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Files posted by JKHub

  1. Sharad Hett's Jedi Trainer Replacement

    Author: Sharad Hett
    This mod will completely replace the Jedi Trainer model with a reskin of the Qui-Gon Jinn model.


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  2. Episode 3 Anakin

    Original Author: Maestro Obi
    Description: This is a reskin from DT s Anakin. There s also included a robed and hooded versión, but these versions are a reskin from Voodoo s Anakin. I basically reskinned the torso and the face. In this new version I added NPC support, SP menu, Botfiles and Team colors.
    I hope you like my skin .
    Credits: Credits go to Darth Tempust and Voodoo for their models.
    /npc spawn Anakin
    /npc spawn AnakinRobed
    /npc spawn AnakinHooded
    /npc spawn AnakinSith


       (2 reviews)



  3. Random Skin Pack

    Original Author: Phonock
    This is random skin that i've made.There are 4 skin included in this pack.
    Also included new sound,team support and bot support.
    Skin LIst:
    Laming Virus(reborn model)
    Oilman(jedi model)
    The Fog(Weequay model)
    The Universe(Chiss model)


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  4. The Challenge in Jedi Valley

    Author: Darth Arth
    LADDER - Type map with several new options.
    over 100 enemies in 25 waves.
    correct Mission-Objectives
    heavly scripted
    new NPC's without replacing the old ones
    new Game - Menu with difficulty settings

    Kyle visit Luke on Yavin 4. Luke says him, that he have heard about new Reborns-Army under Tavion's command. Luke have to check this Info, but he has no Time at the moment. So, he ask Kyle to fly to Jedi Valley und have a look around. Also on Yavin4 Kyle meets his old friend Mara Jade and they go together to Jedi Valley. Short Time after Kyle is flying away to Jedi Valley, Luke has become a new Information. The Reborns have a secret Laboratory and they can replicate all of the dark Jedis of the Past... Can Luke warn Kyle just in Time ?


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  5. New Stormtrooper

    Author: Forogorn
    There are 5 skins included, 1 black, 1 blue, 1 red, 1 green, and 1 officer. The black, blue, and red skins can be used in Multiplayer. The green and officer skins can only be used if you use the cheat code: Playermodel


       (3 reviews)



  6. Fantasy Swords Pack

    Author: Lightsource


    Uploaded by: Barricade24

    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Put all the pk3 files in you gamedata\base folder.
    DESCRIPTION: I started with a sword for Loeb, and I couldn't stop, it's just an small collection of famous swords.
    BUGS: I hope not.
    COMMENTS: not this time.


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  7. Han Solo Human Male Clothes

    Clothes for the Human Male Jaden modeled after Han Solo's outfit.


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  8. JK2 Software Development Kit (SDK) (Editing Tools)

    This official SDK includes the following:
    JK2Radiant - the map editor.
    MD3View - model viewer for .md3 format models
    ModView - model viewer for .glm (Ghoul2) format model
    ShaderEd2 - the shader editor/viewer
    sof2map - the map compiler, you will not be using this directly, JK2Radiant uses this.
    Note: These tools are released "as is" and are unsupported by Raven Software, Activision or LucasArts.


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  9. Mortal Kombat Ninjas

    Author: Nick Skywater
    This simple skin pack contains the skins of our beloved classic MK characters: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Ermac, Rain, Human Smoke, Reptile and Noob Saibot. Since they are represented by colors, the team colors on this skin pack are this: for blue, a frozen version of sub-zero (as seen in Mortal Kombat 4) and for red just the Ermac skin. I did it because a red team sub zero, for example, will gonna crash the look of the ninja (c'mon, sub-zero is just the BLUE nija!) and that's why I just did this, to don't mess with the colors. No bot support for this time, but soon will come, like more MK characters in a near future... =) The sounds are plain because none of those speak on any game but scorpion (the classic "get over here")... Enjoy!


       (1 review)



  10. Mon Calamari

    Taken from readme:

    Model Name: "Mon_Calamari"
    Model: Moooa
    Skins: Moooa, for Gee "Da Admiral" (muffin_eater1@hotmail.com) & Moooa
    Email: moooa_duga@hotmail.com
    Sounds: Moooa & Dark Reaper
    Botfiles Moooa
    Special Thanks: Everybody who supported me on lucasforums.com
    Specially to Heks Noxu and Kururin for their support
    Hellfire Jedi and the other beta-tester
    And Dark Reaper for the sound
    Concept: Based on Admiral Ackbar see in Episode 6 : Return of the Jedi


       (6 reviews)



  11. Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Revision 1.0.1F for Mac OS X

    Important note: this update only works with the CD copy of Jedi Academy for Mac OS X. It does not work with the digital download version or the 'Jedi Knight Gold' CD version. For support with those, please post in our forum.
    This is an unsupported beta update for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy that addresses a few issues in the single player game. The multiplayer game has not changed and is not included in this update.
    To install, drag the "Jedi Academy (Rev F Beta)" application into your existing Jedi Academy game folder. It will not replace your existing game app. If you encounter problems with this beta release, simply go back to playing the original game.
    For the latest multiplayer patch, please refer to this file instead.


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  12.  THE FORCE UNLEASHED : Dark Lord's Hunt (KotF 2.0 Expansion Mod)

    **Requires the original version of Knights of the Force 2.0, which is currently the only way to play it properly. While it is possible to use this expansion pack with other mods and the regular game, it will not be fully playable in the way it was intended, as the necessary files that were specifically created for KotF 2.0 are missing. Since the original mod is no longer in development, official updates for this expansion pack are not possible.**
    **To play this expansion pack without KotF 2.0, simply take the file "KotF_TheForceUnleashed.pk3" and put it in the base folder. Then change the name to "_KotF_TheForceUnleashed.pk3" (adding the _ makes the file load first and prevents the game from crashing before the menu shows up). The first part of the mission is mostly playable and functional. The second part is also playable, but some codes are missing to make it work 100%.**
     A new years gift for all the Kotf fans. in the new year, you will get to play The Force 
     Unleashed in the PC. This is a KotF mod's mission pack. in order to play, you need
     Knights of the force mod installed in your PC.
     This mod is made by the effects and methods you never saw in Jedi Academy before. Alot  
     of the scenes will suprise you. this is the result of 2,5 months of work. this mod is 
     done by  adapting "sith-J-Cull"s Kashyyyk map (made in 2005 ) into singleplayer with
     reedit. I used all the parts of that map. And so the Force Unleashed's first Darth Vader
     level is adopted into Kotf. I am not planning on making other Force Unleashed levels. 
      First level's scenario is extended for a more gripping  and enjoyable gameplay. There
     are extra levels and missions. Game starts with the sliding text of the force unleashed.
     You control Darth Vader and your mission is to find and eleminate the Jedi hiding
     amongst the wookiees in Kashyyyk. But this is not as easy as it sounds. You need to
     think, move and control the force like Darth Vader would.
      Becouse the wookiee army is made of soldiers with excelent aim. they dont stand idle
     when they see you, they come close and shoot. they aren't target dummies like the 
     stormtroopers in jedi knight academy. Sometimes they even dodge the light saber. This
     makes the game all the more realistic and enjoyable. Also there are 3 new Camera angles.
     Play in different views and increase the fun. I recommend "Darklord" angle to make you 
     feel like Darth Vader Himself.
     Furthermore there are lots of suprises in the scenerio. You move according to the data
     coming from your radio and datapad. Press the "M" button to see your missions. You will
     hear Darth Vader's breathing just like in the original game. You can ride 3 vehicles 
     with Darth Vader. You Can Dog Fight with your Tie Fighter, You can ride your Swoop in
     the woods and last you can ride an AT-ST and command your troops. This mod's weapon
     effects are enchanted with "Ultimate Weapons mod". Especially check out the thermal 
     detonator's effect in the combat. But you need a good video card and a CPU or you might
     have to play with low FPS.
      Force Powers are even more enjoyable now. you can force grip and push wookiees into
     the sky or sea. You might notice the wookiee sounds and a wookiee falling down when
     you blow up a ship during a dogfight. i tried my best for the most realistic combat 
     possible. there are lasers coming from everywhere. Don't let your guard down, even a 
     moment of distraction might cost you your life. new soldiers fills their brothers' places
     and the map never gets empty. so when you play the whole map you never get alone.
      To make it harder and realistic, i removed the quicksave option. There are checkpoints
     after certain places and obstacles. you don't have to start all over after you die. 
     you just start from the last checkpoint. 
      I made the stormtrooper voices (English) with my friends. The accent's not perfect but
     the sounds coming from the radio and the game's own sounds do the job 🙂 futermore you
     will hear Vaders original lines. All the lines will also be subtitled in english
      Have fun and a happy new year.

      First of all dont let your guard down.Becouse the wookiee army is made of soldiers 
     with excelent aim. they dont stand idle when they see you, they come close and shoot.
     they aren't target dummies like the stormtroopers in jedi knight academy. Sometimes 
     they even dodge the light saber. This makes the game all the more realistic and enjoyable.
     Note: By choosing the "Realistic Lightsaber mod" you can deal more damage with your saber.
     When you are in combat you dont have the time to look at the health bar and especially
     while using "Force Grip" you leave yourself defenceless and a single lucky shot can
     get you killed. If you don't use "Force Heal" often and move around rapidly you die
     in a short time. Don't stand idle, deflect the laser with your lightsaber and don't 
     do useless moves. When you miss a Wookiee soldier there is a %70 chance that you will 
     be hit. If a wookie keeps dodging your saber, movearound him using combos.
     Note: To move faster hold "shift" button down.
     It's not an easy level. You need to bring your A game. You need to use both your saber
     and force powers cunningly. my advice to you would be to assign 2,3,4 buttons 
     above q,w,e for "force push", "force grip" and "force heal". This way you can easyly 
     heal yourself and lash the wookiees aroundwith your powers. when you "force push" a 
     wookiee right after a "force grip" before he falls down, you will see him fly for meters.

     Run tfusetup.exe

    Original map   : James Culley (Sith-J-Cull) 2005
    UltimateWeapons: Kahn D'halaine


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  13. Star Wars Communication Force

    "Star Wars Communication Force" is a mod for "Jedi Outcast" made by "Nazar Design Group" back in 2003 (before JA came out). This mod provides you to take control on Mark Pride - a Jedi Student in the Jedi Academy, who is sent on important mission: find out what new kind of weapon against New Republic was invented by Remnant forces. This mod includes 13 new maps, which connected by plot.
    This mod is on russian language. So, if you don't know that language and still want to play, I suggest you to read story here on "JKHub wiki" after you complete walkthrough: https://jkhub.org/wiki/index.php/Communication_Force#Story
    Just put "ComForce" directory in your "GameData" directory of JO and launch it from "Mod" menu in setup(menu will be on english, but gameplay - on russian).
    Delete "ComForce" directory from "GameData" directory of JO.
    While playing "ComForce" you can meet glitches that weren't in original release. This may happen because mod was released originally as separate game(Yes, "NDG" tried to take some profit from it, which isn't legal) and some original JO assets maybe were modyfied. For example the maps from JO were cut (I've compared unmodified and modified assets of JO, only files that wasn't used in this mod were cut, but there is probability that I forgot to check some of them). So, I just took archives that has new assets for this mod and put them in new directory. Thanks to that you can play this mod only using your copy of JO as it was meant to be sometime.
    You can ask me: "Why you have uploaded on JKHub not your mod, without permission and released it not standalone, as the original release was?" Well, some people tried to find this mod for years. I can't get permisiion because the "NDG" and their site are dead for years. And I released "ComForce" as normal mod because the standalone release was made only for one thing: to profit money from fans, without permission from "LucasArts.", which isn't legal as I said above.


       (5 reviews)



  14. Star Destroyer II Botroute

    Author: ZaP
    This modification adds botroutes to the Star Destroyer II map.
    Note: The Star Destroyer II map is required in order to use this file.


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  15. Alpha Jhen

    Author: RinkXing
    Alpha Jhen uses the ep1 obi wan model by Psyk0Sith, gives a Jedi-Samurai feel. Skin made for *< JO >*Alpha Jhen for the Jedi Order clan.
    New Sounds: Yes
    Bot Support: No
    Team Support: Yes


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  16. Anakin's Custom Jedi Starfighter

    Author: Zymotico

    This is the Anakin's Custom Jedi Starfighter seen in Clones Wars.


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  17. Bloodmine Shaft

    Uploaded by Ceres

    Title: Bloodmine shaft
    Author: wedge2211
    E-Mail: 06jps@williams.edu
    Webs: http://wso.williams.edu/~jshoer
    -- General Information --
    File Name: bloodmine.pk3
    File Size: 26.4 MB
    Date Released: 13 Feb 2005
    Imperial troops have established a mining base to extract volatile Blood Ore, a substance used in high-grade explosives. The mining operation is centered around a large vertically drilled shaft, which was expanded on as the Imperial need for Blood Ore increased. The mine stretches from subterrainean depths where drilling machines bore into the rock to the surface of the planet where cargo ships wait to carry the precious ore off-planet. The New Republic, seeking to cut off the Imperial supply of Blood Ore, has staged a massive assault on the mine complex...
    Gametypes: CTF, Team FFA, FFA
    -- Map Information --
    Brushes: 17,451 (I kid you not. And I even turned the caves into models)
    Entities: 1894
    Custom elements: New textures, shaders, and models
    Music from Unreal Tournament 2004
    'Majestic' textures courtesy of www.shaderlab.com
    Other textures courtesy of NRG or public domain sources
    A very tiny number of textures created/edited by me
    Build time: Since Jedi Outcast was in it's heyday. No, really. My first Bloodmine WIP thread dates from 18 December 2003.
    -- Notes --
    This has taken me far too long. You'd all better enjoy it.
    The map is asymmetric: the red and blue sides have the same basic "number of rooms" butt hey are connected in slightly different ways. Plus there's the inherent asymmetry of the vertical layout: you can jump down the shaft from the blue to red side, or climb up from red to blue. Of course, jumping down means you'll probably end up pretty close to dead... Weapons are also placed asymmetrically. I tried to give each side weapons that made sense for firing down or up the shaft (ie, the blue team can chuck detonators down the shaft but the red team can fire missiles up).
    Bot routing is slightly problematic due to the number of elevators--bots just don't like the 'f' flagged waypoints. Bots will behave mostly okay, but tend to get stuck in elevators, and so I think this map would be much better for large human-versus-human matches. Bots can navigate well enough, though, and if they get stuck on an elevator you can always blast 'em.
    Special thanks to the crew at www.Map-Review.com - check out the forums, we're friendly and helpful.
    Thanks to my beta testers: BabySpinach, Shadow_stone, Rashzagal, and Mergatroid
    Note on shaderlab textures ('Majestic'):
    All content copyright © 2000-2003 Randy Reddig.
    Usage and redistribution policy: Textures may be freely downloaded, modified, and used in free maps, mods or total conversions provided this copyright notice is left intact and a link to Shaderlab is provided in the credits or read-me file. Other non-commercial applications are considered on a case-by-case basis via e-mail. All other usage requires written permission.
    Bulk redistribution or archival of the textures in any medium, digital or otherwise (except mapping packages for mods) is prohibited.


       (11 reviews)



  18. Star Destroyer Hangar

    A community modification by the modder Jester-Spaz. A map he made in his spare time between classes, it was one of his first publications. Eventually he dropped out of Full Sail and went on to work at Raven Software where he works to this day.
    If you want something bad enough, it's never out of your reach.
    Original Readme:


       (3 reviews)



  19. Imperial Outpost Part 2

    Part 2 of the Imperial Outpost campaign by Postman86/Eike Legien.


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  20. OpenJO for Jedi Outcast

    OpenJO is the Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast version of OpenJK. All of the below is copied from the OpenJK page, but it all applies. Installation instructions should still apply to JK2, with different folder names for the games. This is for single player only. For multiplayer, please see JK2MV.
    OpenJK is an effort by the JACoders group to maintain and improve the game engines on which the Jedi Academy (JA) and Jedi Outcast (JO) games run on, while maintaining full backwards compatibility with the existing games. This project does not attempt to rebalance or otherwise modify core gameplay.
    Our aims are to:
    Improve the stability of the engine by fixing bugs and improving performance. Provide a clean base from which new JO and JA code modifications can be made. Make available this engine to more operating systems. To date, we have releases on Windows, Linux and macOS. If you need help, the JKHub sub-forum is a better place for support queries, discussions, and feature requests.
    OpenJK is licensed under GPLv2 as free software. You are free to use, modify and redistribute OpenJK following the terms in LICENSE.txt.
    Installation for Windows
    To install OpenJK, you will first need Jedi Academy installed. If you don't already own the game you can buy it from online stores such as Steam or GOG.
    Video instructions for installing OpenJK on Windows for Jedi Academy, by @Futuza:
    Installing and running OpenJK on Windows:
    Download OpenJK for Windows above. Extract or copy/paste the contents of the zip file into the Jedi Academy GameData/ folder. For Steam users, by default this will be in C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/GameData. Download and install Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 found here. You'll need the x86 version, unless it still gives an error, then try the x64 version as well. Run openjk.x86.exe. [Optional] Right click exe and go to "Send to" > Desktop (create shortcut) to put a shortcut on your desktop. If downloading from the builds page for the latest build, the Windows download looks like this:

    Installing OpenJK on Linux
    If you do not have a windows partition and need to download the game base.
    Download and Install SteamCMD SteamCMD . Set the download path using steamCMD, force_install_dir . Using SteamCMD Set the platform to windows to download any windows game on steam. @sSteamCmdForcePlatformType "windows" Using SteamCMD download the game, app_update 6020. Download OpenJK for Linux above. Extract the contents of the file into the Jedi Academy GameData/ folder. For Steam users, this will be in <Steam Folder>/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/GameData. If downloading from the builds page the Linux download looks like this (currently outdated, download from us above😞

    Installing OpenJK on macOS
    Follow this tutorial. Support for Intel & Apple Silicon (M1, M2 chips) via Universal 2.
    The Mac download looks like this (very outdated, download above or in the tutorial page):

    For Developers
    Building OpenJK
    Compilation guide Debugging guide Contributing to OpenJK
    Fork the project on GitHub Create a new branch and make your changes Send a pull request to upstream (JACoders/OpenJK) Using OpenJK as a base for a new mod
    Fork the project on GitHub Change the GAMEVERSION define in codemp/game/g_local.h from "OpenJK" to your project name If you make a nice change, please consider back-porting to upstream via pull request as described above. This is so everyone benefits without having to reinvent the wheel for every project. Maintainers (in alphabetical order)
    Ensiform Razish Xycaleth Significant contributors (in alphabetical order)
    eezstreet exidl ImperatorPrime mrwonko redsaurus Scooper Sil smcv


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  21. Android

    Original Author: Suibuku
    Description: I got the idea for this while watching I, Robot in a hotel room. I started the project the next day.


       (1 review)



  22. Sith Stalker Lightsaber

    AUTHOR: unleashed_dark_force
    As we all know Star Wars TFU and USE
    This is my own version of Starkiller's Lightsaber for SP
    I think that it will be better with a different emiter ending than the
    AshuraDX's version.


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  23. Riku

    Author: Tryforce
    What you might see is a Model wich is based on the Anime/Video Game Kingdom Hearts. His name is Riku. he a main Character in the Story. What I´ve done is the Ansem Version and the BLindfolded Version, you also get his souleater. (wich is verydetailles, im sorry)


       (2 reviews)



  24. Casa De Los Parias

    Author: Orbitius

    This has been an ongoing project for several months now, but sadly its not complete. I decided to release it as it is, unfinished, because im moving on do to bigger and better things. Q3 engine just can't satisfy me anymore. Anyway, some of the things that we were planning on doing with this map were a complete weapons replacement mod; ak47s, uzis, Rpgs, etc... Also, a complete replacement of items and pickups... Also, new vehicles such as the huey on the roof and speed boats... And i was planning on doing a "modified" siege gametype... All this would have been great but i felt it wasn't worth the effort for JA. Sorry... Another game, another time. It is in fact likely that we'll work on a mod like this for another game.. We're not sure what, probably UT04. For those who care, the real reason i'm moving on is that i'm just tired of getting ignored for my NON-Star wars themed stuff.


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  25. Watto

    Author: Hans Moleman

    A playermodel of the infamous Toydarian, Watto for Jedi Outcast who comes with team support, custom sounds, and bot support. This probably the best model of Watto out there and probably the only when you'll ever need. For Episode 1, anyway.

    Submitted by: Barricade24


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