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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. Exciting is hardly the word I would choose.
  2. At that speed will you be able to pull out in time?
  3. Not to worry, we are still flying half a ship.
  4. Here's a template for you to work with, as you are so eager: I removed a model from an existing pack for you. It's all set up under the name "tang_unala". So you can access it in game by typing into the console: /model tung_unala or you can simply select it with the place-holder icon I gave it in the character menu. You'll need Pakscape to open the .pk3 file once you've opened up the .zip you're about to download. Click me to download!
  5. Admit it, sometimes you think I'm all right.
  6. Good... Let the hate flow through you.
  7. You have failed me for the last time.
  8. Well bring 'em on! I'd prefer a straight fight to all this sneakin' around.
  9. The mighty Jabba hopes that you will die, honourably.
  10. Was just thinking that! We can help you get started. Just don't get ahead of yourself.
  11. Never a good idea! Rushing things typically yields bad results. If you've not got any modding experience what-so-ever, you can't expect to become a master in a matter of minutes. Besides, what's the rush? Is this twi'lek male or female, by the way?
  12. There're male twi'lek models in Jedi garbs, that won't be a problem if he wants to do that later. For now, though. Let him just grasp the simple process of creating a custom skin and putting it in game. We'll start small, and build him up!
  13. The secret is a good reference image and the clone tool using a soft-edged brush. The first beard was the blonde Jaden's. The second originally came from the "jedi" model. I could have created my own facial hair, but this was quicker and easier for producing what I was after. Obviously you couldn't do that every time because skin tones wouldn't match and so forth. But there're tools for that, too!
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