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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. The reason why people continue arguing is because of sense of pride. It would damage their ego if they were proven wrong, and look bad in front of everyone. So, even though they know it's pointless, they continue arguing anyway. Sometimes, I do it too...heheh...do it...
  2. @@ensiform I've had this blackscreen problem since I've been running JKA on this computer: http://jkhub.org/topic/1009-jedi-academy-black-screen/?hl=%2Bblack+%2Bscreen Somehow SOMEHOW, I don't even know how, I got jka working with only the jamp and jasp.exe files. But with the new openjk.x86.exe file, the problem once again occurs. I doubt it has anything to do with OpenJK. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying.
  3. I prefer somewhat older nintendo games anyway. I can't stand it how so many people said the gamecube (aka the purple lunchbox) was terrible...ARE YOU FRIGGEN KIDDING ME!?!?!? -Super Mario Sunshine -Super Smash Bros Melee -Mario Kart Double Dash -Zelda Wind Waker & Twilight Princess -Paper Mario -Metroid Prime 1 & 2... -And more I'm not bothering to list...(yes, I know all of those games are Nintendo, but w/e) At least Nintendo hasn't lost all its creativity yet...besides, as computers continue to get more powerful, I will be easily able to emulate all of these soon to be classic games, and enjoy playing them at 1080p (or higher) xD...of course, big brother may will probably take over the PC world sooner or later. It's already happening ....and we all know what that means...
  4. @@Szico VII Oh I see the problem, I changed the "www" in the link to "dl" which caused the problem. It's fixed now.
  5. ...and I got the blackscreen. Figures. Ah well.
  6. Oh dear, it's openJK...I might get a blackscreen again...well I'll try running it anyway.
  7. So if I just upload to my own dropbox and post the link, it will upload here?
  8. Nah it's good. As long as that mediafire link stays up, no need. But if it goes down, I certainly will. And mainly because I wanted JKHub to have it, not post it to an unreliable link xD.
  9. Maybe I will @@Circa...but JKHub won't let me upload anything beyond 50MB, so there's no point.
  10. @@Ory'Hara'Hara @@Circa Speaking of which...1.3 should be uploaded to JKHub...
  11. @@Ory'Hara'Hara Hold on let me go find it... EDIT: Ah, here we are. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=203716 The download links are in the 4th post. It comes in two parts, so you have to extract them to the same location. Enjoy.
  12. They likely are...I doubt 102 jka players would be on one server lol.
  13. Wish I could help, but I know nothing about mapping, and the forums unfortunately haven't been very active lately...wish I could help...here, try mentioning someone in this post, like @@eezstreet, or @@Darth Futuza. They might come help.
  14. The xbox-one...it's always watching...
  15. Ah, addsaberstyle...never knew about that, thanks xD.
  16. Reminds me of the bug that constantly happens in SP. Whenever you change your saber to a different hilt or duals/staff, if you switch to red style then to blue, you can't change back to yellow... .
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