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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Indeed. @@Sentra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvnwLLXHabg&t=0m58s
  2. I should submit an MBII picture of palpatine for JKHub's picture...

    1. Merek


      why not? i am getting sick of that trandoshian image.

    2. Onysfx


      better idea. I'm gonna build something with makermod, and post a picture of it on here.

    3. Bacon


      Oh thank god Im not only one to figure MM is best used for Pictures :D. How often do we changes featured pictures? or just randomly change when want too.

  3. What I meant is, people looking for alternatives who had never heard of JKHub .
  4. Aliases: Toast & Scooper (not the same person, but I felt I should mention them both here) Area of skills: Coding Brief list of accomplishments: Makermod Examples of contributions: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kejf18rj3k13rnw/shot0016.jpg (made using makermod, with some friends on venoms) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPBKVoRUIS0 (makermod trailer) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-ihC3zJqrs (solid placed entities at 45 degree angles) Comments: For coding a mod that brought out player creativity in JKA, where people could build whatever they wanted anywhere on the map, bringing a whole new level of freedom and creativity to any server that ran the mod. Makermod wasn't a well known mod, and still is overshadowed by Lugor. But building was far easier, and you didn't need to be an admin to build, nor were you a slave of the quest and credit system. Toast originally wrote the mod, and Scooper has taken over the coding of it. For me, the golden age of makermod was when Venoms and Joes servers were around. But now that they are gone, Makermod has nearly died out. However, it shall not be forgotten, and deserved a mention here.
  5. So now that the deadline for sending in gifts has been met...when do we get to open them? xD.

  6. But honestly, who is going to search that? XD.
  7. AAANLLLIIIIMMMIIIITTTEEEDDDDDDD......POOOOWWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................aaah....

    1. spior



  8. ROFL! Read the article, hilarious and so true .
  9. Is the macbook air part of the menu, or just there to show off what it would look like on a laptop?
  10. Oh, SJC, make sure if you make the falcon in space, you add some kind of planet or deathstar space station. There will no doubt be RPers that will swarm over that map .
  11. With all the model remakes happening (Starkiller, Darth Maul, Darth Vader)...wheres chancellor palpatine?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lamented


      Palpatine is perfect...

    3. Circa


      Mars' Vader was not fine. AM is using Toshi's which was pretty spot on. All of Toshi's work is pretty spot on.

    4. Lamented


      Except for Anakin's hair. T.T Was almost perfect

  12. Mercenary! Yes! Those SP levels were high quality indeed!
  13. Jedis home II. The most overplayed RP map ever. I agree, he should be on this list.
  14. You read my mind Deviance. Agreed, very interesting...
  15. JKA spaceships are always hard to control, I find myself crashing way too often xD.
  16. And everyone keeps saying battlefront 3 was cancelled...I keep telling them DICE is working on it, BUT THEY WON'T LISTEN!
  17. Is the website having problems? I've been unable to post anything, when I click the post button, a new tab opens up asking me to "download the avira phone app"....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      Sounds like a browser issue.

    3. Merek


      Nope. Circa probably had something to do with it...

    4. Onysfx



  18. The last of the jedi have been hunted down, and defeated! The downloads are once again operational!
  19. Onysfx

    This Christmas

    Oh, nevermind, I submitted it on the 15th .
  20. How many people have submitted their presents to the white elephant? Just submitted mine.

  21. The jedi have momentary taken ovah the site. We'll have their order wiped out by the 16th. Sorry bout that.
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