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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. It's your perspective when you're playing them that makes them look off. Like you said, when you look at another player or NPC swinging a lightsaber about, there's no problem. Though not consistent with the films, I will say that I do prefer much more of a glow, somewhere around "/rpc_saberglowmultiplier 3". This is actually a fairly recent preference, I used to prefer reducing the radius of the blades in the .sab files to 0.5, like Virtue's when he included his hilt in The_Academy_V2. :blink:
  2. 590 downloads

    Description: This is a simplistic little mod that does nothing more than change the appearance of the cursor whilst playing Jedi Academy. Once installed in your Base folder, your cursor will change so that it resembles the design from the MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic.
  3. Hey there and welcome to JKHub! It's always good to see more people checking in. Don't worry if you don't have the time to polish up your old work, why not submit it anyway? Failing that, you could always share the things you've worked on here. I'm really curious to see what kind of things you have laying about!
  4. A new password has been set along with a username reminder. Any further problems, respond here.
  5. I've sent you seamless_pavement_1, I must've accidentally deleted it when I removed the unused road texture. The map was compiled with a hull around the street and subway. I presumed that you'd follow on from an existing structure, so I removed it so that you wouldn't have to tinker with it to fit what you would be working on inside, as it was reasonably close-fitting. I figured it'd be simpler for you to quickly insert a new one, or, if you were building in an entirely separate area, you'd build one for your own construction regardless. Sorry about the missing texture, I hold my hand up to that one.
  6. 1) Do you want your twi'lek to retain the colour customisation aspect? If not, just open the file in Paint and save it as a standard .jpg, this is how I usually remove the alpha (transparent) layers that you can't see in GIMP. Then open it up and draw out those tattoos. If you want to retain the colour customisation, you'll need someone who knows how to view that alpha layer for editing. That person is not me, sorry! EDIT: Found it! Google search To edit the Alpha channel with GIMP: Open the imageGo to the Colours menuGo to the Components menuSelect DecomposeSelect the second option: RGBA (Note: Not the same as RGB)When done editing, go to Colours/Components/Compose and again select the second option: RGBA (Note: Not the same as RGB) I learnt something new! 2) For a model to be in the species menu, you require individual .skin files for model parts - head_a1.skin torso_a1.skin lower_a1.skin, etc and a playerchoice.txt, for every .skin there needs to be a 128x128 icon (.jpg) of the same name with a icon_ prefix. E.g. icon_head_a1.jpg. That's how your twi'lek is currently set up. To get the twi'lek to appear outside of the species menu and into the regular character selection menu as well, you need to combine all of the text in the head, torso and lower .skins into one .skin file: model_default.skin, which in turn will need a 128x128 icon_default.jpg 3) Removing the icon will not cause your reskin to change model from Tavion to Kyle. If you shared a skin with no icon, you would still be able to see it in game, or access it with the "/model modelname" command. The only thing removing an icon will affect is whether or not you will see it in any menus. No icons = No appearance in any menu + only accessible via the command I just mentioned. Did you skin work before you tinkered with shaders?
  7. Activity is known to go up and down with people coming and going for short or long periods of time. The poll results are looking favorable right now, though.
  8. I like it! Although, if you still have the .psd, try playing around with the Bevel/Emboss settings of the JK logo layer, I think it'd look pretty cool with some extra depth.
  9. Brightness and contrast was tinkered with to allow you to see a bit more. But here's a shot of that street extension! Lights and things will be played around with, and the other side of the street incorporated before I'm finished. Will send finished version to Pande tonight.
  10. This is what I got started with on Tuesday. (I was unexpectedly very busy for the next few days, I have all of tonight and the weekend set aside to map, however.) I duplicated the top of @@MUG's stairs, rotated 'em and began adding the street above. Originally there was a far more modern road texture, but I decided to experiment with the lights to give it a more technological feel. I'm not too sure on it, myself. You can see the kind of architecture I'm aiming towards. It's what I picture when I walk around MUG's portion. This is the significantly run-down part of the city. I also just realised how incredibly dark this all looks out of game. :: Wastes time adding detail, doesn't make it visible :: EDIT:
  11. Oh god, the PRESSURE!
  12. @@exonimus, I should be alright with starting on Monday.
  13. Looks very interesting! Will have to swing by some time.
  14. That there is a pretty swish looking hilt upgrade, though.
  15. Thanks guys! Busy work life has held me up with regards to fine tuning the next part. But I'll get around to it as soon as I'm able!
  16. 40 downloads

    This mod contains two pk3s, either of which will replace the default chat icon in multiplayer Jedi Academy once installed. Their design is based on the quest icons found in the World of Warcraft MMORPG. You may only install one of these at any one time, so make sure that you only place one of them in your Base folder!
  17. Place a trigger for someone to shout it distantly as you walk through the area.
  18. MagSul


    Hey there, welcome to the Hub!
  19. MagSul


    Welcome to JKHub!
  20. From places like this, definitely maps!
  21. I'm in the same boat as yourself. I like replaying SP games as well, even Jedi Academy which does have a pretty bad story. To keep it interesting, I've developed my own mods, swapped characters around, changed dialogue and all sorts. At the end of the day, the gameplay's pretty good and that's what'll keep me playing.
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