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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Onysfx

    Hello All!

    @@Flynn And do you crave unlimited powah? Because if you do, you're going to have to kill me to get it...and if you don't, you're a Jedi and an enemy to the republic!
  2. Nice! Now you just need to add a nice plastic shader on there...
  3. Got some more work on my present, it's even more hilarious now xD.

  4. Onysfx

    This Christmas

    Ah ok. Thanks. My present may not be the greatest, but it will get a few laughs xD.
  5. Onysfx

    This Christmas

    @@therfiles Does the present need to include a readme like with a normal submission, or are the rules a little looser here?
  6. Onysfx

    This Christmas

    I think everyone already knows what will be coming from me unfortunately...UNLIMITE I'm looking forward to this!
  7. Ah, good ol blueice twilight...

    1. CaptainChar


      its that time again


  9. Gooooood!!!! Nice! @@eezstreet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvTa1vxmY3M#t=1m1s
  10. @@Kualan Just read it, well done . It was so good, it seemed as if I was reading canon!
  11. The jedi have already taken ovah this thread...
  12. @@ChalklYne Your model is looking great! But... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvnwLLXHabg#t=0m58s
  13. I think the jedi have taken ovah this conversation... And nice website hidden, glad to see it finished! (almost anyway)
  14. It's 12:47 AM...I, I, I, I-can't, hold on any longah...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      Pshh. For me, that means I have 2 or 3 more hours left until I have to sleep.

    3. ChalklYne
    4. eezstreet
  15. Only if they make force lightning last longer.
  16. Nice nice. That does look pretty hard to control though. I wouldn't imagine playing JKO on jedi master xD.
  17. I would recommend nvidia as well...I've always had openGL problems with radeon as long as I can remember....
  18. @@Akimoto I recommend this card, it's the one I currently have. http://www.notebookcheck.net/ATI-Radeon-Xpress-X1200.3775.0.html heheh
  19. @@Spirtikus I like your name by the way.
  20. Darnit, when am I going to get around to playing FFVI...

  21. There is a reason we're having this issue. And he's a very probable theory:
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