of "Wraxu" The Hanzo God - Overwatch Montage
  7. Rocket Queen Fareeha #1 pharah on overbuff montage (who is a female) For those of you who don't know pharah's rocket launcher is essentially the quake 3 rocket launcher (the devs were quakers)
  8. Kragie - WHAT A RANK 1 EU PLAYER LOOKS LIKE - Overwatch Montage
  9. Best character in overwatch and Widow rap
  10. I want this as the new Tracer emote.
  11. I played HZD on ps4. Was really good. Is God of War that good also? Neither of them stack up to OW but that's another story.
  12. Anyone else going to miss this show? https://www.mmafighting.com/2018/6/11/17447296/the-mma-hour-with-robert-whittaker-yoel-romero-tyron-woodley-colby
  13. This game have better gameplay than the jedi knight series? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NvZpt-wOgA
  14. Bored of jka yet? OW free to play memorial day weekend http://playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/21779230?blzcmp=app
  15. i manually changed the hz and made no difference. It just seems that when it defaulted back to 800X600 it seems to freeze up now. No idea why. I can't change any of the settings before it locks up.
  16. Seems to be crashing when I changed monitors from my 165hz one. That's only thing I've changed. I lack cd drive. How do I dl and use openjk? Maybe that won't crash
  17. my new computer lacks cd drive so I guess I'll need open jk?
  18. Found this on OW forums in a discussion on mouse sensitivity. Basically EDPI = mouse sensitivity X dpi. Therefor if you halve your mouse sensitivity you should be able to just double your mouse dpi to get the same EDPI. (EffectiveDPI) However, using somewhat higher dpi values with lower sensitivity seems superior bc of pixel skipping, which is determined based on what resolution you play at. If you're playing on 4K or 1440P you will need a higher dpi than a person playing on a 1080p monitor. This explains https://pyrolistical.github.io/overwatch-dpi-tool/ Also keep in mind that historically mice have native dpi that can be best to run them at or at least intervals of that native value. So if the native is 400 than it might run ok at 800. However the new mice tend to run native so long as you change the dpi in intervals of 50.
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