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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. Your character's head should be possible to translate into Jedi Academy, perhaps using HS Anakin's model as a base to skin on. However, if you're set on those robes, you'll require a new model entirely. There're no models where the belt sits outside of the outer robe like it does in your screenshot, which is a shame really. I quite like that style, too. On top of that, though, if you were to shorten the sleeves of the robes on most existing models in Jedi Academy (and I have tried this for similar reasons) you'll wind up with horrible clipping errors on your sleeves. Your Lightsaber, however, has a very simple design and I imagine that anyone with previous experience making hilts could meet that request if they were to feel up to it. @@Akimoto @@AshuraDX
  2. Caelum spent a very long time contacting authors of all the files he could find. As therfiles said, those who gave permission for their files to be hosted but didn't want to create an account for themselves had their files hosted by the JKHub account. (Which took many, many days of uploading by the then-staff!) Some authors have created accounts since and their files have been shifted to be in their name. But yeah, JKHub account = files with permission acquired by staff members but where authors do not have existing accounts on the website.
  3. Maaaaybe. Depends on your taste. Are you after anything in particular? (E.g. Jedi, Sith)
  4. MagSul

    Secluded Alcove


    Thanks for stopping by to check out my map! Intending to polish off the construction of an old project, I wound up creating some extra modifications resulting in this update! Firstly, we no longer have the blocks that rise and fall with Push and Pull. Instead we have a gaping pit in the centre of the arena, so watch your step! I've sacrificed the secret area in this release. It may return in the future, or something entirely new may appear in its former place if I come back to it. Who knows! The music has also undergone a change. Bastila Shan's theme is no more! It has been replaced by a track from the Base assets, better suited for a duelling atmosphere. This also greatly reduces the file size for a friendlier download! The map also includes bot support, so if desired you may enjoy offline multiplayer without bots jumping about left, right and centre! I've chosen to distribute this as a new file without overwriting the old one, just in case there are still those who prefer their duelling maps pit-less. The map can be accessed by entering the following command: "/devmap mp/duel_custom1" or, via the menus under the Duel and Power Duel categories if you're playing a solo game. Thanks for downloading. Don't forget to let me know what you think in the section below! If you experience any issues whilst using this map, please do not hesitate to drop me a message. I can't do anything about bugs if I don't know that they're there! Lastly, feel free to offer up any suggestions for the map if you have them. Enjoy!
  5. Thanks, I appreciate it! Also, I resigned some time ago.
  6. It's not bein' used in this version, but it's somethin' I'll replace. Added a bit more diversity amongst the chairs, actually. I didn't want the same one runnin' through 'nd through.
  7. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1667-light-corvette/ It's not finished! I'm just unsure as to when I'll be able to get around to completing it in full. So in the mean time, there it is! Any thoughts 'nd opinions would be greatly appreciated. Any bugs or what-not, let me know and I'll fix 'em asap!
  8. Version Beta v2


    Description: **EDIT** Version 2 is here! This was actually done shortly after the release of the original version, I just hadn't gotten around to releasing it! There will be a third installment, but I've no idea when I'll get around to that. For now, please enjoy! Thanks to Lannera for constructing most of the new content you see in V2! This map was originally inspired by the Defender-Class Light Corvette featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic. As construction has gone on however, things've deviated completely as I've pieced together my own design. I'd encourage you to take a look at the screenshots to get an idea for the feel of the place. Additional Comments: Thanks for coming to take a look at my map! I've had very little time on my hands, so I have no idea when I'll be able to construct the rest of the ship! I've closed off the incomplete areas, but they'll re-open in the next version! Lastly, I'd appreciate any thoughts and opinions over in this thread! Any issues or bugs, let me know and I'll do what I can!
  9. I'm liking it. Thanks muchly! I may or may not at a later date play with the texture and/or add a shader as well as adjust the dimensions a bit further in Radiant. Thanks again!
  10. models/map_objects/mag_starship/cockpit_chair.md3 ? If you are taking a swing at the actual seats from the screenshots Milamber posted, I'm very happy to wait for those as an alternative, as they're the original source I'm loosely basing everything else on.
  11. Actually, something along those lines would be superb!
  12. You're not the first to have brought up using the Base textures! Personally, I don't have any gripes with the bulk of them. But I know that there're far better ones out there and not everybody likes them. When I'm done, I'll likely start nit-picking and replace a fair portion of the textures, as well as fix the lighting, which is constantly changing at the moment whilst I work on it. I find it far easier to build and then find a texture rather than vice versa.
  13. If anyone happens to know of a decent chair model I could utilise in the cockpit, that'd be awesome!
  14. Just shifting this. *Whistles*
  15. MagSul


    Hello there, welcome to JKHub!
  16. Ask us nicely and we'll remove it for you. Or, if you try and make an edit to the file, it'll require re-approval by a staff to become public again. If you remove the link to the file and change the description to a deletion request, we'll delete it.
  17. Results are becoming more varied than I expected. O_o
  18. I'm actually anticipating that to be the most common choice.
  19. Hey there, welcome to JKHub!
  20. Voice actors... There's something I don't see a lot of. Welcome to JKHub!
  21. Why not share their IP, or tell us a little about them?
  22. *Gasp!* You mean back when the top 25 downloads were still at the TOP of the page?! And when the Poll feature actually WORKED? xD Ah, the good old days. Back when you could visit the site several times a day and there'd be new uploads every time.
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