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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. Hopefully, as extensive as the original source. The last thing I want is to get ahead of myself, but I have considered going as far as constructing a hangar around the vessel when it's finished. I've spent an hour or so this morning tinkering some more with the cockpit, trying to determine how much space I want, as well as taking a swing at the main controls. Let me know what you think! Looking at the floor in the bottom shot, I'm tempted to mirror the yellow lights so that they stop just where the controls end. I'll have to have a play and see how the results turn out.
  2. I've had some spare time recently and so I've made a start on the cockpit!
  3. In Jedi Academy, we call them Googles. Just sayin'.
  4. If you make an edit of any kind, it gets flagged for approval again because for all anyone knows, you've changed the link to the file or put in some nasty, horrible messages in your readme, etc. I re-approved the file this morning. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1527-nerevar39s-cam-mod-for-jk2-v102/
  5. As an avid role-player, I may swing by some time! ...I'm sorry but I also wanted to comment by saying, that's a very pretty website you've got there.
  6. I was going to comment that I had a similar mod, but it turns out that it's actually yours which you uploaded to JKFiles back in 2009.
  7. I've never actually played SW:TFU, I just want my hands on some new droid models. I still think this is an awesome model, I can think of plenty of uses for it. Looking forward to the release!
  8. MagSul


    I wouldn't pretend to be an expert on that question, but between Rancors, Wampas and things, I don't see why you couldn't have something that didn't conform to the regular skeleton. The mod sounds intruiging! I'll look forward to it. Welcome to JKHub.
  9. Ah, good point! I'll squeeze one into v2 if I can. EDIT: Done!
  10. 399 downloads

    Description: Once installed, this mod enables the following Base JA vehicles to come to a complete stop whilst in still in flight. X-Wing (/npc spawn vehicle x-wing) Tie Fighter (/npc spawn vehicle tie-fighter) Tie Bomber (/npc spawn vehicle tie-bomber) Tie Bomber 2 (/npc spawn vehicle tie-bomber2) Lambda Shuttle (/npc spawn vehicle lambdashuttle) Z-95 (/npc spawn vehicle z-95) Note that this .pk3 overwrites the originals, so no new commands are required to spawn them. If you choose to upload this .pk3 to your server, your clients shouldn't actually have to download this for themselves, having tested that. Placing this in your Base folder will not allow you to hover on a server that does not have the pk3 uploaded. If you'd like to use the vehicles for solo games, then you only need to place this in your Base folder!
  11. 219 downloads

    This mod contains two .pk3s that once installed, will change the appearance of your chat icon in Jedi Academy multiplayer to resemble the quest icons found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Place SWTOR_IconComplete or SWTOR_IconQuest.pk3 in the Base folder of your JA directory to install. You may only have one of these installed at any one time.
  12. https://jkhub.org/files/file/743-tobe39s-modified-ct-rifle-amp-pistols/
  13. ... I spent some time writing a thoughtful reply and then accidentally lost it. Typical. The less drawn out version is that I am not adverse to anyone doing what they wish to the portion of the map I submitted. I believe that the conflicts turned up simply because we were looking at the map from a different perspective to one another. I do actually agree with the points you've made, and can see why the low buildings in my case was a problem. So, I'm sorry about that. As for the streets ending abruptly either end, my thoughts at the time were that any of the mappers could conclude or continue a side as they saw fit. Linking to what was said before that, I get why the low architecture is an issue in that department. Again, sorry. I think the chief problem was that there wasn't a lot of discussion regarding what had been produced. I believe I could have shown more of what I was doing, and worked with the feedback that would have resulted. MUG showed off his work a lot more, however. Scale didn't become an issue until it was brought up by Pande when he received the map. I had already continued on by that point. His initial reaction wasn't exactly positive, which didn't really help matters. Overall, the feedback that both MUG and I received didn't exactly deter us away from what we were doing whilst we were working on it. In fact, it was actually encouraging. So the summary is, I'm sorry for my portion of the mistakes in regards to this project. I hope that you are able to see things from my perspective and why I think the problems occurred in the first place. My portion of the map is with you guys already, and I have absolutely no problem with any of you doing whatever you like with it. My closing suggestion would simply be that all of those involved in the project should gather at the conclusion of each person's contribution, just to get a feel for it and for that final bit of criticism.
  14. Personally, I reckon that it'd just be easier for those interested in the collaboration to simply start a new one. Give it some time to put together ideas and come up with a solid plan, then crack on with it. As others have said, it was the lack of prep and discussion that caused the conflict to begin with. I'm perfectly content getting on with my own little projects at the moment, so that rules me out. I'd be curious to see what the others put together, though.
  15. That was exactly it. Thanks, man!
  16. Hey folks! I'm having trouble finding a particular texture in Radiant. I am after the glass used in the screenshot below. Does anyone happen to know the name of the texture and the directory I can find it under? Thanks in advance!
  17. Seriously looking forward to it, keep us updated!
  18. I had some time during the past week to have another play around!
  19. That's not a bad idea.
  20. CrimsonStrife beat you to it. http://jkhub.org/topic/1938-lucasarts-no-more/?do=findComment&comment=22884
  21. Please tell me that this is an April Fool's joke that people've just been late finding out about.
  22. Couldn't resist...
  23. Was unable to replicate that one. Did it happen again when you closed the editor and came back?
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