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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. Now that, sir, is sweet! Though not suitable for any of my current projects, I'll definitely want to take advantage of this at some point in the future. TARDIS themed or not, this'd make a pretty useful prefab for download.
  2. Open the .skin in notepad and change the directories as desired. Make sure that these directories match those in your .sab file (and your .shader, if you have one). Once you've done that, make sure the name of the folder the .skin and .glm matches the directory you've just entered into your .sab and .skin file. E.g. models/weapons2/saber_example When you edit the .sab file, ensure that the very first line does not match the original file. In the example below, I'd have to change "dual_5" to something else, otherwise it'd just overwrite the original. single_9 { name @MENUS_SINGLE_HILT9 saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_9/saber_9.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberLength 40 saberColor random } Lastly, rename your .glm and .skin to "saber_w", and ensure that you've done the same in your .sab and .skin. E.g. On why this particular bits needs to be done, see this thread: http://jkhub.org/topic/1654-shader-on-a-reskinned-hilt/ single_example { name @MENUS_SINGLE_HILT9 saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_example/saber_w.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberLength 40 saberColor random } And I think that's all of it. :blink:
  3. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1509-uncompilable-coruscant-map/ Do we still need this, then?
  4. I gave it a go on the first flight of stairs. What're people's thoughts? :blink:
  5. Can't argue with that. My answer would be the latter. I'll probably get around to it when I'm done playing in Radiant.
  6. Those last two hadn't occurred to me. I always stick to standard lightsabers. Now that you mention it, those two could definitely do with an overwrite!
  7. I definitely think that's an improvement on the jet-pack, but now that I've seen the comparison I think the shoulder pad may have been better off the way it was.
  8. I could see that making a good dueling spot! It seems about the right kind of size for a small scale bout.
  9. There are only minor references to "bryar" in MENUS.str, I included it only to add that extra thorough layer in overwriting the name. To the best of my knowledge, the only other mention of BRYAR_PISTOL specifically, is assets1.pk3 -> ext_data -> weapons.dat (open in Notepad) In there, you'll find: It occurs to me now that this may have been what you were after in the first place. My bad.
  10. Open assets0.pk3 -> strings -> English -> MENUS.str in notepad. Ctrl+F, enter "bryar" into the search criteria and alter each entry as necessary. Do the same again in "spingame.str", found in the same folder. Do the same again in "mp_ingame.str", found in the same folder. Hope that helps.
  11. (@@MoonDog) Here you go, sir! I shifted the selection so that you can see it better. Non-shifted version: (Centre circle selected) Full version: I started out by creating a cylinder, then lowered the grid size and simply cropped it a bit at a time to match it until I had a quarter of it done. After that, I decided just to duplicate it three times and flip/rotate it as necessary to complete the shape, deleting the cylinder afterward. This process was done twice to create the outer circle, and a second time for the larger one which fits in the centre of the whole thing. Each one was duplicated and stretched as necessary to get what I was after, with a quick brush slapped behind the smaller circles to close the gaps between those and the larger circles.
  12. Speaking as someone who doesn't even use a double-bladed lightsaber, I actually prefer them with a length of 40 or so. I made some changes to an NPC wielding one but I was overruled and it was soon changed back to 32.
  13. Thanks for the feedback, folks! I really appreciate it. (@@OmegaSigma) There's a distinct lack of them, I've always felt. The same can be said for space stations, I think. As a role-player, it's a huge advantage to have something like this which you can modify as and when you need to. I've toyed with the idea of doing a wrecked/drifting through space version when I'm through with the initial build. We'll debate on that one when we're finished, as that's a little premature for now. I've had a few other ideas for this as well, but I'll try and avoid getting ahead of myself by making promises I can't possibly hope to keep. Meanwhile, I've had a quick tinker. I'm extremely unused to doing circular doors. It was easier when putting together the Hobbit hole map, because the textures worked well with curves. This time around, it's manual clipping. Here's the result: ::Insert Obama meme::
  14. I wouldn't mind volunteering for that. Another one popped into my head just recently, too. I'm not an overall fan of the walking animation. To me, it looks a little stiff and unnatural. I'm finding it difficult putting it into words on how to improve upon it, but a tinker with that would be great to see.
  15. saber.menu is the correct file that determines whether sabers appear in the SP menu selection. Tap Control+F whilst having it open in Notepad, type "single_2", and it should take you to here: In MENUS.str (Strings -> English), you also need REFERENCE YOURSABERNAMEHERE NOTES "saber hilt name" LANG_ENGLISH "THE NAME OF YOUR SABER" Hope that helps. EDIT: So if you wanted to add say, Luke's saber to the menu, you'd have to add @MENUS_SINGLE_LUKE "single_luke" to the list in the spoiler, and then copy the second example in the MENUs.str file. Hope that's cleared it up. If it's still not making sense, there's always this fella's tutorial on the matter: Click me.
  16. What I'd really like to see is a much better climbing animation. When you pull yourself up from a ledge grab at the moment, you do some sort of weird forward roll onto the ledge. Something more realistic would be pretty awesome.
  17. I've always wondered if this was possible. For some reason or another, I never got around to experimenting to find out. I'm inclined to think that it won't be possible. But then again, how do people manage to bind weapons and things in Modview, then?
  18. Hey there, everyone! So I've been tinkering around in GTKRadiant during a few spare hours over the last day or two and as a result I've gotten myself started on a new project! I figured, why not share how it's coming along? This is a map set aboard a starship, something which I've always wanted to have a swing at. The initial inspiration was derived from the Jedi Defender (the Jedi Knight's vessel) in the Old Republic. As development comes along, a lot is going to change that'll separate it from that origin. Before you take a look at the screenshots, take into account that obviously this is a steady work-in-progress, and don't mind how places are lit for the time being. Remember that not a great deal of time has been put forth into this quite yet. I'm really enjoying working on this so far and with a lot more free time this week, here's hoping I'm able to buckle down and get this out there! In it's current state, there's not a great deal to share, but here's what I've been able to put together so far:
  19. Learn how to model, then explain it to the rest of us who still can't do it.
  20. Steer clear of making the orange on the jetpack any brighter, the same on the shoulder pads. I still think that the latter in particular may benefit from a little desaturation.
  21. I think you could do better on Helmless Commander Trackshot. That teal stripe at the bottom of his hair just doesn't look right to me. Looking across them all I'm thinking, could the markings on their faces possibly be different colours to their armour?
  22. Looking at those last pictures I'd suggest lowering the saturation a bit just to take some of the vibrancy out of the colours, particularly on the shoulder pads. Looks good, though!
  23. It's not a bad thing! I'm just saying I never would've thought to do that, it still looks interesting.
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